Remote desktop rd webclient websocet closed - webclient

How can I make a remote desktop work on an external IP without an Azure app proxy?
I tried from the same server, the applications work and everything is fine, but when I try from an external IP, it does not work and gives me a web socket field in the console


QlikSense connection to localhost application using REST

Trying to establish a data connection using REST from QlikCloud account to a locally running application. I get an errror:
Connection to local resources is not allowed
The application running on my laptop is having a REST API enabled.
I was not able to use QlikSense Desktop so I had to login through the browser to QlikCloud.
I also tried giving the ipaddress of my laptop instead of localhost. It still throws as error:
Connection to http://<ip_address>:1000/v1/documents?uri=/csv/myFile.csv is not allowed
Should I be running my application only on a server? Any help is appreciated.
The data connections are "executed" in the context of the Qlik Engine. Which means that when specifying localhost the connection will try and load the data from the machine where the Engine is running. In Qlik Cloud case - this will be some machine in Qlik's cloud.
You can:
use QS Desktop (you've mentioned that this is not working for you)
host your service somewhere on the interned where the Engine can reach it
use some service (like ngrok) that can tunnel the local server to a public url which then access from Qlik

How to expose a Flask local development(default) server to the public on windows server

I have a flask app running on a remote WINDOWS server (this server has a fixed ip address) which is not on my local network. The flask app is used to return some json data. The app works fine when I try to access the data while being logged into the remote server through request module in Python. However, when I try to run the same script on my personal laptop (which is not on the same network as the remote windows server), I get an error. However, when I try to ping the remote server from windows command prompt, I get the answer back. Can somebody tell in which direction should I go? I have no experience with web / api development.
response = requests.get("
But instead of the local ip address, if I substitute the remote ip address, I don't get anything back.
Ok, so the problem lied with the remote firewall, it was blocking incoming connections. The moment I switched off the firewall, everything started working.

How to fix too slow browsing problem to Ubuntu Webserver from Windows Domain Controller Environment?

I had a Web Server, which is configured with Ubuntu. Some web applications are hosted there and Clients from windows user browse/use those applications through the network. Application accessibility was smoother and faster and also was running without any interruptions.
But all the issues start when I configure the Windows Server and put all the users under a DOMAIN CONTROLLER. Now all the applications accessibility become too slow. Sometimes some pages are not loading at all.
I am mentioning all the IP configurations bellow-
Network Default Gateway:
Web Server-
Windows Server (Domain Controller)-
Using this Windows Server IP as DNS IP for all Client PC and also for the Web server.
Clients IP range: to
Please See the Graphical view of my Configuration from the link below:
It was a DNS issue. I restored the Previous DNS settings in all clients and server then everything goes to normal condition.

Fiddler for website running on remote machine

I need to monitor a http request and response for web site running on remote web server. The web server makes lot of web service call and would like to trace them.
If the web site was running locally, Fiddler traces every web service call request and provides me with a report. Could someone please help me with how the same is possible
If the web application is running locally and calls two web services fiddler shows the total time on statistics. However, if the web application is running on web server hosted on different web server hosted internally (intranet) and I ran fiddler on my machine, I don't get the statistics for each web service call. All I can see is the total time for the aspx page.*
So question is how (if possible) can I trace the statistics of each web services invoked by web application that's running on different machine and fiddler is running on my machine.
You could always use WireShark to catch all the packets, if you are on the same network as the server, that is.
Say you're running a website on port 80 of a machine named WEBSERVER. You're connecting to the website using Internet Explorer Mobile Edition on a Windows SmartPhone device for which you cannot configure the web proxy. You want to capture the traffic from the phone and the server's response.
0.)Start Fiddler on the WEBSERVER machine, running on the default port of 8888.
1.)Click Tools | Fiddler Options, and ensure the "Allow remote clients to connect" checkbox is checked. Restart if needed.
2.)Choose Rules | Customize Rules.
3.)Inside the OnBeforeRequest handler, add a new line of code:
if ( == "webserver:8888") = "webserver:80";
5.) navigate to http://webserver:8888
Requests from the SmartPhone will appear in Fiddler. The requests are forwarded from port 8888 to port 80 where the webserver is running. The responses are sent back through Fiddler to the SmartPhone, which has no idea that the content originally came from port 80.
You can setup Fiddler in your machine and set it as a proxy in the web application you want trace. Easy inside a network, not so easy accross the interwebs.

Client times out when launching XenApp6 app from internet

Using XenApp6 on Windows 2008 R2 I have the windows Calculator as a test app. Apps are set to run on the server, and are not streamed to the client. When running Calculator from inside the network it runs as expected.
However, when accessing the app from an external web browser or Citrix Receiver, the client always times out and the Calculator app is not launched. I see incoming traffic on port 1494 (which is open) but there is no response from XenApp.
For both internal and external, I log in as Administrator and can see the citrix management console showing my test Calculator app.
Any ideas why it's timing out and not launching from the internet?
If the Citrix server's internal IP is being NATted to an external IP you may need to set an alternate address using altaddr on the Citrix server. Try this: Download the ICA file that the Citrix server passes when you launch a published app from a web browser, open it in a text editor, and see what FQDN or IP it is trying to connect to.