QlikSense connection to localhost application using REST - qliksense

Trying to establish a data connection using REST from QlikCloud account to a locally running application. I get an errror:
Connection to local resources is not allowed
The application running on my laptop is having a REST API enabled.
I was not able to use QlikSense Desktop so I had to login through the browser to QlikCloud.
I also tried giving the ipaddress of my laptop instead of localhost. It still throws as error:
Connection to http://<ip_address>:1000/v1/documents?uri=/csv/myFile.csv is not allowed
Should I be running my application only on a server? Any help is appreciated.

The data connections are "executed" in the context of the Qlik Engine. Which means that when specifying localhost the connection will try and load the data from the machine where the Engine is running. In Qlik Cloud case - this will be some machine in Qlik's cloud.
You can:
use QS Desktop (you've mentioned that this is not working for you)
host your service somewhere on the interned where the Engine can reach it
use some service (like ngrok) that can tunnel the local server to a public url which then access from Qlik


Azure data factory connecting to MongoDB via linked service connection timeout

I am trying to create a linked service in ADF to connect to a MongoDB and I am getting 30 second server timeouts.
I have the connection string and I can connect using Compass - my computer IP address is whitelisted - but I cannot connect through Azure linked service using their MongoDB connector with this connection string.
The Azure IP address ranges for my region have been added to the whitelist as well using the latest set published by Microsoft. I am using an azurehostedingegrationruntime that is in the same Region the MongoDB is hosted in.
Problem is the MongoDB is hosted by a software house and I am not convinced they know what they are doing. SSL is NOT enabled on the MongoDB and they are using the community edition v1.34.1, database is small < 0.75Gb. The MongoDB instance is installed on a Linux box - I was looking at a selfhostedintegrationruntime but that requires a gateway installing on the server that in turn needs the use of a windows server.
If anybody has any experience of connecting to a MongoDB through Azure data factory your help would be appreciated. The only option from the Azure end is the connection string and I know that is correct as I can connect using Compass with it, but it times out when trying to connect using Azure linked service so looks like it cannot see the MongoDB.
Connects ok with the given connection using Compass, just not using Azure even though the Azure IP addresses have been whitelisted.
Solved by the software house, so they do actually know what they are doing.
Don't need to use SelfHostedIntegrateionRuntime, the AzureHostedIntegrationRuntime works just fine. Also no need to whitelist the Azure IPs - these are subject to revision anyway.
", but on the instance firewall, I have the option to allow the exact service and this should cover any future ip changes. For now, I have allowed access only for the "
Hope this makes sense.

Cannot connect to mongodb after app deploys on google app engine

I'm using Bitnami mongodb instance deployed on Google Compute Engine.
I can connect to that mongodb instance through MongoDB clients from my personal computer using the External IP of MongoDB instance.
My app is an Angular2 app with Node.js backend. Following is the connection string format used in server.js
mongoose.connect('mongodb://<username>:<password>#<External IP>:27017/<dbname>');
When I host my app on localhost it can connect to mongodb instance on the cloud and access data without issues.
But, when the app is deployed on google app engine the app no longer connects to the mongodb.
Following is the error.
MongoError: failed to connect to server [<External IP>:27017] on first connect
Can somebody suggest what is the root cause.
App Engine instances are part of the same private internal network as Compute Engine instances. Your App Engine application can communicate with services hosted on Compute Engine within the same project without going through the public internet. In many cases, your application connects to the service using the instance's internal IP address without needing to assign the database an external, public IP address. If desired, you can assign a public IP address to allow the database to be accessed from outside of Google Cloud Platform.
Also, App Engine applications can connect to databases via public Ip if the database server and firewall are configured properly to accept connections. Your App Engine application connects to the database using the service's public IP address.
By default, mongodb daemon is listening on TCP port 27017. Therefore, you will need to add a firewall rule on Compute Engine firewall for this port and protocol. This can be done using Google Cloud console or using gcloud command tool:
gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-mongodb --allow tcp:27017

Unable to access Google Cloud SQL (old) console

As of today, I can no longer access the Google Cloud SQL web console. For as long as we've been using Google Cloud SQL (about a year now) we've always been able to open the old google API console to get to the SQL prompt, but today the "noredirect" link stopped working and it always redirects to the new Google developers console which has no way to run SQL against the database. The URL we are using is like this:
Any ideas why this stopped working, and any alternatives for an SQL web interface? I would prefer to not have to setup a static IP and connect from a MySQL client.
This service has been turned down. There are several alternatives:
1) You can use the new "gcloud beta sql connect" command that is included in the Cloud SDK. Unless you machine supports IPv6 (unlikely) you will need to enable a IPv4 address for your instance.
2) You can connect using the normal mysql client. Again, unless you machine support IPv6 (unlikely) you will need to enable a IPv4 address for your instance. You will also need to authorize your IP address.
3) You can deploy PHPMyAdmin on Google App Engine which will provide you with a web console.

Google Cloud SQL VM refusing connection

I have been stuck trying to figure out why my Cloud SQL VM is refusing my connection from my machine (whom ip address I have added as a subnet). I cann SSH into the VM but i cannot access the VM from a browser to make SQLs. I have scoured the internet for days trying to find a fix but i cannot seem to get pass this point. My apache listens to port 80. Also Id like to add that I have been connecting to my Mysql db for months through php and making sqls so I do not believe the problem is with apache. However if it is please point me to where i should be looking.
It sounds like you have MySQL running on a GCE VM, not an actual CloudSQL instance (that is a different service from GCE). Is that right?
If so, then if you are trying to connect from your local machine directly to the mysql instance, you are probably getting blocked by the firewall. Go to the networks tab (under Compute Engine) on the cloud console and see what firewall rules you have enabled. You might need to add one for 3306 or whatever port you are using.

Can a web site running on Windows Azure connect to a socket hosted outside the Azure cloud?

I am curious if it is possible (as well as how) to connect FROM a website hosted by/in Windows Azure TO an outside server (IP and port) using a TCP socket. I have no ability to change the outside infrastructure, but could change the way I access it - for example, maybe rewriting the request to connect using socket.io or something else (which may or may not solve the problem). But since I already have it working outside of Azure, it would be nice if it was simply a configuration to enable my web site to call to this outside system, which only exposes its functionality through a socket connection. Thanks!