if we change the schema of a table in postgress will the sequence gets auto created? - postgresql

Say we have a schema named : "test", a table in it as below:
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('test.details_id_seq'::regclass),
username character varying(50) COLLATE pg_catalog."default" NOT NULL
as we could see id column is a Sequence which is already been created in this schema.
now if we create a new schema named "check" and altered details table schema as
create schema check
alter table test.details set schema check
will the sequence be auto created in check schema?

The sequence is an independent database object. If you change the schema of the table, the sequence will remain in the old schema, and the table will continue to use it. You can use ALTER SEQUENCE to change the sequence's schema as well, and the default value will continue to work (PostgreSQL stores the parsed default expression rather than the text).
All that becomes easier if you use identity columns to generate keys: there, you don't have to take care of the sequence. It is created automatically and changes schema with the table.


Remove "identity flag" from a column in PostgreSQL

I have some tables in PostgreSQL 12.9 that were declared as something like
-- This table is written in old style
create table old_style_table_1 (
id bigserial not null primary key,
-- This table uses new feature
create table new_style_table_2 (
id bigint generated by default as identity,
Second table seems to be declared using the identity flag introduced in 10th version.
Time went by, and we have partitioned the old tables, while keeping the original sequences:
CREATE TABLE partitioned_old_style_table_1 (LIKE old_style_table_1 INCLUDING DEFAULTS) PARTITION BY HASH (user_id);
CREATE TABLE partitioned_new_style_table_2 (LIKE new_style_table_2 INCLUDING DEFAULTS) PARTITION BY HASH (user_id);
DDL for their id columns seems to be id bigint default nextval('old_style_table_1_id_seq') not null and id bigint default nextval('new_style_table_2_id_seq') not null.
Everything has worked fine so far. Partitioned tables proved to be a great boon and we decided to retire the old tables by dropping them.
DROP TABLE old_style_table_1, new_style_table_2;
-- [2BP01] ERROR: cannot drop desired object(s) because other objects depend on them
-- Detail: default value for column id of table old_style_table_1 depends on sequence old_style_table_1_id_seq
-- default value for column id of table new_style_table_2 depends on sequence new_style_table_2_id_seq
After some pondering I've found out that sequences may have owners in postgres, so I opted to change them:
ALTER SEQUENCE old_style_table_1_id_seq OWNED BY partitioned_old_style_table_1.id;
DROP TABLE old_style_table_1;
-- Worked out flawlessly
ALTER SEQUENCE new_style_table_2_id_seq OWNED BY partitioned_new_style_table_2.id;
ALTER SEQUENCE new_style_table_2_id_seq OWNED BY NONE;
-- Here's the culprit of the question:
-- [0A000] ERROR: cannot change ownership of identity sequence
So, apparently the fact that this column has pg_attribute.attidentity set to 'd' forbids me from:
• changing the default value of the column:
-- [42601] ERROR: column "id" of relation "new_style_table_2" is an identity column
• dropping the default value:
-- [42601] ERROR: column "id" of relation "new_style_table_2" is an identity column
• dropping the identity, column or the table altogether (new tables already depend on the sequence):
-- or
ALTER TABLE new_style_table_2 DROP COLUMN id;
-- or
DROP TABLE new_style_table_2;
-- result in
-- [2BP01] ERROR: cannot drop desired object(s) because other objects depend on them
-- default value for column id of table partitioned_new_style_table_2 depends on sequence new_style_table_2_id_seq
I've looked up the documentation, it provides the way to SET IDENTITY or ADD IDENTITY, but no way to remove it or to change to a throwaway sequence without attempting to drop the existing one.
➥ So, how am I able to remove an identity flag from the column-sequence pair so it won't affect other tables that use this sequence?
UPD: Tried running UPDATE pg_attribute SET attidentity='' WHERE attrelid=16816; on localhost, still receive [2BP01] and [0A000]. :/
Though I managed to execute the DROP DEFAULT value bit, but it seems like a dead end.
I don't think there is a safe and supported way to do that (without catalog modifications). Fortunately, there is nothing special about sequences that would make dropping them a problem. So take a short down time and:
remove the default value that uses the identity sequence
record the current value of the sequence
drop the table
create a new sequence with an appropriate START value
use the new sequence to set new default values
If you want an identity column, you should define it on the partitioned table, not on one of the partitions.

Postgres: difference between DEFAULT in CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE in database dump

In database dump created with pg_dump, some tables have DEFAULTs in the CREATE TABLE statement, i.e.:
f1 integer DEFAULT nextval('test_f1_seq'::regclass) NOT NULL
But others have an additional ALTER statement:
ALTER TABLE ONLY test2 ALTER COLUMN f1 SET DEFAULT nextval('test2_f1_seq'::regclass);
What is the reason of this? All sequential fields were created with type SERIAL, but in the dump they look different, and I can't guess any rule for this.
The difference must be that in the first case, the sequence is “owned” by the table column.
You can specify this dependency using the OWNED BY clause when you create a sequence. A sequence that is owned by a column will automatically be dropped when the column is.
If a sequence is implicitly created by using serial, it will be owned by the column.

POSTGRESQL:autoincrement for varchar type field

I'm switching from MongoDB to PostgreSQL and was wondering how I can implement the same concept as used in MongoDB for uniquely identifying each raws by MongoId.
After migration, the already existing unique fields in our database is saved as character type. I am looking for minimum source code changes.
So if any way exist in postgresql for generating auto increment unique Id for each inserting into table.
The closest thing to MongoDB's ObjectId in PostgreSQL is the uuid type. Note that ObjectId has only 12 bytes, while UUIDs have 128 bits (16 bytes).
You can convert your existsing IDs by appending (or prepending) f.ex. '00000000' to them.
alter table some_table
alter id_column
type uuid
using (id_column || '00000000')::uuid;
Although it would be the best if you can do this while migrating the schema + data. If you can't do it during the migration, you need to update you IDs (while they are still varchars: this way the referenced columns will propagate the change), drop foreign keys, do the alter type and then re-apply foreign keys.
You can generate various UUIDs (for default values of the column) with the uuid-ossp module.
create extension "uuid-ossp";
alter table some_table
alter id_column
set default uuid_generate_v4();
Use a sequence as a default for the column:
create sequence some_id_sequence
start with 100000
owned by some_table.id_column;
The start with should be bigger then your current maximum number.
Then use that sequence as a default for your column:
alter table some_table
alter id_column set default nextval('some_id_sequence')::text;
The better solution would be to change the column to an integer column. Storing numbers in a text (or varchar) column is a really bad idea.

How to correctly associate an id generator sequence with a table

I'm using Grails 3.0.7 and Postgres 9.2. I'm very new to Postgres, so this may be a dumb question. How do I correctly associate an id generator sequence with a table? I read somewhere that if you create a table with an id column that has a serial datatype, then it will automatically create a sequence for that table.
However, the column seems to be created with a type of bigint. How do I get Grails to create the column with a bigserial datatype, and will this even solve my problem? What if I want one sequence per table? I'm just not sure how to go about setting this up because I've never really used Postgres in the past.
You can define a generator in a domain class like this:
static mapping = {
id generator:'sequence', params:[sequence:'domain_sq']
If the sequence is already present in the database then you'll need to name it in the params.
There are other properties also available as outlined in the documentation, for example:
static mapping = {
id column: 'book_id', type: 'integer'
In Postgres 10 or later consider an IDENTITY column instead. See:
Auto increment table column
However, the column seems to be created with a type of bigint. How do
I get Grails to create the column with a bigserial datatype, and will
this even solve my problem?
That's expected behavior. Define the column as bigserial, that's all you have to do. The Postgres pseudo data types smallserial, serial and bigserial create a smallint, int or bigint column respectively, and attach a dedicated sequence. The manual:
The data types smallserial, serial and bigserial are not true types,
but merely a notational convenience for creating unique identifier
columns (similar to the AUTO_INCREMENT property supported by some
other databases). In the current implementation, specifying:
CREATE TABLE tablename (
colname SERIAL
is equivalent to specifying:
CREATE SEQUENCE tablename_colname_seq;
CREATE TABLE tablename (
colname integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('tablename_colname_seq')
ALTER SEQUENCE tablename_colname_seq OWNED BY tablename.colname;
Big quote, I couldn't describe it any better than the manual.
Get table and column "owning" a sequence
Safely rename tables using serial primary key columns

How to associate an Sequence to a column in PowerDesigner?

I'm using powerdesigner 15.2 to model an postgresql database, but i can't associate sequences with PKs...
read on internet that:
"To associate the sequence with the column, double-click the column entry. Then, in the General tab, specify the name of the sequence."
but i already did this...
the problem is that when i generate database, the sequences are simply created, but not associated with the column...
create sequence SQ_CARGO;
create table CARGO (
ID INT4 not null,
NOME VARCHAR(20) not null,
ROLE VARCHAR(100) not null,
constraint PK_CARGO primary key (ID)
Current DBMS in Powerdesigner: PostgreSQL 8 (but i'm using postgresql 9.4)
anyone knows how to do this? or else i will be forced to set this manually for each table:
To resolve this, i wrote this code and replace, in DBMS Properties, the value:(Script->Objects->Table->Create).
create [%Temporary% ]table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE% ( %TABLDEFN% )
.if (%COLNNO%==1) && (%Primary% == TRUE) && (%SQNC% != "")
Taking advantage, I have a problem when it generated the creation of code SEQUENCE.
I can not get the code to be generated with the OWNER of the prefix object.
The code is generated as follows:
And it should be generated like this:
#Gilvan: You must select the owner on the "New Sequence" window, on the "Owner" combobox.
was a bug!
download a new version and works fine.