implement user like/ reaction from facebook graph api to an page post - rest

I have to implement functionality to like a page post by a user account token. in facebook graph API. I cant find any ways to create like in the docs. How can I do like on the posts.


post to instagram and facebook using api

Let's say I have a facebook page, if any post happens on that page the same content should also get posted automatically on my instagram as well. how can I achieve that, I have been looking at facebook graph api documentation for hours now but I am very confused, any guideline on which approach should I take?
Instagram does not offer any API to post to their platform. I am afraid there is no way.
Edit: There is an option, but it is limited to IG business accounts:
Facebook Graph API: and Instagram Graph API:
In order to post anything on Instagram, you need a creator or a Business account. Also, you need to connect Facebook and Instagram in order to post anything. That is because posting on Instagram is done indirectly through Facebook pages. See here for more info on how it can be done:

How to query facebook graph api for comments using social plugin

I have a website that implements the facebook comments social plugin on various pages.
Inside of facebook I can go to<app id>
and see all the comments that come in under this app.
I'd like to understand how I can query the graph api for these comments. It isn't immediately obvious from going through the graph API docs.
i think this is what i want
but i'm not sure what the object-id should be in this context

Facebook API : get user likes other than Pages

I'm trying to build an app that needs to get what a facebook user likes. By "likes" I mean not only which facebook pages the user is following, but also all likes related to posts, photos, or non facebook urls.
All I've found in the API doc is this endpoint:
Unfortunately, it only returns facebook pages a user likes. Is there a way to get what I'm looking for?
No, there is no way to achieve what you are doing using Graph API v2.0 and above.

Since Feb. 6th, can I post to friends' timeline by Graph API call directly?

My question is,
if I am the user using an authorized web application, can I post something to my friends' timeline at once, and without any interactions with me?
I've read this topic and other relative posts on stackoverflow, and I understand that facebook had made some changes.
But when I read Feed Dialog document, I find out that it said:
Your application can also publish directly to a profile's timeline without interaction on the part of someone using your app. To accomplish this, use the corresponding Graph API call
while "Graph API call" is an unavailable link. And I can't figure out what the corresponding graph api call is.
You cannot Post to User's Friends timelines through the Graph API, as simple as that. You can only Post to the authorized User's wall through the Graph API.
The only way to achieve the similar functionality, as the blog post that you have checked suggests is,
If you want to allow people to post to their friend’s timeline from your app, you can invoke the feed dialog. Stories that include friends via user mentions tagging or action tagging will show up on the friend’s timeline (assuming the friend approves the tag).

Can I Use Facebook Graph API to Read My Facebook Page Fans' Walls?

I am wondering if there is a way to programmatically read the wall posts of my Facebook Page's fans (I mean those who "like" my Facebook Page) by either using Graph API or FQL.
I would like to develop an application that aggregates my fans' wall posts so that I can get to know what kind of people "like" my Facebook Page by reading what they are saying in their walls.
No, you don't get this level of access just for having had someone like your page. You would need to specifically request access using a Facebook application.