When to create a new class in OOP? - class

I have experience in C programming, with the procedural way to solve problems using code. And I finally decided to learn OOP, since this is vastly used on modern languages. But I have a lot of trouble to understand how we should design our applications in this paradigm.
I’ll clarify what I mean: in C (procedural programming), we have a main function. We create new functions as needed and make calls to them to achieve what we want. This is how it works (in the shortest possible way).
And I can’t help but try to do the same thing in OOP languages. Every program I try to write, I create various functions and make calls to them in the main class. I don’t really know when to create new classes and how we know they are designed properly.
I though that programmers that use OOP languages creates lots of classes, use lot of inheritance, interfaces, abstract classes etc. everyday. But if I create three classes in a program is like a lot to me. Is this common? The three main pillars of OOP (encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism) are used that frequently?
And a personal recommendation if you could give me: what are good resources to learn OOP? Any site / blog, YT channel, book would be great. Because the thing I miss the most is references of good written code. All I see out there are basic examples like “cat class”, “mammal class”, “car class”. If someone could give me a tip to find nice references of more complex programs would help a lot! Thanks for any help :D


Scala for Junior Programmers?

we are considering Scala for a new Project within our company. We have some Junior Programmers with only PHP knowledge, and we are in doubt that they can handle Scala. What are your opinions? Some say: "Scala is a complicated beast!", some say: "It's easy once you got it." Maybe someone has real-world experience?
"My coworkers will not understand Scala" is simultaneously overstating its difficulty and insulting your coworkers.
Scala is not that difficult. It's just another programming language. Any trouble that junior programmers have with Scala is going to be more or less the same trouble they would have with any other language.
Your coworkers are smart. Of course, I don't know them, but it's a pretty safe bet unless your company is the kind of organisation that hires stupid people, in which case, you have bigger problems.
That said, at my company we have some core products developed in Scala, and we don't find that people have any more trouble with it than Java. The code is generally more clear and concise, easier to generalise and reuse, etc.
I guess Scala could be used as a "beginners" language. Even though there are tricky ideas behind it, you dont have to use/explain them in the beginning. If you explain pure OO with Scala, I would say it is straight forward and easily understandable. As Scala reduces a lot of code overhead from other languages it might even be easier to learn concepts with Scala than with Java/C++.
A major drawback I see with Scala as a beginner language is the lack of documentation. Don't get this wrong, the official Scala doc is very good and also the few books that are available are quite useful to get the details of the language, but those have not been written for beginners. For example in Java you find hundreds of books titled something like "Learning OO with Java" you wont find that for Scala which may be a show stopper.
As Hannes mentioned, only do new language introductions within research projects and not productive or even flagship projects. If you have some juniors, that makes the situation even better, take some internal tool, you always wanted and needed and let them create it during a research project. This is also a nice opportunity to experiment with different development-processes. And your juniors most probably like to be challenged and will deliver a good prototype and a very well proofed opinion if Scala can be used as a beginner language.
I believe that most people moving to Scala are experienced and enthusiastic coders. I'd suggest that you get in-house experience with a Scala project with your senior programmers first before forming a strategy for mentoring your junior coders. I'd also suggest that you only involve people who are eager to join in.
I would advocate it. But with the proviso that you have clear guidelines on what language features are acceptable for your team. For example, coding primarily in an imperative style (which is familiar for Java-trained people), or perhaps limiting the employment of recursion or closures.
Also plan for seniors to mentor the juniors. This may take the form of any combination of: pair programming, code reviews, info sessions, regular discussion forums, etc.
The opportunity that scala presents for vastly improved coding on the JVM is too great to pass up. When your seniors get into it I would not be surprised if they find renewed passion for development. When your juniors get into it they will be learning best practice JVM development from the start.
If you choose to go this route, perhaps they'll find easier to use the Scalate framework than a more traditional one like Lift, since it allows mixing HTML with Scala, much in the same way as PHP works.
Scala is a very 'normal' programming language. Any programmer should be able to learn this language. The people that have difficulties learning Scala mostly are experienced with imperative languages and are surprised by the functional concepts. So unexperienced programmers may learn it even faster. In my opinion should be no problem, to assign it to juniors. From a management point of view, I would assign a junior and a senior developer as a team (or more of both, depending on the size of the project).
I think it depends whats more importent for you. If you want to learn as possible about OO Programming and the standard stuff its a bad idea.
But what you really give them is a opportunity to learn something really cool and unique. Witch can be good motivation. Scala has many cool stuff in it. If you can handle Scala you can handle a lot of otherstuff as well.
Talk to the Programmers (all of them) and tell them why you wanne to use scala. Ask if the have to motivation to make and learn something not everybody can do and go the extra mile?
If the are go with it!
My initial thought would be that Scala will be too heavy for them but then I guess because Scala is an OO/Imperitave/Functional hybrid, one could introduce them to the OO/Imperative part of scala until their comfortable, but then again they will probably have bad PHP habits in Scala since scala authors mostly prefer the functional style over the imperative one.
So, it could work, but I would do it for a research project, and definately not for a flagship one.
Edit: Perhaps this should be said also: It seems that functional/OO hybrids like Scala is becoming more popular especially because of how functional languages handles parallel processing as opposed to how we know it in languages like in Java. The amount of cores found in a chip is increasing rapidly, so this is important. However, mentioning PHP, it seems that you are developing web server scripts where threading is less important. PHP doesn't even have threads.
This raises another point. Do you want to develop Scala Web applications i.e. Lift. If so then you have a doubled up learning curve which should also be considered.
Imagine that you would have picked Java and asked whether they could handle Java. If your answer is they could, then they can probably handle Scala.
Scala is only marginally more difficult due to:
No great IDE support. The support ranges from poor to good. Not necessarily an issue for a PHP programmer.
Documentation not as rich as Java
Both Java and Scala have new challenges for a PHP programmer (JVM, new libraries, compiled language, statically typed).
I don't think Scala is a complicated beast, but you do need to understand some of the syntactic sugar and design principles, which would be true of learning Java as well.
Yes, if...
Strategic decision has been made to go with Scala
Company can handle the hit (financial and time) that will come from the steep learning curve.
No, if...
No senior Java, C# or C++ programmers can be put on the project too
Can't find a Scala programmer to act as a lead
Programmers don't have the patience to learn Scala or deal with a language where Jars (libraries) are scattered all over the place, rather than in one or two neat packages like PHP.
*Note: if the junior programmers were C++, C#, or Java Software Engineers rather than PHP, then my answer would be different like, Go for it!
I would not recommend it. My experience of Scala is only from homebrew projects, but I would imagine the currently lousy IDE support, quite frequent API changes and a very flexible syntax (that allows one to hang himself and everybody else participating in the project) would cause a lot of problems in a bigger, more official project.
Give them IntelliJ and throw 'em in the deep end.
Here is a blog post I recently stumbled upon:
It shows that even Java can be too academic to be understood by programmers which have no experience in functional programming. On the other hand, Scala allows to write code the "imperative way", so you can avoid all the FP stuff if you do not understand it. In my opinion, Scala is much more concise than Java, so I guess a "junior programmer" should be able to handle it.

Should my MVC controllers be object-oriented?

I'm making a Perl website, and I'll using Template Toolkit (for the view), a whole bunch of objects for DB interaction and business logic (the model), but I'm wondering: should the controllers be OO?
I feel like they should, just for consistency, but it also feels it might be a bit redundant when I'm not interacting with the controllers in an OO way. The controllers are called more in a fire-and-forget kind of way.
Thanks for any thoughts.
Yes, make the controllers object-oriented. You should be interacting with them as objects. You might want to extend or modify them later with subclasses. A lot of people get themselves into trouble by assuming that they'll ever only need one controller, so they paint themselves into a corner by not planning for future flexibility.
In my opinion, if it feels reduntant, you shouldn't use it.
OOP can have more cons than pros if you use it on a project that doesn't need it.
If it's just about consistency just drop it. there's plenty of people that (for example) in c++ use stl but write the rest of the code in a procedural way. If you feel OOP overwhelming go for the mixed approach you are thinking of using (OOP where needed, procedura the rest), as long as your code doesn't become difficult to read because of this.
You need to look at Catalyst, which will save you a good deal of worry about what OO to use for controllers and how to implement it. It's not perfect but, if you like, it's a well beaten path through the design wilderness.

Any practical coding dojo/kata ideas?

I've been asked to run a workshop and coding dojo soon for people to try out Scala and try to build something with it. The attendees are all going to be new to Scala, and could come from any of a number of languages (I'm presuming they can code in at least one mainstream language - I'm including syntax comparisons with Java, C#, Python and Ruby).
Part of the appeal of Scala is that it's practical - you can use it as a drop-in "power Java" (Java with less syntactical clutter, closures, immutability, FP, traits, singleton objects, nifty XML handling, type inference etc.) that still runs on the JVM (and on the .NET CLR supposedly) and doesn't require you to change build tools, server infrastructure, libraries, IDEs and so on. Most of the katas I've seen have been fun but not 'real world' - mathematical challenges like Project Euler and so on. These don't seem appropriate as we're trying to explore the use of it as a practical, real world language that people could consider using for both hacking and work, and because people aren't necessarily going to be too familiar with either the deeper parts of the Scala syntax or necessarily of the concepts behind functional programming.
So, has anyone come across any more practical, everyday katas rather than arithmetical 'problem solving' ones? Katas, that is, that can test whether the language, libraries and tools can satisfy the use cases of the actual day-to-day programming most people have to do rather than testing out. (Not that the impractical ones aren't fun, but just not appropriate for the kind of thing I've been asked to run.)
If I can't find good examples, I'm thinking that it might be useful to try and build something like a library catalogue - the event is for programmers who primarily work on building infrastructure for universities (and in education and culture - museums, galleries, schools, libraries and so on). It's a bit boring though, but it's the sort of thing that the attendees work on in their day-to-day existence. Any suggestions?
There is a creative commons licensed introductory training course with hands-on exercises here:
The slides are in Open Office format. If you don't have this installed, you can upload them to SlideShare, which will convert them for online viewing.
Most of the programming examples in my blog are, effectively, coding dojo exercises. Particularly the matrices series, but also the puzzles and 99 beers. Now, don't disregard the matrices series as being "mathematical", because the problems I concern myself in it are related to the construction of classes in Scala, not to doing fancy algorithms. In fact, I pretty much skip over the mathematical algorithms themselves.
Now, 99 Scala Problems and pretty much everything from Project Euler are nice exercises for the functional part of Scala, but I understand that not to be your emphasis. I do recommend retronym's answer. Rosetta Code, not being functionally oriented, might have more general examples. There are many with Scala examples, of course, though you may wish to consider other tasks as well, for ideas.
There's lot of cool things to learn about Scala, but one has to be careful at beginner level. For instance, I would not speak of dependency injection (self types and the cake pattern) or of type classes (the pattern that simulates such with implicits).
Do look as well at the material on the Scala Lang site, particularly the Scala by Example document.
I have now overseen several Scala dojos, so here's a bit of stuff I've learned from then:
Problems: they have to be fun, not-quite-easy, not-that-hard, and that has to be everyone's opinion.
We use the Dojo Puzzles site, which is in Portuguese so it won't be of use for most people here. If there's a similar site in English, I'd love to hear about it.
The way it works is you ask for a random problem, look it over and discuss to see if you'll pick it up or not, and then indicate by saying you'll use it, you'll not use it, or maybe you'll use it but you'd like to see another one. This vote gets registered and you can see how many people picked up a problem, which helps deciding whether to pick it up or not in first place.
Scala knowledge: it turns out it's not that important to introduce key concepts of Scala language beforehand, particularly if some of the participants have basic knowledge.
In my experience, setting up the testing environment with a trivial "pass" test and explaining how people should write the tests is often enough to get people started. If you feel someone is struggling to write something, give a quick explanation and get on with it.
Teaching Scala: if you do set out to teach Scala, keep lessons short and follow up with a dojo. In this case, keep a set of dojo problems that are adequate to the lesson, and, depending on how many lessons you want in one day, short.
It helps imposing artificial constraints on how one must solve a problem. Some examples of constraints I have put in practice are no classes and single-expression methods (that is, no multiple statements or val/var declarations). The point of these constraints is making it impossible for people to solve the problem in the way they are used to, which gets them to explore the language in search of alternatives.
I have the final results of three dojos done at my current job in this repository.
At the moment we are using the Randori Kata format, but without fixed time or break, and with retrospective at the end of the dojo, not at the beginning of the next. This, however, is just were we are currently at -- we have experimented many variations, and we are still evolving.
Perhaps you could have a look at the Ruby Quiz material for inspiration.
Take a look at Scala by example from Martin Odersky (creator of scala)

What are the pros and cons of using the two different programming styles of CGI.pm with Perl?

I am in a Web Scripting class at school and am working on my first assignment. I tend to overdo things and delve deeper into my subject than what is required in my classes. Right now I am researching CGI.pm to do my HTTP requests and it says there are two programming styles for CGI.pm:
An object-oriented style
A function-oriented style
Unless I overlooked the clear answer or am not knowledgeable enough to discern the answer for myself from the documentation provided at: http://perldoc.perl.org/CGI.html I just don't know what the pros and cons are of using these two different styles.
With that being said what are the pros and cons of using the two different styles? Which one is more commonly used? As far as using object-oriented style it says I can only use one CGI object at the time. Why is that?
Thanks for all your help. You have all made studying Computer Science very enjoyable, satisfying, and rewarding for me. =D
Behind the scenes, CGI.pm is doing the same thing despite the styles. The functional interface actually uses a secret object that you don't see.
For many small-scale CGI projects, you're probably never going to need more than one CGI object at a time, so the functional interface is fine. This might be the more common style, but only because most people make small scripts for very specific tasks. If you have a lot of other stuff going on, you might not like CGI.pm importing a long list (and it is long) of function names into your script. Some of the function names might clash with those other modules want to import.
I, however, always use the object-oriented interface. I don't have to worry about name collisions, and it's apparent where any method came from since you see its object. It's also easy to pass the object as arguments to other parts of large applications, etc.
Some people might complain about the extra typing, but that's never been the slow part of programming for me. I've been doing Perl for a long time and I don't mind the syntax. However, I only use CGI to get the input and maybe send the output. I don't mess with any of the HTML stuff.
When it talks about one CGI.pm object at a time, it's referring to access to the input. Once you've read STDIN, for instance, another CGI.pm object won't be able to read that. You can have as many objects as you like though. They just won't share data and the first one gets all of POST data.
You can actually use a mixture though. You can import some things, like :html, but still use the OO interface to deal with the input.
I strongly recommend using the object interface.
Will it be absolutely required for your classwork? No, in fact it is arguably overkill for even small production projects.
However, if you are serious about learning to use CGI.pm for larger scale projects you will need to learn the object method. If you reach the point of needing two objects you will have to use the object interface. Programming, like most everything else, gets better with practice. Practicing now on relatively easier problems will help you be ready for more complex ones.
In fact I'd recommend it as a general rule in programming (although there are exceptions) that if faced with two methods of using a particular tool making a habit of using the one most likely to be used in production code and/or the one that is the correct answer for more of the problem space.

How can I convince people to use proper object oriented Perl?

I have been using an Object-Oriented MVC architecture for a web project, and all the models are OO Perl. But I have noticed a couple on the team are reverting to procedural techniques and are essentially using "objects" as dumping grounds for related functions. Their functions basically read/write directly to/from the database.
What's the best way to convince them this is the wrong way? Are there some good tutorials I can get them to read?
I can think of three possible reasons why some team members may not produce nice OO code:
They don't care
They care, try to do it right but lack skills to do it right
They are doing it right, or at least right enough! Some matters of design are matters of opinion. Go back and look at some of your own old code, code that you thought was quite good, there's a good chance that you would revise some of it now.
My approach is to make the assumption that everybody wants to do the job right, so I assume (or pretend to assume) that folks care. One tries to build an ethos of wanting to do it right.
So that leaves building our skills, theirs and yours (and mine). Code reviews seem like one obvious way to do this. Talk about alternatives. Also maybe pair-programming?
OOP is just a tool to accomplish some great things like more reliable, usable and maintainable software. If you can not convince your team to write tests give up with strict OOP.
Are they all out of step with you? Perhaps it's just you who is out of step!
Lest I seem facetious, I mean what are the answers to the following questions:
What has the team agreed should be the approach?
Whose responsibility is it to enforce purity? If you don't go for enforced purity, whose responsibility is it to encourage purity? If it's not you, have a look in the mirror and make sure you are not the annoying noob on the team telling the old sweats how to do the jobs they've been doing since you were in Perl baby-clothes.
What mechanisms do you have in place for sorting out such team issues? Regular code reviews, pair programming, bare-knuckle fights ?
Asking them to read some tutorials is likely to be a waste of breath. What are your arguments for doing things the OO way? As Boris has observed, OO is not an end in itself, it is only a means to an end, and not the only means.
There are probably more things you want to consider in your situation, but these should get you started.