How do you use VBA to Find a cell on another sheet and input data to that found cell from the main sheet - find

Input and Info Page
What I am trying to do is run a code that will take an input box with a Date in it on the "Input and Info Page" and the Employee # in "B7 with Index match to find the corresponding cell on the "Press" page and insert the data in "B8" from the Input page to that found cell
I am completely new at VBA and I have tried several index an match iterations but everything I do errors out, I am looking for any ideas as I am having no luck.

I was able to figure it out on my own, simply made two cells where I matched the date to the date row and Emp # to The Emp row and then did this for the macro
enter image description here
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub


LibreOffice Calc Range Max and delete macro

I have a sheet in libreoffice Calc which has an Id Column with incremental value from 1 to N.
I need to create a Macro in VBA (linked to a button i will create later) where i can select the last ID (which is the MAX id also) and delete the entire row relating to this ID.
i tried this so far
Sub suppression
dim maxId as Integer
my_range = ThisComponent.Sheets(0).getCellRangebyName("B19:B1048576")
maxId = Application.WorksheetFunction.Max(range("Dépôts!B19:B1048576"))
MsgBox maxId
End Sub
Thanks a lot for your help.
In libreoffice BASIC you first need to get the data array of the cell range. This is an array of arrays each representing a row of the cell range. It is indexed from zero irrespective of the location of the cell range within the sheet. Because your cell range is one column wide, each member array has only one member, which is at index zero.
As Jim K says, 'Application.WorksheetFunction' is from VBA. It is possible to use worksheet functions in LibreOffice BASIC, but these act on ordinary arrays rather than cell arrays, and the MAX function takes a one-dimensional array so it would be necessary to first reshape the data array using a loop. Furthermore, if you want to delete the row corresponding to the maximum value you are then faced with the problem of finding the index of that row using only the value itself.
It is much simpler to find the index by looping over the data array as shown in the snippet below.
Also, rather than traversing over a million rows, it would save computational effort to obtain the last used row of the spreadsheet via the BASIC function 'GetLastUsedRow(oSheet as Object)', which is supplied with LibreOffice. This is located in the 'Tools' library in 'LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs'. To use it you have to put the statement: 'Globalscope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("Tools")' somewhere before you call the function.
To delete the identified row, get the XTableRows interface of the spreadsheet and call its removeByIndex() function.
The following snippet assumes that the header row of your table is in row 18 of the sheet, as suggested by your example code, which is in row 17 when numbered from zero.
Sub suppression()
' Specify the position of the index range
Dim nIndexColumn As Long '
nIndexColumn = 1 '
Dim nHeaderRow As Long '
nHeaderRow = 17 '
Dim oSheet as Object
oSheet = ThisComponent.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
' Instead of .getCellRangebyName("B19:B1048576") use:
Dim nLastUsedRow As Long
nLastUsedRow = GetLastUsedRow(oSheet)
Dim oCellRange As Object
' Left Top Right Bottom
oCellRange = oSheet.getCellRangeByPosition(nIndexColumn, nHeaderRow, nIndexColumn, nLastUsedRow)
' getDataArray() returns an array of arrays, each repressenting a row.
' It is indexed from zero, irrespective of where oCellRange is located
' in the sheet
Dim data() as Variant
data = oCellRange.getDataArray()
Dim max as Double
max = data(1)(0)
' First ID number is in row 1 (row 0 contains the header).
Dim rowOfMaxInArray As Long
rowOfMaxInArray = 1
Dim i As Long, x As Double
For i = 2 To UBound(data)
x = data(i)(0)
If x > max Then
max = x
rowOfMaxInArray = i
End If
Next i
' if nHeaderRow = 0, i.e. the first row in the sheet, you could save a
' couple of lines by leaving the next statement out
Dim rowOfMaxInSheet As long
rowOfMaxInSheet = rowOfMaxInArray + nHeaderRow
oSheet.getRows().removeByIndex(rowOfMaxInSheet, 1)
End Sub

After searching in a database how to display the result field values in an editor widget using progress 4gl

Accept a customer number and then output the details of each order and items to an editor widget.
Display them in the editor widget ( editor-1 as object name).
define temp-table ttcustomer
field custnum like customer.cust-num
field cname like
field orders like order.order-num
field items like item.item-num
field itemname like item.item-name .
find first customer WHERE customer.cust-num = input f1 NO-LOCK .
create ttcustomer .
ttcustomer.custnum = customer.cust-num
ttcustomer.cname =
for each order WHERE Order.cust-num = input f1 NO-LOCK .
ttcustomer.orders = order.order-num.
for each order-line where order-line.order-num = order.order-num no-lock.
for each item where item.item-num = order-line.item-num no-lock.
ttcustomer.items = item.item-num
ttcustomer.itemname = item.item-name.
I have no idea why you would want to display that on an editor. So I'll assume you want to concatenate the info you gathered in the for each loop into an editor.
So after the last end, you could do this:
define variable editor-1 as character view-as editor.
for each ttcustomer:
assign editor-1 = editor-1 + ttcustomer.items + ' ' + ttcustomer.itemname + chr(13).
display editor-1.
If chr(13) doesn't work to skip a line, try chr(10).
PS: An editor is really probably not the widget you want to display this. I'd use a browse. But since the question asks for an editor, there.
PS2: You didn't assign the other fields you put on the temp-table, so I'm not displaying them. But it's just a matter of adding them to the assign line above, not forgetting the spaces, dashes or whatever you'd like to use as a separator.

MS Word: select text inside a table cell

I need to select a text (for example, two chars) inside a cell in a table in a Word document. The following code:
Sub testTable()
For Each itable In ActiveDocument.Tables
itable.Cell(1, 2).Range.Select
End Sub
selects all the content of the second cell in the first row of the table. How have I to modify it to select only a subset of the cell content, for example from the 4th char to the 9th char?
The Range object has a Characters property, so:
Selection.MoveEnd wdCharacter, 5
Another way to go about it is to work with Range objects:
Dim rng as Word.Range
Set rng = itable.Cell(1,2).Range.Characters(4)
rng.End = itable.Cell(1,2).Range.Characters(9)
And there are variations on the theme...

Access fields in form using vba

I created a query and a form in Microsoft Access 2010. The form, named TEST, looks as follows:
Field1 Field2
a 200
b 400
In VBA I tried to access the different fields in the form:
I want to save the values 200 and 400 in an integer variable (Dim a As Integer) and print it using MsgBox. How can i achieve that??
You can use the Me as the open form and assign the variable if you know the name of the text box.
Dim intValue as Integer
'If text box name = TextBox1
intValue = Me.TextBox1.Value
I'll try to help you.
I understood you created the form with the wizard putting the 2 fields on the form.
What is not clear is the View that you are using.
Well, your form can be displayed in different ways:
- Single form
- Continuous forms
- Datasheet
This is defined by the Default View property.
To see the properties of you form press F4 to see properties and select "Form" as the object that you want to see.
If your form is Single Form or Continuous form you can access the two fields you put on it simply addressing them.
Click on the controls you put on the form and press F4 to see the control name.
Let's assume that your controls are named Text1 (200) and Text2 (400) and for convenience your form is a single form.
So you can refer to values in the 2 controls writing
Dim intText1 As Integer, intText2 As Integer
intText1 = Me.Text1.Value
intText2 = Me.Text2.Value
The .Value property is not mandatory cause it's the default property.
At this point you can print out intText1,2 with a MsgBox
MsgBox "Text1 = " & CStr(intText1)+ " - Text2 = " & CStr(intText2)
This will show Text1 = 200 - Text2 = 400
Let's now assume that your view is Continuous form.
So the field that contains 200 and 400 is just one but each record (row) is a form repeated as many times as the number of records.
In this case to access all the records and store them to an array you can use this in the Form_Load event (you can access it by the Control Properties Window - F4)
Option Explicit
Option Base 1 ' Set the base index for vectors to 1
Dim rst as DAO.Recordset ' Define a recordset to allocate all query records
Dim Values as Variant ' Define a variant to allocate all the values
set rst = me.RecordsetClone ' Copy all records in rst
rst.MoveLast ' Go to last record
intNumRecords = rst.RecordCount ' Count records
rst.MoveFirst ' Go back to recordset beginning
ReDim Values(intNumRecords) ' Resize Values to allocate all values
i = 1
Do While Not rst.EOF ' Cycle over all records
Values(i) = rst!FieldName ' FieldName is the name of the field of
' the query that stores 200 and 400
i = i + 1 ' Move to next array element
rst.MoveNext ' Move to next record
rst.Close ' Close recordset
set rst = Nothing ' Release memory allocated to rst
for i = 1 To intNumRecords ' Show easch value as message box
MsgBox Values(i)
next i
Please NOte that this solution works if you have less than 32767 records to show (the maximum integer with sign that you can store).
The msgbox obliges you to press OK at each value. It's not so comfortable.
Please tell me if it's what you were looking for.

Check if field contains any numbers?

Hi I'm trying to write some VBA so that it checks whether one of my text boxes contains a number. The text box is called: CustomerName. Here's the code I am currently using:
Function HasNumber(strData As String) As Boolean
Dim iCnt As Integer
For iCnt = 1 To Len(strData)
If IsNumeric(Mid(strData, iCnt, 1)) Then
HasNumber = True
Exit Function
End If
Next iCnt
End Function
Private Sub CustomerName_AfterUpdate()
If HasNumber(CustomerName) Then
MsgBox "Only letters are allowed for this field."
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
For some reason when I enter numbers into this field and then click out of it (i.e. update it) it doesn't come up with a msgbox or anything. What can I do to fix this?
Instead of using some custom code, I would use this validation rule on the CustomerName column of your table, or on the validation rule of your text box:
Not Like "*[0-9]*"
See here for a reference of validation rules.
Try it like this:
If HasNumber(CustomerName.Text) Then