Flutter ensure I have a value in Async/Await and init functions [duplicate] - flutter

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What is a Future and how do I use it?
(6 answers)
Closed 20 days ago.
How can I make sure I have a state variable available after an async function call? My belief is because getValues() is async, it should "wait" until moving on to the next line. Thus, getValues() shouldn't exit and configValue() shouldn't be invoked until after my call to setState has finished. However the behavior I'm seeing it that values is an empty array in my Widget.
late List values = [];
void initState() {
getValues() async {
final String response = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/values.json');
final vals = await json.decode(response)['values'];
setState(() {
values = vals;
void configValue() {
// How to make sure I have values[0] here?
Thanks in advance!

You can change your getValues to this:
Future<List> getValues() async {
final String response = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/values.json');
final vals = await json.decode(response)['values'];
return vals;
then create another middle function like this:
callasyncs() async {
var result = await getValues();
and call it inside initState like this:
void initState() {
also change your configValue to this:
void configValue(List values) {
// now you have updated values here.
here your both configValue and getValues are separated from each other and also your configValue will wait for the getValues result.

you need to use await before the method to complete the future. also can be use .then.
Future<void> getVids() async { //I prefer retuning value
final String response = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/values.json');
final vals = await json.decode(response)['values'];
setState(() {
values = vals;
void configValue() async {
await getVids();

Try the following code:
List? values;
void initState() {
Future<void> getVids() async {
final String response = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/values.json');
final vals = await json.decode(response)['values'];
setState(() {
values = vals;
void configValue() {
if (values != null) {
if (values!.isNotEmpty) {


Instance of _Future<int> is all I get when I try to get the total 'document' of my 'collection' in Firestore

Following is my code. I'm trying to get all the 'Babies' which are in documents:
class _HomePageeState extends State<HomePagee> {
String t_babies = getCount().toString();
Future getCount() async {
return FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Babies').snapshots().length;
Instead I get this error: instance of \_future\<int\>
Here is my Database. I expect to get 2 counts:
You need to use await when getting Future values and also you should pass Future and the type Future<int>:
Future<int> getCount() async {
return await FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Babies').snapshots().length;
and also get the method using await but inside and async function:
void example() async { // <---- here the async you need to add to use await
int babiesLength = await getCount(); // here use await
You should use setState to update the string , because the fetch takes time as it involves network.
String t_babies = '';
Future<void> _getCount() async {
t_babies = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('Babies').snapshots().length.toString();
void initState() {

why it is showing instance of future? how to get data

Future<void> setEmpId(String empId) async {
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
prefs.setString(this.empId, empId);
Future<String> getEmpId() async {
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
String empId;
empId = await prefs.getString(this.empId) ?? '';
return empId;
Prefs().setEmpId(state.empVerifyEntity.employee.empId);//set empId from api
In Another Class:
class Page extends State<Page>{
Future<void> getEmpId() async {
String empId = await Prefs().getEmpId().toString();
void initState() {
Here I'm getting instance of future, I tried every method like .then(value) Each and every method I'm getting instance of future. how to data correctly?
The problem you have is due to the fact that your initState method is synchronous and the method in which you are getting the value for EmpId isn't.
Therefore, it is not waiting for the result of the call.
You can accomplish this in several ways:
Add a then clause to the call of getEmpId
void initState() {
getEmpId().then((result) {
//your logic here
Add a PostFrameCallback
void initState() {

Why am I getting 'Future<dynamic>' instead of the return value in the function?

I'm trying to get the return value in my function but the output is 'Instance of Future' instead of the value of school field name in the database
void initState() {
userId = _auth.currentUser!.uid;
publisherSchool =
getName(widget.postInfo['publisher-Id'], 'school').toString();
Future getName(String publisherUid, String fieldname) async {
DocumentSnapshot publisherSnapshot = await FirebaseFirestore.instance
return publisherSnapshot.get(fieldname);
but whenever i'm printing the publisherSnapshop.get(fieldname) i'm getting the correct value from the database
There are 2 ways to do it, you can create a Future method and call it inside the initState like below:
void initState() {
Future<void> initial() async {
userId = _auth.currentUser!.uid;
// Remember using `()` to wrap the `await` to get it result
publisherSchool = (await getName(widget.postInfo['publisher-Id'], 'school')).toString();
Or you can use .then to call it directly inside the initState:
void initState() {
userId = _auth.currentUser!.uid;
getName(widget.postInfo['publisher-Id'], 'school').then((value) {
publisherSchool = value.toString();
When you declare the getName() function, specify the return type as Future<String>, and then when you call getName(), you need to await the result e.g. publisherSchool = await getName(widget.postInfo['publisher-Id'], 'school').toString();
The reason why you are not getting the correct response is because whenever you are working with Futures it takes some time to finish and return the results. Meanwhile it is fetching the result you have to make it await so that the program will continue once that future function is complete since await/then is nowhere to be found in your code hence the issues.
To solve this make this change:
publisherSchool =
getName(widget.postInfo['publisher-Id'], 'school').toString();

Why can´t I save int with shared_preferences?

I tried to build a simple application, which shoul save and output a value whith shared_preferences. I tried to save an int, but it doesnt´t work. It could be, that the mistake is because of I tried to "convert" the code a youtuber did with a String instead of an int. Can anybody find my mistake? Below is the change code I tried.
int lastLoginInt = 1;
String nameKey = "_key_name";
void initState() {
Future<bool> saveLastLoginInt() async {
SharedPreferences preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
return await preferences.setInt(nameKey, lastLoginInt);
Future<int> loadLastLoginInt() async {
SharedPreferences preferences = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
return preferences.getInt(nameKey);
setLastLoginInt() {
loadLastLoginInt().then((value) {
setState(() {
lastLoginInt = value;
You are not calling functions.
Probably you should do this at your initState() function..like this..
void initState() {
Then use setLastLoginInt() where needed.

Only static members can accessed in initializes

I have issue in set my List variable(_tasks) with a method(readSavedTasks) being called to setup for the values. Here's the code line that have the error.
Future<List<ListTasks>> readSavedTasks() async {
List<ListTasks> tasksSaved = await DataStorage().readTasks();
return Future.value(tasksSaved);
List<ListTasks> _tasks = readSavedTasks();
Can anybody help me on this?
You can't use non-static members in initialisation. This is a better approach:
Future<List<ListTasks>> readSavedTasks() async {
List<ListTasks> tasksSaved = await DataStorage().readTasks();
return Future.value(tasksSaved);
void initState() {
Future<void> _init() async {
List<ListTasks> _tasks = await readSavedTasks();