install4j / vm runtime parameter -J-Xmx not applied - install4j

Hi I'm using install4j (v8) for Windows. The installer configuration allows "VM passthrough parameters", but extending the vmoption file of my application by
is not applied. The application/JVM is still using the defaults provided by the installer config.
Any idea/comments?
vmoption file extended by following lines:

install4j 8.0.2 fixed the issue that VM passthrough parameters prefixed with -J were not added after the .vmoptions file so they would not override values in the .vmoptions file.
It seems that you are using a previous version.You can download install4j 8.0.11 here:


How to use one Doxygen config in different OS

I have Doxygen configuration file that generates the HTML file. In my project, some use Windows and Mac. When I ran in my Mac OS X I got the path slash problem, I changed \ to / this solves the problem.
EDIT: I don't want the users to modify the Doxygen config file.
-INPUT = SDK\nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96\examples\
OS X compatible
+INPUT = SDK/nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96/examples/
I don't want to have the separate Doxygen configuration file for Windows and Mac, I want to know is it possible to have one file that can work?
Is there any way I can set some environment parameter in Doxygen configuration that can solve my problem?
On Windows you can also use the forward slash(/) in the doxygen configuration file for the INPUT tag and most other tags requiring a path as well.
So by placing in the doxygen configuration file the:
INPUT = SDK/nRF5_SDK_15.2.0_9412b96/examples/
this should work on Windows and Mac OS X.
In case the path on Windows and the Mac is different you can use and environment variable (eg. MY_PATH), set it in the encompassing script and in the doxygen configuration file you can use:
See also (end of second paragraph).

What is the install4j default installation directory

Can someone confirm about the default installation directory for the install4j.
It seems like its Program file in windows as context.getVariable("sys.installationDir").toString() always returns Program File/myInstallerName. So just wanted to know where it is being set in the installer wizard and from where it is getting myInstallerName.
The default installation directory is defined on the "Installer options" step of the media wizard. By default, it is set to ${compiler:sys.shortName}.

Websphere Application Server importing settings

I want to import silently server configuration (such as Applications servers -> Process Definition -> Java Virtual Machine -> Generic JVM arguments etc.).
I've tried wsadmin tool, but it requires WSA to be running - and this is bad for me, because I need to write script that copies these settings without any interaction.
wsadmin -lang jython -c "AdminTask.importWasprofile('[-archive d:\]')"
Another way was the "Import server configuration from server..." option in Eclipse context menu (Servers tab), but it still needs interaction from user.
Is there any way to copy those settings? Should I copy some files or something?
I'm installing Rational Application Developer I have also generated .car file with exported settings.
Ok, I've managed to import all those settings silently.
First, you have to export profile using f.e. wsadmin script.
wsadmin -lang jython -c "AdminTask.exportWasprofile(['-archive', 'd:\'])
Will export default profile to .car file (which is, in fact, .zip file with other extension). It is nice to add here, that my version of WAS wouldn't export SIB settings.
Importing those settings is as easy, as exporting, you just have to run command
wsadmin -lang jython -conntype none -c "AdminTask.importWasprofile('[-archive d:\]')"
Note using -conntype option, as #bkail mentioned
Sadly, WAS 6.x and earlier does not support exporting/importing SIB settings (as mentioned HERE). In order to copy them, you have to add manually to .car file buses directory (as mentioned HERE). The problem is - adding them by admin console didn't create this directory for me.
I had to use another wsadmin script that creates SIB - I've found it HERE. It simply uses AdminTask object to create bus manually - and thanks to it, it created the buses directory.
Hope this helps somebody who has the same problem as I had - and it will save him MANY hours.

udk 4.7 commands as start up parameter

I have a packaged UDK 4.7 app. I can set graphic settings in the command line like:
sg.ResolutionQuality 25
Is there a way to set this settings via start up parameter like:
app.exe -sg.ResolutionQuality=25
(the example above does not work - is there an other syntax or does this not work at all?)
Command line arguments are - by default - disabled in shipping builds.
The suggested (and simplest) way to manage that sort of needs is using INI files. The "sg" settings are in the INI file named GameUserSettings.ini, that you can find in (on Windows):
on your project: in .\Config\DefaultGameUserSettings.ini (it will be packaged and used as defaults by your builds)
on development builds: in [YOUR-BUILD-DIR]\[YOUR-APP-NAME]\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini
on shipping builds: in %LOCALAPPDATA%\[YOUR-APP-NAME]\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\GameUserSettings.ini
In that file you can add and edit a section like:

install4j: Whitespaces in vm-parameters via vmoptions (OSX service launcher) generating error

We are generating a service launcher for our app. In the vmoptions file we do set a parameter which contains whitespaces (e.g. file path):
-Dmy.parameter=my file path
This does not seem to work in the service launcher für OSX (but does for Windows).
Also putting the value in quotes does not work:
-Dmy.file.path="my file path"
Both will generate an error stating "main class not found: file.path"
This is a limitation of the service launchers on Mac OS X that will be fixed in install4j 6.
As a workaround, put the VM parameter with the space in the first line in the .vmoptions file, then it should work.