What is the install4j default installation directory - install4j

Can someone confirm about the default installation directory for the install4j.
It seems like its Program file in windows as context.getVariable("sys.installationDir").toString() always returns Program File/myInstallerName. So just wanted to know where it is being set in the installer wizard and from where it is getting myInstallerName.

The default installation directory is defined on the "Installer options" step of the media wizard. By default, it is set to ${compiler:sys.shortName}.


How to change Installation directory in Install4j?

The application is currently installed in C:\Program Files\<Application Name>
We changed the installer to install it into %LOCALAPPDATA%\<Application Name> instead.
Since sys.installationDir is excluded from the loaded response file:
I expected that the old directory would be deleted and the new one created. However, the application (update) is still installed into the previous directory. Why is that?
Go to "Installer->Update options" and deselect the "Detect previous installation" check box.

Install4j Windows Gui app does not create log file

"Windows Archive" generates log file and "Windows" not.
I'm using install4j to generate a windows gui application. I only have one launcher and redirected stderr and stdout.
Then I create two media files: "Windows" and "Windows Archive".
If I use the "windows archive" type the log files are created and filed with content.
If I use the "windows" type the log files are not created.
I know that in both cases the same error happened, so there should be the same output in both cases.
Thanks in advance
If the redirection files are not writable, you have to specify a location where they can be written such as
Redirection files for generated launchers are configured on the "Executable info->Redirection" step of the launcher wizard.

I cannot find SpringToolSuite4.ini file in the new version of SpringToolSuite4(4.1.2). It seems be changed to manage .ini.file. Where can I find it?

I need to change some configuration information to use SpringToolSuite4. But when I downloaded SpringToolSuite4 4.1.2 and unziped, there isn't SpringToolSuite4.ini file. So I created one, but SpringToolSuite4 didn't reference to SpringToolSuite4.ini file when starting.
I solved the problem with these steps:
Open the commad terminal;
go to the location where you put the jar file;
Run "java -jar [****.jar]";
PS: Make sure you have java runtime installed in you machine and you have the correct environment settings.
Hope this could help you.
I guess this is an admin rights problem:
I have downloaded the self extracting .jar file:
I saved it in c:\Program Files (needs admin rights).
Double-clicked it (not as admin) -> Same error (cannot find the SpringToolSuite4.ini file).
I have started TotalCommander (you may use a differnt explorer) with admin rights -> Problem fixed.
Open jar with winrar. Open the "contents.zip". Move to "sts-4.8.0.RELEASE" folder in documents. After, we run the program.
You can solve the problem like this.
When I downloaded it for the second time. I also got this error(SpringToolSuite4.ini). That's how I passed. instead of downloading it again. Downloading it again didn't work.
right click on the sts icon inside the extracted sts-bundle package and select show content.

Change installed language in quite-mode

I'm trying to change the installed language with install4j, according to the documentation the parameter I should use is:
-Dinstall4j.language=[ISO code]
I'd like it to install in English but it keeps installing it in Swedish, the iso-codes I've tried is: en and En_us.
This is how I add the parameter, is this correct or am I doing something wrong?
> .\Setup_64bit.exe -Dinstall4j.language=en
Environment: Windows 7, Powershell, Install4j 5.1.6
The simplest way I found to solve this was installing it locally on a OS with the correct language selection. Then I went to the .install4j folder(which can be found in the same folder where your application is installed) and inside this folder there is a response.varfile. The .varfile can be put next to the installation .exe, and if given the same name as the .exe file but with .varfile the installer will automatically use this response-file to select language! :)
Using -Dinstall4j.language=en is correct, but if you have already installed it before, a "Load a response file" action in your project will load the response file from previous installation and override the selection on the command line.

How to change the location of the netbeans settings directory (~/.netbeans)

By default netbeans stores it's settings in a directory called .netbeans under the user's home directory. Is it possible to change the location of this directory (especially under Windows)?
Thanks to James Schek I now know the answer (change the path in netbeans.conf) but that leads me to another question:
Is there a way to include the current username in the path to the netbeans setting directory?
I want to do something like this:
but I can't figure out the name of the variable to use (if there's any).
Of course I can achieve the same thing with the --userdir option, I'm just curious.
yes, edit the netbeans.conf file under %NETBEANS_HOME%\etc.
Edit the line with:
If you need different "profiles"--i.e. want to run different copies of Netbeans with different home directories, you can pass a new home directory to the launcher. Run "netbeans.exe --userdir /path/to/dir" or "nb.exe --userdir /path/to/dir"
"HOME" is the only variable supported by the IDE. When deploying a custom application using the Netbeans Platform, "APPNAME" is also supported out of the box.
For someone who lands up here hunting for an answer:
If you are trying to setup a portable version in windows, Netbeans 7.2 and up wont start if userdir is at the same level or lower than the Netbeans root.
So if you have:
c:\Portable\Netbeans you can NOT do netbeans_default_userdir="c:\Portable\Netbeans\userdir\8.0"
Use a folder OUTSIDE netbeans installation e.g.
for cache it does not matter.
Tested in Windows 8.1 and 7.