How to build a Flutter voice call application without using a third-party SDK? - flutter

I want to build a voice call application using Flutter, I have searched for solutions but all of them use SDK and need to pay a fee, I want to create it myself but there is no any documentation I can find to guide me on this, if you have any way, please let me know, I appreciate your contribution.

Consider using these following :
Jitsi Meet


Is it possible to record a voice call using the agora sdk on a flutter application?

I am building an application that can record the phone calls that a user places through it. Is it possible to build this application using solely flutter and agora sdk? Is there anything else I would need? Any reference material to help with implementation is welcome!
I am currently building a Flutter application myself that uses the Agora sdk. They make a good wrapper for Flutter framework you can learn more about here.
I haven't looked much into the audio recording but some quick googling and I found this. Read more here .

Integrate getstream activity feed in flutter

So I am trying to integrate activity feed feature from get stream into flutter. But I am not able to get the docs for that. My question is, is it possible to integrate feed feature to flutter app ?
There are various tutorials for integrating chat feature but not the feed feature. Please help.
Note: I am not an experienced flutter developer...
Unfortunately, no Flutter SDK or customized docs for Flutter at the moment but we're considering to allocate some resources for it in Q3 this year.
I highly suggest you to use Flutter platform channels. I had to do that for a project I am working on currently. If you have any questions feel free to ask :)
There is a dedicated Dart package to interact with the API:
And a core package that simplifies the low-level client by managing state and providing builders:

Difference between two similar Goodle Unity Ads plugins

Tere is a two plugins for Unity from Google for having Ads in your app.
First, based on firebase and provided via google play services:
Second one, also well-updated, used by some people plugin for similar purposes as as well as first plugin.
I am new in Ads in Unity3d, and I want to make it clear, what is the difference between them ?
I think someone can give a proper answer.
Maybe this can help.
Should we prefer AdMob in Google Play services compared to "old" AdMob SDK
But I think to read more their docs and choose, is best solution to choose.
I checked project and as you may check also in the doc there is no way for you to set the applicationID.
Google Ads cannot play without that ID. Also that plugin would try to take storage and WiFi access and as we know this is not needed for Admob.
I suggest you better use which is a official plugin at the moment.

How to integrate Salesforce in iphone app?

can any one help me in integrating salesforce in my app.I have made account in sales force and also created the remote-acces key.Can anyone tell how to ad objects ,dashboards etc in the iPhone app.I also want to know how to access the data on salesforce .for e.g. i want to get all the custom objects in salesforce and also want to create custom objects from iPhone app.Can anyone guide me in this respect.Any help is appreciated.
There are many ways to do it. I advice you to read carefully and choose the best way to do it.
Here are some links to read about it:
Making Salesforce and PayPal Work Together
SDK Project
Good Documentation and code
Salesforce provides mobiles SDK for iPhone, Android & hybrid platforms.
This SDK has samples on how to start with. There are lot of documentations available.
Basically the SDK helps to authenticate with Salesforce using oAuth, communicating with the objects using RestKit.
Refer the following URLs to start with..
Download the mobile SDK from the following URL.
There is a discussion forum
API docs

api for showing native calculator in iOS app

I have to create app which has requirement to integrate calculator. I want to know that is there any api which will show a calculator. or i have to create the calculator?
I searched on google but it was showing me calculator application.
Thanks in advance
NO, You have create the calculator and integrate it with application
I don't believe there is any particular API for interacting with the built-in calculator.
You are also unable to launch other applications from within your application, unless you are using URL Schemes (here is a long list of supported schemes), so you will need to create your own calculator.
Here is a similar question: Launch an app from within another (iPhone)