How to run a MongoDB Atlas export 6.1 locally? - mongodb

My objective is to run a MongoDB Atlas cloud backup locally on my mac.
For the longest time, the procedure was simply:
Download backup
Extract tar -xvzf restore-<name>.tar.gz
mongod --dbpath restore-/ --port 58109
Connect with Atlas and debug.
But this does not work anymore, because MongoDB Atlas is running 6.1 --> and I'm running community local (6.0). When I try, I get this error:
Wrong mongod version
admin.system.version: { _id: \"featureCompatibilityVersion\", version: \"6.1\" }
Invalid feature compatibility version value, expected '5.0' or '5.3' or '6.0. See
To review full details, see the community post


Can't run "mongo" command (mongo shell) on Ubuntu after installation

I am new to MongoDB. I already read the docs and MongoDB Community Edition.
It is working
but, I tried to run the "mongo" command: It is not working!!
...So i did:
sudo apt install mongodb-clients
(I saw after that this command uninstalled the mongodb server, which i had to install again)
When it finished, i tried again the "mongo" command. It is not working !!
How do I solve this?
You may want to try "mongosh" command.
As specified on documentation you provided.
Start a mongosh session on the same host machine as the mongod. You
can run mongosh without any command-line options to connect to a
mongod that is running on your localhost with default port 27017.
You need a client in order to interact with mongoDB deployment such as mongosh or Compass.
The MongoDB Shell, mongosh, is a fully functional JavaScript and
Node.js 16.x REPL environment for interacting with MongoDB
deployments. You can use the MongoDB Shell to test queries and
operations directly with your database.
Hope It helps.
The mongodb-server and the mongodb-clients debian packages were for MongoDB 3.x, maintained by Ubuntu.
Since MongoDB 4.x, MongoDB provide their own debian packages, but they named them mongodb-org-server, mongodb-mongosh and mongodb-cli. The client command mongo is split into two different commands mongocli and mongosh.

installing MongoDB to Mac

I need help to solve an error that happened while installing MongoDB into Macbook.
I run this command to kick off installing.
brew install mongosh
ALthough I got a warning msg, it seemed like fine.
I waited so long, and the installation got finally done.
Here is the screenshot of the end.
As you can see, I typed below to check if it was successfully installed.
mongosh --version
Finally I tried to run MongoDB, so typed "mongosh". And I got an error to run it and connect to db called cluster0.
Current Mongosh Log ID: 621d2adedeee61396fddb367
Connecting to: mongodb://
MongoNetworkError: connect ECONNREFUSED
takeichimasahironoMacBook-Air:~ masa$ mongosh "mongodb+srv://" --apiVersion 1 --username mongo
Enter password: *****
Current Mongosh Log ID: 621d2b0f5a5370a82628edcc
Connecting to: mongodb+srv://
MongoServerSelectionError: read ECONNRESET
Any idea to solve this issue?? Thanks for your effort in advance.
In addition to the good answer above -- On newer versions mac os x the root directory is read only so you will need place your mongo data directory somewhere else, see this thread:
Read-only file system when attempting mkdir /data/db on Mac
I also needed to separately install the mongo command line tool from the cask:
$ brew install mongodb-community-shell
I recommend Homebrew for installing and managing applications on macOS. It is installed using the following command in the macOS terminal. Open up the terminal and paste the command:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
The terminal runs through a series of installation operations, and will probably create folders in your local machine to accommodate Homebrews storage requirements. You can find more detailed instructions here. After it's installed, update the Homebrew dependencies and install MongoDB on the command line:
brew update
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
It will take a few seconds. Once it's done, create a directory so MongoDB can store its data.
sudo mkdir -p /data/db
Now to make sure this data directory have the right permissions, you'll run this command:
sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db
Now our data directory is ready with the right permissions. Next run mongo daemon. Which is a service which runs in the background and listens for connections on a given port. Run this command:
Now mongo daemon will be running in the background and can be used by your applications. Next, check your MongoDB version:
mongo --version
MongoDB shell version v4.2.6
The command-line results will show the version you have installed on your local machine. I recommend using the latest version of libraries and software whenever possible to avoid compatibility issues with client-side applications.

Install Mongodb on windows 7 - 64 bit

I am new to mongodb and not getting how to install it since i dint find videos or any helpful resources to achieve the same. Please help me for installing mongodb on windows 7 with the exact steps. I tried downloading recent version of mongodb from the site and its unsuccessful. Thanks in adcance.
Download MongoDB this link link.
Review MongoDB folder.
In MongoDB, it contains only executable files 10 Plus(exe) in the bin folder. This is true, and That are the required files to MongoDB, it's really hard to believe for a developer like me Who eats from a relation database background.
path:- Files under $MongoDB/bin folder
Configuration File
Create a MongoDB config file, it’s just a text file, for example C:\mongodb\mongo.config:
#store data here
\\all output go here
\\log read and write operations
Run MongoDB server
Use mongod.exe --config C:\mongodb\mongo.config to start MongoDB server.
C:\mongodb\bin>mongod --config C:\mongodb\mongo.config
All output going to: C:\mongodb\log\mongo.log
Connect to MongoDB
Uses mongo.exe to connect to the started MongoDB server.
MongoDB shell version: 2.2.3
connecting to: test
//mongodb shell
MongoDB as Windows Service
Add MongoDB as Windows Service, so that MongoDB will start automatically following each system restart.
Install as Windows Service with --install.
C:\mongodb\bin> mongod --config C:\mongodb\mongo.config --install
A Windows service named “MongoDB” is created.
To start MongoDB Service:
net start MongoDB
To stop MongoDB Service
net stop MongoDB
To remove MongoDB Service
C:\mongodb\bin>mongod --remove
Reference Link Install Mongodb
For mongoDB 4.x, I got installation hung up several times in "wait for a few minutes..."
I changed to v3.2.21-1 as recommended from searching the answer from web. It installed very quick and fast as I installed one year ago.
firstly you downloaded mongodb from here :
you unzip the folder in your directory example C:\..\MongoDB
you open the command prompt ( demarrer>Invite commande)
you go to your folder where the bin is and you write this on your command prompt : cd c:\..\mongodb\bin
then you have to specifies the directory where you want to put the data, you can create a folder called : MongoData, and you whrite on your command prompt: Mongod --dbpath C:\..\MongoData
Download the version 4.0.22 from here
And follow steps from Use this tutorial to install MongoDB 5.0 Community Edition on Windows using the default installation wizard
All the best!!!
use mongodb-win32-x86_64-2008plus-ssl-3.2.22-signed for Windows7 64 bit

Mongo: network error while attempting to run command 'whatsmyuri' on host

I have been trying to access my mongo instance from another machine, but I get this error. I could not find many references to this whatsmyuri error. This is what I get from the external machine:
$ mongo <IP_ADDRESS>:27017/youtube_advertising -u user -p password
MongoDB shell version: 3.2.0
connecting to: <IP_ADDRESS>:27017/youtube_advertising
2016-02-19T17:10:02.923+0100 E QUERY [thread1] Error: network error while attempting to run command 'whatsmyuri' on host '<IP_ADDRESS>:27017' :
exception: connect failed
I have already changed the /etc/mongod.conf file, opened connections through port 27017 (with iptables) and restarted mongo. I am able to connect via ssh to that machine.
Searching about this whatsmyuri, I ran this command on mongo:
> db.runCommand( { whatsmyuri: 1 } )
{ "you" : "", "ok" : 1 }
I do not know if that 36990 port is right or wrong. Just in case I opened connections from there too, but still nothing.
Any ideas?
Checking the /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log, this is what I get when I try to connect from remote:
2016-02-19T10:41:07.292-0600 I NETWORK [initandlisten] connection accepted from <EXT_IP_ADDRESS>:51800 #2 (1 connection now open)
2016-02-19T10:41:07.310-0600 I QUERY [conn2] operation isn't supported: 2010
2016-02-19T10:41:07.310-0600 I - [conn2] Assertion: 16141:cannot translate opcode 2010
Check your versions. That may help.
I was having the same problem. In my case, the server was version 3.2.0-rc2, while mongo shell version was 3.2.1.
Upgrading the server to 3.2.1 fixed the problem.
This issue bit me when I was running two versions (3.4 and 4.2) of MongoDB on the same Windows 10 machine. I ran v3.4 mongod with no problems mentioned in the console output, but then running the v3.4 mongo shell produced the above error. Checking the Task Manager, it turned out there was a MongoDB process (I'm not sure, but I think it was for v4.2) running. After ending that process through the Task Manager, the v3.4 mongo shell ran fine with no error.
Using mongodb-community-shell
In MacOs brew install mongodb/brew/mongodb-community-shell
It will ask you to overwrite link with mongo command.
brew link --overwrite mongodb-community-shell
The issue arises when the mongo client's and server's version mismatch.
Uninstall MongoDB from the client and for installation follow the detailed instruction provided over here.
The key step which needs to be done with the attention is
sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org=4.2.7 mongodb-org-server=4.2.7 mongodb-org-shell=4.2.7 mongodb-org-mongos=4.2.7
Note: In my case, the mongo version of server was 4.2.7
Another thing that one can do is uninstall MongoDB from both the systems taking necessary backups and install it again.

Mac Installing Mongodb

I used brew to installed the mongoDB. Created the database and permission.
Suns-MacBook-Pro:~ Dawn$ mongod
all output going to: /usr/local/var/log/mongodb/mongo.log
Suns-MacBook-Pro:~ Dawn$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.2.2
connecting to: test
It keeps connecting after 5 minutes. Any suggestions what problem here
I would use the --dbpath to set the data directory.
Example: mongod --dbpath /var/mongodata
/var/mongodata should be created first.