Mac Installing Mongodb - mongodb

I used brew to installed the mongoDB. Created the database and permission.
Suns-MacBook-Pro:~ Dawn$ mongod
all output going to: /usr/local/var/log/mongodb/mongo.log
Suns-MacBook-Pro:~ Dawn$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.2.2
connecting to: test
It keeps connecting after 5 minutes. Any suggestions what problem here

I would use the --dbpath to set the data directory.
Example: mongod --dbpath /var/mongodata
/var/mongodata should be created first.


Can't run "mongo" command (mongo shell) on Ubuntu after installation

I am new to MongoDB. I already read the docs and MongoDB Community Edition.
It is working
but, I tried to run the "mongo" command: It is not working!!
...So i did:
sudo apt install mongodb-clients
(I saw after that this command uninstalled the mongodb server, which i had to install again)
When it finished, i tried again the "mongo" command. It is not working !!
How do I solve this?
You may want to try "mongosh" command.
As specified on documentation you provided.
Start a mongosh session on the same host machine as the mongod. You
can run mongosh without any command-line options to connect to a
mongod that is running on your localhost with default port 27017.
You need a client in order to interact with mongoDB deployment such as mongosh or Compass.
The MongoDB Shell, mongosh, is a fully functional JavaScript and
Node.js 16.x REPL environment for interacting with MongoDB
deployments. You can use the MongoDB Shell to test queries and
operations directly with your database.
Hope It helps.
The mongodb-server and the mongodb-clients debian packages were for MongoDB 3.x, maintained by Ubuntu.
Since MongoDB 4.x, MongoDB provide their own debian packages, but they named them mongodb-org-server, mongodb-mongosh and mongodb-cli. The client command mongo is split into two different commands mongocli and mongosh.

Mongo DB Make directory for the first time [duplicate]

If someone can provide some insights here I would GREATLY appreciate it.
I had a express/node.js app running on MongoDB locally successfully, but upon restarting my computer, I attempted to restart the Mongo server and it began giving errors and wouldn't start. Since then, I have re-installed Mongo several times only to find the same error occurring. this is what I am receiving:
privee:mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.4.6 jonlinton$ ./bin/mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.6
connecting to: test
Mon Aug 26 14:48:47.168 Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:145
exception: connect failed
Am I missing a step? Should I be creating a config file?
If you have installed mongodb through homebrew then you can simply start mongodb through (mongodb-community if installted mongodb-community
brew services start mongodb
brew services start mongodb-community
Then access the shell by
You can shut down your db by
brew services stop mongodb
You can restart your db by
brew services restart mongodb
For more options
brew info mongodb
Updated answer (9/2/2019):
Homebrew has removed mongodb formula from its core repository, see this pull request.
The new way to install mongodb using Homebrew is as follows:
~> brew tap mongodb/brew
~> brew install mongodb-community
After installation you can start the mongodb service by following the caveats:
~> brew info mongodb-community
mongodb/brew/mongodb-community: stable 4.2.0
High-performance, schema-free, document-oriented database
Not installed
==> Caveats
To have launchd start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community now and restart at login:
brew services start mongodb/brew/mongodb-community
Or, if you don't want/need a background service you can just run:
mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
Deprecated answer (8/27/2019):
I assume you are using Homebrew. You can see the additional information that you need using brew info $FORMULA
~> brew info mongo 255
mongodb: stable 2.4.6, devel 2.5.1
/usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/2.4.5-x86_64 (20 files, 287M) *
Built from source
==> Caveats
To reload mongodb after an upgrade:
launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb.plist
launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.mongodb.plist
Caveats is what you need to follow after installation.
Assuming you have created the data/db directory under bin after install.
Start a terminal for your mongo server
Go to <mongodb-install-directory>/bin directory
Run the command
Start a terminal for your mongo shell
Go to <mongodb-install-directory>/bin directory
Run the command (make sure you put the name of the database)
./mongo test
Problem here is you are trying to open a mongo shell without starting a mongo db which is listening to port for mongo db) thats what the error is all about:
Error: couldn't connect to server at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:145 exception: connect failed
The easiest solution is to open the terminal and type
$ mongod --dbpath ~/data/db
Note: dbpath here is "Users/user" where data/db directories are created
i.e., you need to create directory data and sub directory db in your user folder.
For e.g say `
After mongo db is up. Open another terminal in new window and type
$ mongo
it will open mongo shell with your mongo db connection opened in another terminal.
Mac Installation:
Install brew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Update and verify you are good with
brew update
brew doctor
Install mongodb with
brew install mongodb
Create folder for mongo data files:
mkdir -p /data/db
Set permissions
sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db
Open another terminal window & run and keep running a mongo server/daemon
Return to previous terminal and run a mongodb shell to access data
To quit each of these later:
The Shell:
The Server
For those that could be facing the same problem and the solutions suggested above aren't working, for example in my case, I had installed mongodb-community, so you might wanna run the command below to restart your mongo server.
For those that installed mongodb-community using brew
brew services start mongodb-community
additionally you may want mongo to run on another port, then paste this command on terminal,
mongod --dbpath /data/db/ --port 27018
where 27018 is the port we want mongo to run on
mongod exists in your bin i.e /usr/local/bin/ for mac ( which would be if you installed with brew), otherwise you'd need to navigate to the path where mongo is installed
the folder /data/db/ exists
mongo => mongo-db console
mongodb => mongo-db server
If you're on Mac and looking for a easier way to start/stop your mongo-db server, then MongoDB Preference Pane is something that you should look into. With it, you start/stop your mongo-db instance via UI. Hope it helps!
Make sure you are logged in as root user in your terminal.
Steps to start mongodb server in your mac
Open Terminal
Run the command sudo su
Enter your administrator password
run the command mongod
MongoDb Server starts
Hope it helps you.
Nothing less likely to be outdated that the official docs:
What worked for me on MacOS 12.6.1:
Go to Homebrew copy the "Install Brew " link from there , paste and run .run
To check the version of brew
brew -v
brew tap mongodb/brew
brew install mongodb-community
sudo mkdir -p /System/Volumes/Data/data/db
sudo chown -R `id -un` /System/Volumes/Data/data/db
sudo mongod --dbpath /System/Volumes/Data/data/db
this would run your MongoDB .
Download MongoDB and install it on your local machine.
Extract the file and put it on the desktop.
Create another folder where you want to store the data. I have created mongodb-data folder.
Then run the below command.
Desktop/mongodb/bin/mongod --dbpath=/Users/yourname/Desktop/mongodb-data/
Before the hyphen is the executable path of your mongoDB and after hyphen is your data store.

How to start Mongo DB server from Windows?

I have installed MongoDB 3.6.3 on my Window 8.1(64 bit) machine. I have created the path data/db too but when I tried to start mongodb using the command 'C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin', it is not starting. It showing a message "the program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer". Anyone help me to start Mongo DB server. Thanks in advance.
Open CMD
nevigate to C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin [Your mongodb installed location]
Then run command as mongod --dbpath E:\sangram\mongo_workspace --port 27017
[E:\sangram\mongo_workspace] is my local directory where i'll store my mongodb data

Net start MongoDB - system error 2

I've just downloaded mongodb 3.2 version and went through the installtion using mongodb manual.
My mongodb directory is in c:\mongodb\.
When I try to run net start MongoDB command using cmd in superuser mode
it says :
system error 2 has occurred.
the system cannot find the file specified.
Try to remove mongoDB as a service first before installing it again if you are not using MongoDB for the first time.
mongod --remove
then install mongoDB service again in your own mongoDB folder.
mongod --directoryperdb --dbpath C:\mongodb\data\db --logpath C:\mongodb\log\mongo.log --logappend --rest --install

Creating a database in Mongo: can't connect, get "connect failed"

I want to create a new database in Mongo. However, I'm having trouble connecting:
:~$ mongo
MongoDB shell version: 1.6.5
connecting to: test
Tue Dec 21 18:16:25 Error: couldn't connect to server (anon):1154
exception: connect failed
How can I connect to mongo in order to create a new database? Alternatively, can I create a new database from the command line?
Slightly surprisingly, the Mongo docs don't seem to cover how to create a database.
In order to open Mongo JavaScript shell, a Listener should be initialized first.
So, first run mongod.exe before running mongo.exe. Both are in the same location(/bin).
There is no separate commands to create a db in mongodb. Just type "use dbname;" in console. Now you have created a db of the name 'dbname'. Now, if you type 'show databases' you cannot see the db name you just created. Because, mongo will not create any db, util you create collection and insert a document into that collection.
Hope this is useful to you!
cd /var/lib/mongodb/
remove mongod.lock file from this folder
sudo start mongodb (in console)
mongo (in console)
And it runs fine.
First you'll need to run mongod on one terminal. Then fire up another terminal and type mongo. This shall open the mongo shell. You also need to create /data/db/ where mongo will store your databases.
You'll need to run mongod (the daemon) before you can use mongo (the client), it's easiest to just run it in another shell; These should be in your path if mongo is installed correctly. After that the docs should get you through creating and editing dbs and collections.
Just try following commands in given order :
sudo rm /var/lib/mongodb/mongod.lock
sudo mongod --repair
sudo service mongodb start
sudo service mongodb status