Meta Quest Pro SteamVR Compatible - virtual-reality

I was trying to figure it out if Meta Quest Pro is compatible with SteamVR. I have searched all the internet, and also tried to ask to ChatGPT, but I found no answer to this question. Anyone knows something about it?

I have figured it out, and Meta Quest Pro is compatible with SteamVR


Vuforia & Unity: Build UWP Successfully but No Live Camera Feed (Black Screen)

Unity Version: Unity 2019.3.9f1
Vuforia Version: 9.0.12
The app works fine in unity editor, it builds and runs successfully without error but no camera feed (black screen). Can't seem to find up to date solutions online.
Updated the Vuforia version to 9.2.7 does not seem to solve the problem.
I don't think to check the "Vuforia Augmented Reality Supported" under the "XR Settings" is an option, because it's able to deprecate. Also Checking the "Windows Mixed Reality" plug-in under XR Plug-in Management didn't solve the problem.
I already checked the "InternetClient" and "WebCam" in the publish setting for UWP.
Do I need to change anything in ARCamera's "Open Vuforia Engine configuration"? Some solutions mention disabling the Vuforia play mode will help, but I can't seem to find the option anywhere.
Anyone encountered the same issue and find a solution? Thanks.
I don't have a current solution, but would like to share my experience working with vuforia, UWP.
I found that there are varying breaking versions of unity and vuforia's SDK.
The latest version may not necessarily work I had to trial and error before I found a compatible version, so you might want to try that out. perhaps a older version of either unity/vuforia in reference with
And yeah, definitely run your "hello world" tests on the sample projects first.
Best of luck, it's a great SDK ,once you get it to work.

Unity 3D Tools - Kit Tools not showing

Basically, I've imported the 3D Tool Kit via Unity Asset Store, but I cannot find the Kit Tools menu. I've been looking everywhere to a fix for this issue, but I can't find anything about it.
Any ideas on how to fix this? This has been going on for a couple of days.
Unity version: Unity 2019.1.0f2
What I see:

Xbox Live Unity Plugin

So I just got accepted into the Xbox Live Creators Program, which is awesome.
Anyways, I can't seem to find the Xbox Live Unity Plugin anywhere.
I'm trying to download it from this link:
But link seems to be broken. Any help on that?
Thanks in advance.
it looks like those docs have an error. You can get the plug-in here:
Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Need Help in porting Unity game to Windows phone 8.1

I just need a little help as i am really confused about the behaviour of unity. I had ported my word puzzle game to Windows Phone 8.0 using unity 5.0.1 and it runs good on all of the windows phone devices. Now i have ported the same build to windows phone 8.1 by using unity 5.2.2 and it runs too much slow on the device. I am unable to understand why is this so and how can i optimize it. Kindly help me out in this if you can. Please share some useful links or any posts that can help me to resolve this problem. Thanks in Advance.
Well I have just managed to found the solution my self for above described issue. When you target windows phone 8.1 Just change the configuration settings from Debug to Master and make the build from VS it will run smoothly on device. Its worked for me.

Unity: how to embed a VR Cardboard game into a website

Right now, I think there is not a way to do it within Unity. This is what I have found so far (please, correct me if I'm wrong):
The most popular VR plugins compatible with Unity for both Android and iPhone are Durovis Dive SDK and Google Cardboard SDK.
I have read that most Android phones are compatible with those VR plugins. My experience is that just a few are compatible. Durovis Dive SDK seems to be the most compatible one nowadays. If the Android phone has not gyroscope and the game has the Google Cardboard SDK plugin, the game won't load or crash. If the Android phone has not gyroscope, the game will load but the image will be still when we move the phone.
Unity 5.3 has been just released. It includes WebGL support. It includes VR support. Samsung Gear and Occulus are supported. However, I have not found out anything about the compatibility with others Android or iPhone devices. Maybe it works (I have not test it. I have not found somebody who has test it yet).
Here there is a list with VR technology for the web.
We can find stuff to Export an Unity scene to Three.js. Scripts and animations don't seem to work though.
I just spoke with an industry leader in VR experiences for media companies a couple weeks ago. And his company was one of the first to attempt VR in a web browser through mobile. He said it didn't work very well. He was partially successful, but if his company had problems, I'm guessing it's still a few years off. He said new additions to HTML are coming that will improve this over the next few years.
Hope that helps!
could you try WEBVR
YouTube Tutorial: Demo WebVR Unity
Although it has some defects, but it can serve you for basic applications. I was testing it with 360 videos, this was very heavy for the platform.
You may try WebXR. But you can't add both SDK at the same time.