Is it possible to show organisation repos in GitHub desktop without manually cloning through the app? - github

I wrote a script to clone many repositories from my organisation (The organisation is set as a business), but these repositories do not automatically show up in GitHub Desktop. It seems as though to make repositories show up in GitHub desktop I need to clone through GitHub desktop or add each repository manually through the local option.
Is there a way to make organisation repositories that I have cloned automatically show up on GitHub desktop?


Why does adding a repository in GitHub Desktop locally not show my pull requests

So I have a GitHub Enterprise account. On GitHub Desktop when I clone my repository from the server it goes under Enterprise and I can see the list of branches and Pull requests as shown below.
If I simply add an existing repository from my local machine onto GitHub Desktop, then it goes under Other and now I can't see the option for showing me my pull requests.
I don't want to have to reclone all my repo because that just seems silly but is there a way I can still see if there's any pull request from my repo that I simply added in from my local machine?

Azure contributions to github profile

I work for a company that uses Azure Devops and therefore all my contributions are not stored in a github account. Is there any way to transfer them there (obviously without cloning the repository to github)
I tried to find a way to track contributions but they all require direct integration with github, which I can't do.
If you don't want clone contributions from Azure DevOps Repo to local then to GitHub.
you could directly use git import by going to GitHub right upper corner, click the '+' button, put your old repository’s clone URL got from ADO repos then it should be done. You needn't clone the repo to your local.
Then if you want, you could delete the repos/contributions in Azure DevOps.
If the contributions are on GitHub repos, then you needn't track them with integrations. But if they are still in different platforms, then you need to use integration to track them. repos created not showing on Github desktop

New to git and github. Not sure why the repos created on my page do not show on the github desktop version. Aren'they supposed to be automatically synced?
In GitHub Desktop, select File > Clone repository, or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+O.
There, under the "" tab, you can see the list of all GitHub repositories that you have access to. You can click on the refresh icon to re-sync if any repository is not yet visible.

Forking Github into AzureDevops

I'm wanting to fork a github repo into AzureDevOps, whilst retaining the capability within AzureDevOps to keep pulling changes from github as-per forking a repo within github.
Is this feasible / on a roadmap?
I'm wanting to fork a github repo into AzureDevOps, whilst retaining the capability within AzureDevOps to keep pulling changes from github as-per forking a repo within github.
I am afraid there is no such out of box function of the "Fork" in GitHub for Azure Devops. But you can import repository from GitHub directly.
In Azure DevOps the project you want to clone the repository or create a new team project, click code tab. Click repository menu in Code Tab (it is on the top left side) and select Import repository:
Then, slect the SourceType GIT and add your github repository URL:
However, according to the ticket on the github:
Currently there is no Azure DevOps' build in support for automatically
updating your GitHub repo fork in Azure Repos.
We need do the sync manually on the dev machine.
Besides, there is an old document about How-To Fork Git Repositories on Visual Studio Online, but we still need to create a middleman to moderate changes from GitHub before pushing them into a VSTS project.
Hope this helps.

Can't checkout remote branch using GitHub Desktop

When I first clone a repo using GitHub Desktop (windows version), I'm able to see all of the branches and can checkout the branches.
However, if another contributor creates a new remote branch (after I've done the clone), GitHub Desktop isn't able to fetch and checkout the new branches. The branches are visible via the GitHub website. The only way I've found to checkout these branches via GitHub desktop is to delete the local repo and clone again. I was expecting the "Sync" button to handle fetching new branches from the remote repo.
Any ideas?
According to Steve Ward at GitHub Support:
You should be able to hit F5 in GitHub Desktop to refresh the repository and fetch any new branches from the remote repository. There currently aren't any animations for this process, but it should work without issue. [...] we automatically fetch new branches every five minutes as well.
You can also click on the "Gear" button in upper right of the client, select "Open in Git Shell" and type the command git fetch in the command window that is opened...