Cannot automate searching of Github classroom repos - github

I am an instructor that uses Github classroom. All students in the classroom setup their repos with a specific prefix. I have a script that will retrieve my repos, find the ones that have the specific prefix and set the Notifications as I wish. All this works beautifully with one fatal flaw. The repos retrieved do not include the repos in my Github classrooms, just my personal repos.
I got this far by using my Github username and PAT as credentials for the API, but that does not seem to have the scope to find the repos in my Github classroom, even though the username for my personal Github account and my classroom appear to be the same.
How do I address the Github classroom repos specifically?


Why does GitLab need full access read and write permissions when importing a GitHub repo?

I just signed up for GitLab, after learning about this cool feature where you can import your GitHub repositories and keep the two in sync. The import feature seems simple enough, but I paused when I got to the step where I authorize GitLab to my GitHub account. Why does it need so many permissions? Some make sense to me, others not so much. Specifically:
Personal user data
Full access
This application will be able to read and write all user data. This
includes the following:
Private email addresses
Private profile information
I understand why it needs to read and write to all public and private repository data. It's moving all that data to GitLab, and it needs to write to keep it in sync. What I don't understand is why it needs write permissions to my email and profile information?
I know that GitLab is a reputable company that didn't just pop up yesterday, but I am still wary when giving full access permissions to any service. If someone could help me understand, that would be appreciated.
You have two options when migrating a repository from GitHub to GitLab. You can migrate using only the url, in which case what you’ll have on GitLab is more similar to what you’d get if you simply added an additional remote in the repo - the full repo will be there, but everything specific to GitHub - the pull requests, comments, issues, etc, as well as all users tagged or participating - will be lost.
Alternatively, you can use the GitHub importer. This option fully migrates the GitHub repo to GitLab, setting up the GitLab equivalents of GitHub features (pull requests become merge requests, etc.). And part of this involves assigning users to each comment, mention, PR, etc.
From the gitlab docs:
When issues and pull requests are being imported, the importer attempts to find their GitHub authors and assignees in the database of the GitLab instance. Pull requests are called merge requests in GitLab.
For this association to succeed, each GitHub author and assignee in the repository must meet one of the following conditions prior to the import:
Have previously logged in to a GitLab account using the GitHub icon.
Have a GitHub account with a public-facing email address that matches their GitLab account’s email address.
GitLab content imports that use GitHub accounts require that the GitHub public-facing email address is populated. This means all comments and contributions are properly mapped to the same user in GitLab. GitHub Enterprise does not require this field to be populated so you may have to add it on existing accounts.
So yes, these are required if you want the full GitHub mirror or migration. If you just want the git repo contents, use the import from url tool, and the requirements will be much less extensive.

Does a user need to be invited to AppVeyor when using GitHub integration?

I read the documentation about the GitHub integration in AppVeyor and one thing is still not clear to me:
When I want to use GitHub teams, do I still need to invite people to be collaborators in AppVeyor?
If so, how does it work with permissions? If both GitHub teams and users/collaborators are assigned to roles, what does take precedence? Eg. user is directly assigned to an "Administrators" role and also a member of a GitHub team with a lower set of permissions. Are the two sets of permissions combined somehow?
In other words, is it possible to manage access to AppVeyor only through GitHub teams? (Without having to invite users to AppVeyor.) If not, what's the point of GitHub teams integration...?
I configured several GitHub teams from our organization (Kentico) with certain roles in AppVeyor. However, the users belonging to the GitHub teams didn't see the Kentico account in AppVeyor when they signed in with their GitHub account.
You do not have to invite GitHub team members (though you can). They should see your account in top left drop down when logged with GitHub button.
If you still invite them, GitHub team role takes over role you assigned in invitation.
Yes, you should be able just use GitHub teams. When GitHub team member login into AppVeyor with GitHub button, hidden Collaborator automatically created.
Let us troubleshoot your specific users over support ticket you created on our forum.
I tried to:
Revoke access and authorize again at - DIDN'T WORK
Remove and recreate the GitHub team at - DIDN'T WORK
Verify that both AppVeyor and AppVeyor CI are authorized OAuth apps at - DIDN'T WORK
Reinstalled AppVeyor from GitHub marketplace: - WORKED

I want to deny Travis CI access to an organization

I want to use Travis CI for personal projects, I would like to know if it is possible to prevent Travis CI to have access to an organization as a member and not an administrator.
If you have a Github account for yourself it is a personal account. That account can be a member or owner of any number of Github organizations.
If you are just trying to add Travis CI so that it has access to your personal repositories but not to the organizations you administer, you can do so easily.
When you sign in to the Travis CI website with your personal Github account for the first time, it asks you to "authorize Travis CI":
This page has an "organizations and teams" section that defaults to read-only (it can see what repositories etc your orgs have but cannot take any actions on them)
This page also has an "Organization Access" section at the bottom with a list of each Github organization you are a member of. As long as you do not click "request" or "grant" on any of those, your orgs will not yield any control to Travis CI.

GitHub - Failed to locate other GitHub public accounts to add as collaborator

I am new to GitHub and ran into a strange problem. I have a GitHub Enterprise account, and am trying to add other GitHub account users as collaborators to a repo. When I searched for their user names, it errored with a message "XXX isn't a GitHub member". I am very sure that the users I am trying to add just created free public accounts on and I am searching with the right user names. Can anyone shine some light?
Annie and your GitHub enterprise are two completely different different instances. They do not share any user data.
This means to add a collaborator to a project on your GitHub enterprise instance the user needs to create an account on this GitHub enterprise instance and not on

git hub - same account different repository

I have a github account by my employer. I am working on a project single handedly. Now Is it possible that another employee uses the same account but different repository and does not have access to my repository?
On googling I found that this is possible if I convert my account into an organization account! So, yes this is possible.