Xcode 14: Custom templates don't appear in Swift Package file creation - swift

I'm in a bit of a pickle. I created custom files templates for my Xcode projects.
In a normal project environment my custom templates appear when I access the New file creation popover as you can see in the following screenshoot
These templates are located at the common path of: /Users/XXXX/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates
The problem appear when I'm working on a swift package.
When I try to create a new file the popover interface is very different and does not contain my custom templates as seen with in the following image:
My suspicion is that I should set my templates in an other specific location for swift packages but I don't know where. I have looked around and I don't seems to find any reference to where I should set custom content for Swift Packages.
I'm looking for any tips on that matter. Or any information that could give me a some clues on how to fix my issue.
Thank you in advance.


Couldn't find a related Android.mk template on android source tree

I am reading the android platform-build docs with gnu makefile(Android.mk) from https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build/+/master/core/build-system.html.
Now I met an issue I didn't find a related template example?
<h3><a name="templates"/>How to add another component to the build - Android.mk templates</h3>
<p>You have a new library, a new app, or a new executable. For each of the
common types of modules, there is a corresponding file in the templates
directory. It will usually be enough to copy one of these, and fill in your
own values. Some of the more esoteric values are not included in the
templates, but are instead just documented here, as is the documentation
on using custom tools to generate files.</p>
<p>Mostly, you can just look for the TODO comments in the templates and do
what it says. Please remember to delete the TODO comments when you're done
to keep the files clean. The templates have minimal documentation in them,
because they're going to be copied, and when that gets stale, the copies just
won't get updated. So read on...</p>
<p>Use the <code>templates/apps</code> file.</p>
<p>This template is pretty self-explanitory. See the variables below for more
As sections mentioned above I assume there are somethings named 'templates' directory for
a library, apps ... But I couldn't find that in android source tree.
Could anyone enlighten me?
The examples are not located in a templates subfolder, but in the same directory as build-system.html:
binary.mk, shared_library.mk, java_library.mk, and many more.
Note: Android is switching from the Makefile-based build system to Soong. You might want to consider switching, too.

Import third party C library into swift causes error "Include of non-modular header inside framework module"

This question is a continuation of a previous one I'm currently migrating this (https://github.com/emilwojtaszek/leveldb-swift) library from swift 2 to swift 3/4. Here is the link to my fork https://github.com/lu4/leveldb-swift/tree/MigrationFromSwift2ToSwift3 (please note that the target branch is MigrationFromSwift2ToSwift3)
I was able to resolve (with many thanks to #Ruslan Serebriakov) all of the issues with initial code base and check that the code is running.
However after trying to update LevelDB C code to latest master I got new type of error which I don't understand how to resolve:
Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'LevelDB.c': '/Path/to/Project/leveldb-swift-migration/vendor/leveldb/include/leveldb/export.h'
I've did some research on the internet but the issues described there seem non-related with one I've stumbled on. Here is an image of the issue
Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance!
I'm never 100% certain with mixed language frameworks. But an error like this happens in Swift projects when:
since you cannot use a Bridging Header in frameworks,
you #import a C header in the Foo-Framework.h to expose it so the Swift code, and
the header is not itself marked "Public" to the target.
"Non-modular" seems to indicate "not part of the published module interface". At least with Swift--C mixes, you can only combine both through making the C headers public; no way to import private header files there, which is weird.
Give it a shot: Since you are obviously importing the file in non-Swift code, try to locate the export.h header file in your Xcode project, open the File inspector (⌘⌥1), and ensure public visibility in the framework target:
This issue is because the SDK u are importing is not modular or u can say modulemap file is missing. So make sure modulemap file should be available inside the framework folder. Also make sure that all public headers are listed explicitly in the modulemap. This issue will be resolve 100% if module map file will be include in the third party framework.

javascript error airconsole generator and unity

Hi I am making a game on unity with airconsole and when I try to import the airconsole controls github repo to my unity project I get a lot of javascript errors, so I can't use the controller generator and it hinders me, A LOT.
Thanks in advance, you would save my skin.
Your HTML, CSS and JavaScript files, as well as all additional resources your controller will need (images etc.), need to be in Assets/WebGLTemplates/AirConsole so Unity will not try to compile them into C# or UnityScript.
Your controller HTML file itself can be somewhere else in the project, the file within Assets/WebGLTemplates/AirConsole will be updated automatically to match it as long as it is linked in the AirConsole Object in your scene.
If you add the plugin including example scenes into an empty project, you will see a working folder structure.
Edit/Update: in case you are getting errors along the lines of The type or namespace name 'ILGenerator' could not be found (or the same but with DynamicMethod) please see details on Reddit or StackOverflow.
Essentially: you have to set API Compatibility level o 4.x in your Player Settings for your selected platform.

Using MEAN.IO how will my package's assets get aggregated?

I'm not an experienced Javascript application developer, however, I've recently been learning some MEAN using http://mean.io/#!/ as my scaffolding.
I can see that the out of the box assets are listed in:
and when the app is running the referenced assets get combined into client side files:
When I create a package using MEAN.IO's CLI:
mean package myPackage;
and start including css or scripts in this package, presumably it is bad practice to then put the packages assets into the application's assets.json as these packages are supposed to be reusable modules that could be added to someone else's MEAN application.
What's the right place to reference the new package's assets so that they are added into the aggregration process?
you want to add css or js files into your packages.
If so, it's easy. As the doc says in "Assets and Aggregation" http://learn.mean.io/#mean-packages-assets-and-aggregation
you should use
//Adding another library - global by default is false
MyPackage.aggregateAsset('js','jquery.min.js', {global:true});
//Adding some css to the mean project

unable to create new static Library out of existing source code

I'v done quite a bit of R&D on creating static libraries in iOS and came across some well written blogs. I followed this link and also this to create a static library. I have follwed the steps specified in those blogs i.e, i added all the implementation files(.m) to the static library and deleted them from the main target etc... But, i am getting around 700 erros (which is quite bizarre) when i try to build the code. i am posting a screenshot of my errors here..
Is there anything that i am missing here or doing wrong?
Please check the imported Header files.
The .m files, which have these errors, may have the same imported files.
Maybe a semi-comma or parentheses is missing or used incorrectly.