install sublipse using linux cli or ansible - eclipse

I have an ansible playbook to install eclipse. This works fine but I would like to add some plugins to it, like subclipse for instance. Does anyone know how to do it? It might also be a shell script which allow me to install subclipse. This I can run via ansible. I've already tried many things but most often end up with an error:
The org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration bundle was activated before the state location was initialized


Fastlane working on terminal not on Jenkins

I am able to configure Fastlane locally and working well with terminal, but when I am trying to run it with Jenkins(I have configured Jenkins locally on my macbook) it is failing every-time(i have installed ruby 2.5.0 again).
Any help on the same would be highly appreciated.
I am attaching SS for your reference.
Jenkins run its build scripts using specified user 'jenkins'. You might want to check if 'jenkins' user had installed requires dependencies to run fastlane, for e.g ruby ...
Have you set up your PATH in Jenkins? In the configuration of your node, in the environment variables section, you'll want to include /usr/local/bin/ with Jenkins's PATH by entering /usr/local/bin/:$PATH.

collectd-how to install write_riemann plugin

I'm new to collectd and Riemann. Im essentially trying to direct collectd logs to a riemann server instance. I understand that I need write_riemann plugin installed. I tried compiling the source files for write_riemann available online, but it includes a file called "riemann.pb-c.h", which is no where to be found. Please help!
Download the binary. After running the build script, while running the configure script include "--enable-write_riemann", this should install it. I had a lot of dependencies missing on CentOS, which threw a lot of errors. Once they were installed, write_riemann plugin was compiled and installed. Another issue you might face while installing the dependency is not able to find the right packages for protobuf-c.I was using yum package installer. Go to sudo vi /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo and change enabled from 0 to 1. After this, the protobuf-c processor was recognised while running the configure script. This solved my issue. Hope it does yours too!

jenkins EnvInject plugin does not install

I have jenkins 1.532.1.
When I want to install the EnvInject Plugin, it shows a warning:
This plugin makes it possible to have an isolated environment for your
jobs. Warning: This plugin is built for Jenkins 1.445 or newer. It may
or may not work in your Jenkins.
I go ahead and install it. It says successful but then I can see that it is not installed.
I've already tried restarting jenkins.
Does anyone know whether this plugin was discontinued or whether I will have to downgrade jenkins or any other suggestions?
I got it.
Downloaded the latest jenkins.war and replaced the current one with it.
On ubuntu, here are the steps:
sudo /usr/local/etc/rc.d/jenkins stop
cp jenkins.war /usr/share/jenkins/
sudo /usr/local/etc/rc.d/jenkins start

Why does Capistrano need modifications to use something like pythonbrew?

As I understand, all that Capistrano does is ssh into the server and execute the commands we want it to (mostly).
I've used rvm in some past couple of projects, and had to install the rvm-capistrano gem. Otherwise, it failed to find the executables (or so I recall), even though we had a proper .rvmrc file (with the correct ruby and the correct gemset) in the repository.
Similarly, today I was setting up deployment for a project for which I'm using pythonbrew, and a simple "cd #{deploy_to}/current && pythonbrew venv use myenv && gunicorn_django -c" gave me an error message saying "cannot find the executable gunicorn_django". This, I suppose is because the virtualenv was not activated correctly. But didn't we activate the environment when we did "pythonbrew venv use myenv"? The complete command works fine if I ssh into the server and execute it on the shell, but it doesn't when I do it via Capistrano.
My question is - why does Capistrano need modifications to play along with programs like rvm and pythonbrew, even though all it's doing is executing a couple of commands over ssh?
Thats because their ssh'ing in doesn't activate your shell's environment. So it's not picking up the source statements that enable the magic. Just do an rvm use ... before running commands instead of assuming the cd will pick that up automatically. Should be fine then. If you had been using fabric there is the env() context manager that you could use to be sure thats run before each command.

Jenkins default plugins are not available

I tried to install plugins from jenkins web interface and using command line as well. I am failed on both:
After installing jenkins-1.429-1.1.noarch.rpm, when I go to manage plugins and search in available plugins like phpcpd: pdepend: phpcs:phpdoc:phploc: but those plugins are not available in the list. So strange.
When I try to create build , I get error like
On the top of that I manually try to install the plugins with command
java -jar jenkins-cli.jar -s http://localhost:8080 install-plugin checkstyle
, but unfortunately, I get error like
Failed to authenticate with your SSH keys. Proceeding with anonymous access
Installing checkstyle from update center
Can somebody suggest me why I am missing default plugins in jenkins and also why I am getting such ssh authentication error from command line.
I am looking forward to solve this issue sooner!
Thanks in advance!
Those php related plugins don't come with jenkins, we need to install them manually. In case of redhat, I followed following process to install the plugins:
yum search plugin_name
yum install plugin name
how to install phpunit? it is different from previous method:
pear channel-discover
pear install phpunit/PHPUnit