Extract 2 digit from a BigInt of 8 digit in Hive - date

In my hive table I need to extract from column DATE(stored as bigint), 2 digits(month) in center.
For Example:
20220120 -> 01
20211201 -> 12
Is it possible to do directly without casting column DATE to string?

substr should work.
select substr( 20220101,4,2)


How to give 0 at the beginning of hour or giving AM and PM in postgresql [duplicate]

I am relatively new to PostgreSQL and I know how to pad a number with zeros to the left in SQL Server but I'm struggling to figure this out in PostgreSQL.
I have a number column where the maximum number of digits is 3 and the min is 1: if it's one digit it has two zeros to the left, and if it's 2 digits it has 1, e.g. 001, 058, 123.
In SQL Server I can use the following:
RIGHT('000' + cast([Column1] as varchar(3)), 3) as [Column2]
This does not exist in PostgreSQL. Any help would be appreciated.
You can use the rpad and lpad functions to pad numbers to the right or to the left, respectively. Note that this does not work directly on numbers, so you'll have to use ::char or ::text to cast them:
SELECT RPAD(numcol::text, 3, '0'), -- Zero-pads to the right up to the length of 3
LPAD(numcol::text, 3, '0') -- Zero-pads to the left up to the length of 3
FROM my_table
The to_char() function is there to format numbers:
select to_char(column_1, 'fm000') as column_2
from some_table;
The fm prefix ("fill mode") avoids leading spaces in the resulting varchar. The 000 simply defines the number of digits you want to have.
psql (9.3.5)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=> with sample_numbers (nr) as (
postgres(> values (1),(11),(100)
postgres(> )
postgres-> select to_char(nr, 'fm000')
postgres-> from sample_numbers;
(3 rows)
For more details on the format picture, please see the manual:
As easy as
SELECT lpad(42::text, 4, '0')
sqlfiddle: http://sqlfiddle.com/#!15/d41d8/3665
The easiest way:
ltrim(to_char(Column1, '000'))

Remove a decimal and concat zero at a specific position using PostgreSQL

I have a column named invoice_number varchar(255) in the invoices table.
Here is some sample data:
An invoice_number can have up to 17 digits. Here is the format in which it is generated:
Year(4 digits) + Number of invoice (3 digits) + profile number (10 digits)
At the moment, I have some data in this column as follows:
I would like to delete the decimal point which is the 2nd to the last digit and then add a zero on the 8th position (after 001 according to the sample data above) to handle all of these undesired invoice numbers.
Expected Output:
What would be the best way to do this?
A safe way to do it is using REGEXP_REPLACE.
select invoice_number
, regexp_replace(invoice_number, '^([0-9]{4})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{8})[.]([0-9]+)$', '\1\20\3\4') as new_invoice_number
from (values
, ('202200100000022.2')
, ('202200100000022.3')
) q(invoice_number)
where invoice_number like '%.%';
Test on db<>fiddle here

postgres column with auto increment 12 digit int

Is it possible to define a column that auto increments which is a 12 digit number on a schema level?
So the sequence would go 000000000000, 000000000001, ...
You can create a sequence specifying min,max,start values. Then assign that sequence as a default. You commented that your need is "EAN-13, but the first digit is a constant", from this I assume you actually need a 13 digit number beginning with a fixed digit. You can use that fixed digit as the leading value of the sequence. Something like ( assumes that constant first digit is 5):
create sequence barcode_seq
increment 1
minvalue 5000000000000
maxvalue 5999999999999
start 5000000000000;
While sequences tend to be used as table keys that is not a requirement. Use the above sequence as the default value wherever the barcode is assigned. See fiddle.
Are you looking for the serial datatype? That's an auto-incrementing integer. It ranges from 1 to 2147483647, which is a bit less than 12 digits. If you need something bigger, you can switch to bigserial, that goes up to 9223372036854775807.
create table mytable (
id serial,
val text
insert into mytable (val) values ('foo'), ('bar');
select * from mytable;
id | val
-: | :--
1 | foo
2 | bar

Postgresql Convert bit varying to integer

Searched the postgresql docs http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.4/interactive/functions-bitstring.html for information on converting bit varying to integer
But couldnt' find any info.
select '011111'::bit(4)::varbit(4)::integer as varbit
Appreciate your response.
One way:
SELECT b, lpad(b::text, 32, '0')::bit(32)::int
) t (b);
b | lpad
01 | 1
011111 | 31
111 | 7
Related answer:
Convert hex in text representation to decimal number
Let's say our table has 3 columns and 3 rows. We can simulate it with:
select *
from (
values ('row1', 1::int, 12::bit(8)::varbit),
('row2', 2::int, 23::bit(8)::varbit),
('row3', 3::int, 34::bit(8)::varbit)
) as T(A,B,C);
As you can see, first columns is varchar , second is int and the third is varbit.
Let's convert third column to int:
select C::bit(8)::int
from (
values ('row1', 1::int, 12::bit(8)::varbit),
('row2', 2::int, 23::bit(8)::varbit),
('row3', 3::int, 34::bit(8)::varbit)
) as T(A,B,C);
The point is, you have to convert it to bit(n) first, then you can convert bit(n) to varbit. The same thing is also true for int to varbit.

Function in Postgres to convert a varchar to a big integer

I have a varchar column in Postgres 8.3 that holds values like: '0100011101111000'
I need a function that would consider that string to be a number in base 2 and spits out the numeric in base 10. Makes sense?
So, for instance:
'000001' -> 1.0
'000010' -> 2.0
'000011' -> 3.0
Cast to a bit string then to an integer.
An example:
'1110'::bit(4)::integer -> 14
Though you had varying length examples, and were after bigint, so instead use bit(64) and pad the input with zeroes using the lpad function.
Here's a complete example...
create temp table examples (val varchar(64));
insert into examples values('0100011101111000');
insert into examples values('000001');
insert into examples values('000010');
insert into examples values('000011');
select val,lpad(val,64,'0')::bit(64)::bigint as result from examples;
The result of the select is:
val | result
0100011101111000 | 18296
000001 | 1
000010 | 2
000011 | 3
(4 rows)