Function in Postgres to convert a varchar to a big integer - postgresql

I have a varchar column in Postgres 8.3 that holds values like: '0100011101111000'
I need a function that would consider that string to be a number in base 2 and spits out the numeric in base 10. Makes sense?
So, for instance:
'000001' -> 1.0
'000010' -> 2.0
'000011' -> 3.0

Cast to a bit string then to an integer.
An example:
'1110'::bit(4)::integer -> 14
Though you had varying length examples, and were after bigint, so instead use bit(64) and pad the input with zeroes using the lpad function.
Here's a complete example...
create temp table examples (val varchar(64));
insert into examples values('0100011101111000');
insert into examples values('000001');
insert into examples values('000010');
insert into examples values('000011');
select val,lpad(val,64,'0')::bit(64)::bigint as result from examples;
The result of the select is:
val | result
0100011101111000 | 18296
000001 | 1
000010 | 2
000011 | 3
(4 rows)


How to convert postgres "double precision" to "numeric" without data loss/truncation

We have an existing column(type- double precision) in our postgres table and we want to convert the data type of that column to numeric, we've tried the below approaches but all of them had truncation/data loss on the last decimal positions.
directly converting to numeric
converting to numeric with precision and scale
converting to text and then to numeric
converting to text only
The data loss I mentioned looks like this for eg: if we have a value 23.291400909423828, then after altering the column datatype that value is converted to 23.2914009094238 resulting in loss of the last 2 decimal places.
note: This is happening only if the value has more than 13 decimals(values right to the decimal point)
One way to possibly do this:
show extra_float_digits ;
create table float_numeric(number_fld float8);
insert into float_numeric values (21.291400909423828), (23.291400909422436);
select * from float_numeric ;
alter table float_numeric alter COLUMN number_fld type numeric using number_fld::text::numeric;
\d float_numeric
Table "public.float_numeric"
Column | Type | Collation | Nullable | Default
number_fld | numeric | | |
select * from float_numeric ;

PostgreSQL convert varchar to numeric and get average

I have a column that I want to get an average of, the column is varchar(200). I keep getting this error. How do I convert the column to numeric and get an average of it.
Values in the column look like
16,000.00 etc
When I execute
select CAST((COALESCE( bonus,'0')) AS numeric)
from tableone
... I get
ERROR: invalid input syntax for type numeric:
The standard way to represent (as text) a numeric in SQL is something like:
So, your commas in the text are hurting you.
The most sensible way to solve this problem would be to store the data just as a numeric instead of using a string (text, varchar, character) type, as already suggested by a_horse_with_no_name.
However, assuming this is done for a good reason, such as you inherited a design you cannot change, one possibility is to get rid of all the characters which are not a (minus sign, digit, period) before casting to numeric:
Let's assume this is your input data
bonus text
) ;
INSERT INTO tableone(bonus)
('something strange 25'),
('why do you actually use a "text" column if you could just define it as numeric(15,0)?'),
(NULL) ;
You can remove all the straneous chars with a regexp_replace and the proper regular expression ([^-0-9.]), and do it globally:
regexp_replace(bonus, '[^-0-9.]+', '', 'g'),
AS numeric)
tableone ;
| coalesce |
| -------: |
| 16000.00 |
| 15000.00 |
| 16000.00 |
| 25 |
| 150 |
| 0 |
See what happens to the 15,0 (this may NOT be what you want).
Check everything at dbfiddle here
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it might be because you have Empty strings rather than nulls in your column; this would result in the error you are seeing. Try wrapping the column name in a nullif:
SELECT CAST(coalesce(NULLIF(bonus, ''), '0') AS integer) as new_field
But I would really question your schema that you have numeric values stored in a varchar column...

How do I define a record type for JSON in postgres

Looking at postgres documentation for JSON functions (, there is a section I don't understand about expanding a JSON object into a set of rows.
The docs give a sample use of this function: json_populate_recordset(base anyelement, from_json json) as select * from json_populate_recordset(null::myrowtype, '[{"a":1,"b":2},{"a":3,"b":4}]')
But I'm not sure what that first argument (null::myrowtype) is -- a table definition?
The description of this function is: Expands the outermost array of objects in from_json to a set of rows whose columns match the record type defined by base (see note below).
None of the notes at the bottom seemed relevant. I'm hoping for a better explanation with sample code to understand it all.
The 2nd notice is the one of interest in the doc as it explains how missing fields/values are handled
Note: In json_populate_record, json_populate_recordset, json_to_record
and json_to_recordset, type coercion from the JSON is "best effort"
and may not result in desired values for some types. JSON keys are
matched to identical column names in the target row type. JSON fields
that do not appear in the target row type will be omitted from the
output, and target columns that do not match any JSON field will
simply be NULL.
json_populate_recordset maps the name of the json object to the column name in the table given as first argument.
create table public.test (a int, b text);
select * from json_populate_recordset(null::public.test, '[{"a":1,"b":"b2"},{"a":3,"b":"b4"}]');
a | b
1 | b2
3 | b4
(2 rows)
--Wrong column name:
select * from json_populate_recordset(null::public.test, '[{"a":1,"c":"c2"},{"a":3,"c":"c4"}]');
a | b
1 |
3 |
(2 rows)
--Wrong datatype:
select * from json_populate_recordset(null::public.test, '[{"a":1.1,"b":22},{"a":3.1,"b":44}]');
ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "1.1"
Alternatively, instead of using the column name/type from an existing table, you can define the columns on the fly
select * from json_to_recordset('[{"a":1,"b":"foo"},{"a":"2","c":"bar"}]') as x(a int, b text);
a | b
1 | foo
2 |
(2 rows)
--> note that default type cast occurs ("2" is mapped to 2), missing fields are ignored (b, in second record) as well as fields not defined (c)

How to convert tsvector?

A typical and relevant application of tsvectot is to query and summarize information about the set of occurred words and about its frequency... And JSONB is the natural choice (!) to represent tsvectot datatype for these "querying applications"... So,
There are a simple workaround to cast tsvector into JSONB?
Example: counting global frequency of words of a cached tsvectot's, will be something like this query
SELECT r.key as word, SUM(r.value) as occurrences
SELECT jsonb_each(kx_tsvectot::jsonb) as r FROM terms
) t
You can use ts_stat() function, which will give you exactly what you need
word text — the value of a lexeme
ndoc integer — number of documents (tsvectors) the word occurred in
nentry integer — total number of occurrences of the word
Example may be the following:
('second word'::TSVECTOR),
('third word'::TSVECTOR);
ts_stat('SELECT tsv FROM t');
word | ndoc | nentry
word | 3 | 3
third | 1 | 1
second | 1 | 1
(3 rows)
If you still want to convert it to jsonb you can use cast word from text to jsonb.

Postgresql Convert bit varying to integer

Searched the postgresql docs for information on converting bit varying to integer
But couldnt' find any info.
select '011111'::bit(4)::varbit(4)::integer as varbit
Appreciate your response.
One way:
SELECT b, lpad(b::text, 32, '0')::bit(32)::int
) t (b);
b | lpad
01 | 1
011111 | 31
111 | 7
Related answer:
Convert hex in text representation to decimal number
Let's say our table has 3 columns and 3 rows. We can simulate it with:
select *
from (
values ('row1', 1::int, 12::bit(8)::varbit),
('row2', 2::int, 23::bit(8)::varbit),
('row3', 3::int, 34::bit(8)::varbit)
) as T(A,B,C);
As you can see, first columns is varchar , second is int and the third is varbit.
Let's convert third column to int:
select C::bit(8)::int
from (
values ('row1', 1::int, 12::bit(8)::varbit),
('row2', 2::int, 23::bit(8)::varbit),
('row3', 3::int, 34::bit(8)::varbit)
) as T(A,B,C);
The point is, you have to convert it to bit(n) first, then you can convert bit(n) to varbit. The same thing is also true for int to varbit.