I would like to create a bar chart like this using flutter, which package can I use? - flutter

I tried StackedColumn100Series but I couldn't customize it the way I want.

You can use fl_chart package.
Here is link : https://pub.dev/packages/fl_chart


How to create this type of design with working slider?

Please Help to create this design with slider.
You can use a package like audio_waveforms in flutter.
I haven't tested it. Although it looks like it can do the job.

I want to make this kind of text field in flutter as shown in this given below image

I am doing a project in flutter and it this kind of text field where depth is given is attractive anyone can help me to do it.
You can use this package
and use

How to make a CircularSlider in neuromorphic style?

I am trying to create this CircularSlider, however, I have no idea how to.
I use sleek_circular_slider, but it doesn't have an opportunity to implement neumorphic style, I was thinking of using both flutter_neumorphic and sleek_circular_slider together to reach this goal, yet I don't have any proper idea.
You can use this package
with this example

Creating messenger Inkwell

I was creating Inkwell in flutter, but that is not the same as the messenger. can anyone please create this for me in flutter?
what I create was too fast.
If you would like a slower ripple effect, then you have to change splashFactory property in your MaterialApp theme from InkSplash.splashFactory (default) to InkRipple.splashFactory. InkRipple's splash looks more like native.
You can use third party package splash alternatives from https://pub.dev/packages/splash/example . WaveSplash from that package maybe helpful for your need
WaveSplash.customSplashFactory(strokeWidth: 30, blurStrength: 5)
just play around with those figures.
Remember to import the package:
import 'package:splash/splash.dart';

How do i create a wavy decoration in flutter?

I am trying to create something similar to this one. Been searching on the documentation but didn't get the answer. Is there a way to create one using flutter?
if it's possible, an article/documentation link
Thank you
you need a custom clipper for this design, or you can make use of this lib to ease your work https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_custom_clippers
You can use custom paints, use this tool to generate a custom paint in an easy way: