What does it mean when paypal decline my card? - paypal

I'm new to payment integration. I have integrated a payment gateway in our software but when I tried it using my card, it was declined saying that "Unfortunately we could not add this card. Try again later or use a different card." or something like "card has been declined please try a different payment method". Payment through paypal successfully went through but I want also the other payment method to work like pay using Debit/Credit card. I tried to use sandbox credentials and it is also working. Is there something wrong with the code or is it because of my card?
Any response is well appreciated. Thank you!

It means processing that card was declined. Don't use your own card to test PayPal payments, such test payments will often be blocked, especially in the live environment.
For sandbox testing, you can try with a card from https://developer.paypal.com/developer/creditCardGenerator -- although if you are integrating a standard PayPal Checkout it is not necessary to test the black button; for integration purposes you can test everything you need to with as far as payment completion/capture with the yellow PayPal button.


PayPal was error when using LIVE Mode Payment

When I using Sandbox mode it's work fine.
But when I switch to Live Mode error was happens.
{"response":{"name":"INSTRUMENT_DECLINED","details":[],"message":"The instrument presented was either declined by the processor or bank, or it can't be used for this payment.","information_link":"https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/payments/#errors","debug_id":"51d8a0cb6f968","httpStatusCode":400},"httpStatusCode":400}
How can I solve this problem.
I use a Thailand Debit card to pay and have an enough money to pay.
Basically this means your credit card was declined. See here for more info.
I had the same problem, but in my case it was because I did a lot of tests of payments and reversals in the same paypal`s account, with the same product. I think Paypal "blocked" my account and it starts to deny all of my payments.
Try other account or card.

PayPal sandbox which credit card to use?

I am using the sandbox url for accepting test payment through paypal.
When a user clicks a button he is redirected to paypal sandbox site. On the paypal sandbox site the user is presented with an option to pay using credit card. However when I try test credit card 4111-1111-1111-1111 it gives me the following error "The card you entered cannot be used for this payment. Please enter a different debit or credit card number."
I am not sure what am I missing?
The numbers provided in the documentation are used so much that the sandbox servers just don't accept them anymore. They really need to update the docs.
I would recommend generating fresh credit card numbers to use. I always use this site for that. The numbers it generates will work fine in the sandbox.

Woocommerce Paypal Pro Checkout

I'm currently testing a website made with Woocommerce and Paypal Pro Entension. I'm working with a sandbox bussiness pro account.
Right before the checkout, i got this warning saying :
Pay with your credit card via PayPal Website Payments Pro. TEST/SANDBOX MODE ENABLED. In test mode, you can use the card number 4007000000027 with any CVC and a valid expiration date.
Since I'm in test mode, I am using the given credit card number but when I checkout, it loads...indefinitely. And the transaction never go threw.
Since I dont get any error message, I'm having trouble to find out what causes the problem and theres no "fake money" deposit made in my Paypal Sandbox Bussiness pro account.
Can you help me?
Thanks you.

buynow works with paypal user but not credit card only

New to the wonderful world of paypal payments.
I have a simple button which works great on my merchant account when the user is a paypal user. However, when a credit card only payment is submitted, I get:
We're sorry, but we can't send your payment right now
We are not able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time.
Please return to the merchant's website and try using a different payment method (if available).
I have triple checked that the merchant account has the "Accept non paypal payments" checked. The merchant account was setup about two weeks ago. It is a business account (as opposed to a business pro account). I have checked and rechecked the rest of the options over and over. I use a new chrome incognito window for each test to avoid cookie/session issues.
I have tested using the sandbox. Credit card only works fine.
My button code looks like:
data-name="Team Reg U15 Boys Intergraph"
The amount is small for testing but I didn't see an actual min limit anywhere.
Any idea why credit card only payments do not work in production?
Ok. So I had a long conversation with paypal support. The credit card transaction was failing because I was using one computer for both sandbox testing and production testing. Using an incognito browser window was not enough.
I'm sure this is all documented somewhere.

How to do PayPal Payflow Test Transactions?

I was trying to create Payflow Pro Sandbox account but i got to know that we have to use live account for testing. I created it by entering false credit card info but when i use false credit card information on click of 'Buy Now' Button it throws error "Credit card information is incorrect".
Can anybody help me in doing credit card test transactions through Payflow.
You do not need a "paid" Payflow account for testing. Go here and select Payflow Pro. Don't let the $99 set-up fee scare you away. You will be able to create the account without paying for testing purposes. You can submit test payments and see the transactions appear in your transaction history. That way you can get your code working before taking the plunge in activating your account for real live payments.
If you're sure you have Live Payflow Pro credentials, you can simply submit your API calls to https://pilot-payflowpro.paypal.com instead of https://payflowpro.paypal.com
Note: As you mention 'Buy now button', I'd double-check your actually using Payflow Pro, since PayPal's standard buttons are referred to 'Buy now buttons' as well. For these, you would use the Sandbox at https://developer.paypal.com/ and https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/