Slow indexing in Aurora PostgreSQL (Serverless v2) - postgresql

I'm trying to build an index for a table with 1B of rows. 24 hours has passed and the query is still running:
CREATE INDEX idx1_table1b on table1b using HASH(column1).
Since column1 is often filtered with equality operator(=), I've chosen hash indexing to be the index type. The DB instance class I'm using is Serverless V2, ACU min-max:16-128, PostgreSQL 14.6.
Not sure if I missed anything in the configuration or statement, any help is appreciated, Thanks!

Found out the column has tons of duplicate value, which might be the cause why the hashing halted(or took a long time to build hash-index).
The solution to my problem is to use btree(which accommodates well duplicate values) and the indexed was built in minutes. The performance of using indexed column to perform join in a query is at milli-second performance.


Postgresql best index for datetime ranges

I have a Postgre table “tasks” with the fields “start”:timestamptz, “finish”:timestamptz, “type”:int (and a lot of others). It contains about 200m records. Start, finish and type fields have a separate b-tree indexes.
I’d like to build a report “Tasks for a period” and need to get all tasks which lay (fully or partially) inside the reporting period. Report could be built for all task types or for the specific one.
So I wrote the SQL:
WHERE start<={report_to}
AND finish>={report_from}
AND ({report_tasktype} IS NULL OR type={report_tasktype})
and it runs for ages even on short reporting periods.
Please advice if there a way to improve performance by altering the query or by creating new indexes on the table? For some reasons I can’t change the structure of the “tasks” table
You would want a GiST index on the range. Since you already have it stored as two end points rather than as a range, you could do a functional index to convert them on the fly.
ON task USING GIST (tstzrange(start,finish))
And then compare the ranges for overlap with &&
It may also improve things to add "type" as a second column to the index, which would require the btree_gist extension.

How to index already created data in rails?

I am trying to index already created columns with over 5 million data in my table. My question is if I add index with the migration will the already created data be indexed as well ? Or do I need to re-index the created data if so how ?
This is my migration
add_index :data_prods, :date_field
add_index :data_prods, :entity_id
Thank you.
I am using PostgreSQL dbms.
The process of adding an index re-indexes the entire tables contents. A table with 5 million rows may take some time, I suggest testing in a staging environment (with a similar amount of data) to see how long this migration will take, as well as impact to the application.
Re: your comment about improving query times
Indexes will make queries faster, where the indexed columns are commonly referenced in "where" clauses. In your case, any query where you filter by date_field OR entity_id will be faster, but other queries will not be improved. It should be noted that each query will only use 1 index, if the majority of your queries use both date_field AND entity_id at the same time to filter data, you might be better off using a composite index. Id check out this post for further reading on composite indexes.
Index on multiple columns in Ruby on Rails

AWS RDS postgresql performance

We have around 90 million rows in a new Postgresql table in an RDS instance. It contains 2 numbers, start_num and end_num(Bigint, mostly finance related) and details related to those numbers. The PK is on the start_num and end_num and table is CLUSTERed on this. The query will always be range query. Input will be a number and the output will be range in which this number is falling along with details. For eg: There is a row which has start_num=112233443322 and end_num as 112233543322. The input comes in as 112233443645. So the row containing 112233443322, 112233543322 needs to be returned.
select start_num, end_num from ipinfo.ipv4 where input_value between start_num and end_num;
This is always going into seq scan and the PK is not getting used. I have tried creating separate indexes on start_num and end_num desc but not much change in time. We are looking for an output of less than 300 ms. Now, I am wondering if that is even possible in Postgresql for range queries on large data sets or this is due to the Postgresql being on AWS RDS.
Looking forward to some advice on steps to improve the performance.

Partial index not being used in psql 8.2

I would like to run a query on a large table along the lines of:
WHERE ctime >= '2012-01-01' AND ctime < '2013-01-01' AND parent IS NULL;
There is already an index on tasks(ctime), but most (75%) of rows have a non-NULL parent, so that's not very effective.
I attempted to create a partial index for those rows:
CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY task_ctu_np ON tasks (ctime, user)
but the query planner continues to choose the tasks(ctime) index instead of my partial index.
I'm using postgresql 8.2 on the server, and my psql client is 8.1.
First, I second Richard's suggestion that upgrading should be at the top of your priority. The areas of partial indexes, etc. have, as I understood it, improved significantly since 8.2.
The second thing is you really need the actual query plans with timing information (EXPLAIN ANALYZE) because without these we can't talk about selectivity, etc.
So my order of business if I were you would be to upgrade first and then tune after that.
Now, I understand that 8.3 is a big upgrade (it is the only one that caused us issues in LedgerSMB). You may need some time to address that, but the alternative is to get further behind and be asking questions on a version that is less and less in current understanding as time goes on.

Postgres - gin index doesn't work

it seems that my server won't use gin index.
I've created a new database with one table.
I've inserted one row as example.
I've loaded trigram extension and created gin index using trigrams
But when I check if the index works right I can see it doesn't
Any ideas?
P.S. A day ago I've followed a tutorial about trigrams. Basically it was the same like my example above. The table had 2 columns, numeric(5, 0) and character varying (the one with gin trgm index). Query was with like operator using "%" and index was working (I could see Bitmap using in query explain), so I know, my server can use index (and its properly installed).
Thanks in advance.
Don't test on one row, it is meaningless.
Here's an excerpt of the documentation explaining why, in Examining Index Usage:
Use real data for experimentation. Using test data for setting up
indexes will tell you what indexes you need for the test data, but
that is all.
It is especially fatal to use very small test data sets. While
selecting 1000 out of 100000 rows could be a candidate for an index,
selecting 1 out of 100 rows will hardly be, because the 100 rows
probably fit within a single disk page, and there is no plan that can
beat sequentially fetching 1 disk page.