PowerShell 5.1 Can someone please explain hashtable and splatting - powershell

PowerShell 5.1
I'm having a little trouble understanding hashtable and splatting. When splatting are use using a hash table to do that or is it something completely different?
I have the following code:
$hashtable1 = #{}
$hashtable1.add('PROD',#{ FirstName = 'John'; LastName = 'Smith'})
function Main() {
$sel = $hashtable1['PROD']
Function1 $sel
Function2 #sel
function Function1([hashtable] $x) {
"Value: $($x.LastName)"
function Function2([string] $firstName) {
"Value: $($firstName)"

There's good information in the existing answers, but let me attempt a focused summary:
The answer to your actual question is:
Yes, #{ FirstName = 'John'; LastName = 'Smith' } is a hashtable too, namely in the form of a declarative hashtable literal - just like #{} is an empty hashtable literal (it constructs an instance that initially has no entries).
A hashtable literal consists of zero or more key-value pairs, with = separating each key from its value, and pairs being separated with ; or newlines.
Keys usually do not require quoting (e.g. FirstName), except if they contain special characters such as spaces or if they're provided via an expression, such as a variable reference; see this answer for details.
This contrasts with adding entries to a hashtable later, programmatically, as your $hashtable1.Add('PROD', ...) method call exemplifies (where PROD is the entry key, and ... is a placeholder for the entry value).
Note that a more convenient alternative to using the .Add() method is to use an index expression or even dot notation (property-like access), though note that it situationally either adds an entry or updates an existing one: $hashtable1['PROD'] = ... or $hashtable1.PROD = ...
The answer to the broader question implied by your question's title:
PowerShell's hashtables are a kind of data structure often called a dictionary or, in other languages, associative array or map. Specifically, they are case-insensitive instances of the .NET [hashtable] (System.Collections.Hashtable) type, which is a collection of unordered key-value pair entries. Hashtables enable efficient lookup of values by their associated keys.
Via syntactic sugar [ordered] #{ ... }, i.e. by placing [ordered] before a hashtable literal, PowerShell offers a case-insensitive ordered dictionary that maintains the entry-definition order and allows access by positional index in addition to the usual key-based access. Such ordered hashtables are case-insensitive instances of the .NET System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary type.
A quick example:
# Create an ordered hashtable (omit [ordered] for an unordered one).
$dict = [ordered] #{ foo = 1; bar = 'two' }
# All of the following return 'two'
$dict['bar'] # key-based access
$dict.bar # ditto, with dot notation (property-like access)
$dict[1] # index-based access; the 2nd entry's value.
Splatting is an argument-passing technique that enables passing arguments indirectly, via a variable containing a data structure encoding the arguments, which is useful for dynamically constructing arguments and making calls with many arguments more readable.
Typically and robustly - but only when calling PowerShell commands with declared parameters - that data structure is a hashtable, whose entry keys must match the names of the target command's parameters (e.g., key Path targets parameter -Path) and whose entry values specify the value to pass.
In other words: This form of splatting uses a hashtable to implement passing named arguments (parameter values preceded by the name of the target parameter, such as -Path /foo in direct argument passing).
A quick example:
# Define the hashtable of arguments (parameter name-value pairs)
# Note that File = $true is equivalent to the -File switch.
$argsHash = #{ LiteralPath = 'C:\Windows'; File = $true }
# Note the use of "#" instead of "$"; equivalent to:
# Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath 'C:\Windows' -File
Get-ChildItem #argsHash
Alternatively, an array may be used for splatting, comprising parameter values only, which are then passed positionally to the target command.
In other words: This form of splatting uses an array to implement passing positional arguments (parameter values only).
This form is typically only useful:
when calling PowerShell scripts or functions that do not formally declare parameters and access their - invariably positional - arguments via the automatic $args variable
when calling external programs; note that from PowerShell's perspective there's no concept of named arguments when calling external programs, as PowerShell's knows nothing about the parameter syntax in that case, and all arguments are simply placed on the process command line one by one, and it is up to the target program to interpret them as parameter names vs. values.
A quick example:
# Define an array of arguments (parameter values)
$argsArray = 'foo', 'bar'
# Note the use of "#" instead of "$", though due to calling an
# *external program* here, you may use "$" as well; equivalent to:
# cmd /c echo 'foo' 'bar'
cmd /c echo #argsArray

#postanote has some very good links about hashtables and splatting and are good reads. Taking your examples, you have two different functions. One to handle hashtables as a parameter, and the second one that can only handle a single string parameter. The hashtable cannot be used to pass parameters to the second function, e.g.:
PS C:\> Function2 $sel
Value: System.Collections.Hashtable
Conceptually, the real difference between using hashtables and splatting is not about how you are using them to pass information and parameters to functions, but how the functions and their parameters receive the information.
Yes, certain functions can have hashtables and arrays as parameters, but, typically in 98% of the cases, functions don't use hashtables as a named parameter to get its values.
For ex. Copy-Item doesn't use hash tables as a parameter. If it did, would you want to do this every time you want to copy anything:
$hashtable = #{
Path = "C:\Temp\myfile.txt",
Destination = "C:\New Folder\"
Copy-Item -Parameters $hashtable
No, instead, you want the parameters as strings, so you can make it a much easier one liner:
Copy-Item -Path "C:\Temp\myfile.txt" -Destination "C:\New Folder\"
It makes more sense to most people to deal with individual strings as opposed to a generic, large, hashtable "config" to pass. Also, by separating the parameters as separate strings, integers, floats, chars, etc. it is also easier to do validation, default values, mandatory/not mandatory parameters, etc.
Now despite saying all that, there is a situation where you have certain functions with lots of parameters (e.g. sending an email message), or you want to do something multiple times (e.g. copying/moving lots of files from a CSV file). In that case, using a hashtable, and/or arrays, and/or arrays of hashtables, would be useful.
This is where splating comes in. It takes a hashtable and instead of treating it like you are passing a single value (i.e. why Function2 $sel returns System.Collections.Hashtable), the # signt tells PowerShell that it is a collection of values, and to use the collection to try and match to the parameters of the function. That's why passing the hashtable to Function2 doesn't work, but splatting works e.g.:
PS C:\> Function2 #sel
Value: John
In this case, it takes the hashtable $sel and by using splatting #sel PowerShell now knows to not pass the hashtable as-is, but to open up the collection and to matche the $sel.FirstName to the -Firstname parameter.


PowerShell Hashtable - how to select property

I need to get the value of an environment variable from a kubernetes pod. I have my values listed in a hash table.
I call
And it returns a table:
name value
---- -----
ADDR https://test.com
TOKEN 123456789
CERT_PATH public-certs/test
I need to get https://test.com into a variable in my ps1 script, but i'm not sure how to get this value. (consider that for each deployment the url will be different, like abc.com, def.com, ghj.com... so i can't filter by the name test.com)
I was looking for something like $hash["service-testurl"].spec.template.spec.containers.env.name["ADDR"].value
Running $hash["service-testurl"].spec.template.spec.containers.env.PSTypeNames returns
To complement your own effective solution:
Even though your display output of $hash["service-testurl"].spec.template.spec.containers.env looks like the representation of a (single) hashtable, the value is actually:
(a) an array, as your diagnostic output with .pstypenames demonstrates,
(b) whose elements are (presumably) [pscustomobject] instances that each have a a .name and a .value property (an easy way to tell is that the display output's column headers are name and value, whereas with hashtables they would be Name and Value).
Leaving aside that the identifier ADDR is a property value rather than a property / key name in your case, you fundamentally cannot use key-based index notation (['ADDR']) on an array - that generally only works on a (single) hashtable (or, more generally, dictionary).[1]
In your case, you need to find the array element whose .name property value is 'ADDR', which then allows you to return its .value property value.
For collections already in memory, the intrinsic .Where() method (as used in your own solution) is a more efficient - and more flexible - alternative to filtering a collection via the Where-Object cmdlet.
It will often not matter in practice, but you can optimize a .Where() call to stop filtering once the first match has been found, if you expect or are only interested in one match:
{ $_.name -eq 'ADDR' },
Note that .Where() always returns an array-like collection, even if only a single value is matched - see this answer for details. As such, the .value property access is attempted on that collection, which, however, still works as intended, courtesy of the PowerShell feature known as member-access enumeration.
Note how using (...) around the arguments is now a syntactic necessity.
While with only a single argument - the filter script block ({ ... }) - you can get away with not using (...) - .Where{ $_.name -eq 'ADDR' } as shorthand for .Where({ $_.name -eq 'ADDR' }) - omitting the (...) is problematic for two reasons:
Given that the Where-Object cmdlet can also be referred to as Where (via a built-in alias), the two command forms could be confused, and given that Where-Object allows and is typically used with a space separating the command name from its script-block argument (e.g, 1..3 | Where { $_ -eq 2 }, it is tempting to also try to use a space with the .Where() method, which does not work:
# !! BROKEN, due to space before "{"
(1..3).Where { $_ -eq 2 }
If you add another argument later, you need to remember to use (...)
[1] The fact that key-based index notation does not work with member-access enumeration, i.e. doesn't work on an array of hashtables (only dot notation does, which PowerShell supports for hashtables too) could be considered an inconsistency; e.g. #( #{ foo=1 } ).foo works (dot notation), but #( #{ foo=1 } )['foo'] does not, due to the array wrapper.
However, this inconsistency was declared to be by design - see GitHub issue #17514.
I was able to do it with something similar that #iRon proposed:
$hash["service-testurl"].spec.template.spec.containers.env.where{$_.name -eq 'ADDR'}.value

Powershell console different to script

Can anyone tell me why this command works fine in the Powershell console, returning a single thumbprint, but when run as a script it just returns all the certificate's thumbprints:
$crt = (Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\WebHosting\ | Where-Object {$_.Subject.Contains($certcn)}).thumbprint
$certcn is a string containing a domain. eg "www.test.com"
I figured it out. $certcn was derived from $args[0]. It turns out $args[0] is not a string, and even though PS would quite happily use it as a string in other commands, it would not do this with Where-Object.
Not sure what type $args[0] actually is, but doing $certcn = $args[0].tostring() fixed it.
The only explanation for your symptom is that the value of variable $certcn:
either: is the empty string ('') because 'someString'.Contains('') returns $true for any input string.
or: is implicitly converted to the empty string, though that wouldn't happen often in practice; here are some examples (see GitHub issue # for the [pscustomobject] stringification bug mentioned below):
# An empty array stringifies to ''
'someString'.Contains(#()) # -> $true
# A single-element array containing $null stringifies to ''
'someString'.Contains(#($null)) # -> $true
# Due to a longstanding bug, [pscustomobject] instances, when
# stringified via .ToString(), convert to the empty string.
# This makes the command equivalent to `.Contains(#(''))`, which is again
# the same as `.Contains('')`
'someString'.Contains(#([pscustomobject] #{ foo=1 })) # -> $true
$args[0] is not a string
The automatic $args variable is an array that contains all positional arguments that weren't bound to declared parameters, if any.
$args can contain elements of any data type, and what that type is is solely determined by the caller.
However, if you formally declare a parameter, you can type it, which means that if the caller passes an argument of a different data type, an attempt is made to convert the argument to the parameter's type (which may fail, but at least the failure will be "loud", and the reason obvious).
A robust solution for your script:
[Parameter(Mandatory)] # Ensure that the caller passes a value.
[string] $CertCN # Type-constrain to a string.
# , ... declare other parameters as needed
# $CertCN is now guaranteed to be a *string* that is *non-empty*.
$crt =
(Get-ChildItem -Path Cert:\LocalMachine\WebHosting |
Where-Object { $_.Subject.Contains($CertCN) }).thumbprint
The use of the [Parameter()] attribute in the parameter declaration block (param(...)) makes your script an advanced one, which means that $args isn't supported, requiring all arguments to bind to explicitly declared parameters; however, you can define a catch-all parameter with [Parameter(ValueFromRemaningArguments)], if needed. (The other thing that makes a script or function an advanced one is use of the [CmdletBinding()] attribute above the param(...) block as a whole.)
[Parameter(Mandatory)], in addition to ensuring that the caller passes a value for the parameter, implicitly also prevents passing the empty string (or $null) - though you could explicitly allow that with [AllowEmptyString()]
Additionally, advanced scripts and functions automatically prevent passing arrays to [string]-typed parameters, which is desirable. (By contrast, simple functions and scripts simply stringify arrays, as would happen in expandable strings (string interpolation); e.g., & { param([string] $foo) $foo } 1, 2 binds '1 2', which is also what you'd get with "$(1, 2)")
When passing a value to a [string]-typed parameter, PowerShell accepts a scalar (non-collection) of any type, and any non-string type is automatically converted to a string, via .ToString(). This is usually desirable and convenient, but can result in useless stringifications; e.g.:
& { param([string] $str) $str } #{} # -> 'System.Collections.Hashtable'
Instances of hashtables (#{ ... }) stringify to their type name, which is unhelpful, and this behavior is the default behavior for any type that doesn't explicitly implement a meaningful string representation by overriding the .ToString() method.
If that is a concern, you can modify your script to ensure that the argument value being passed already is a string, using a [ValidateScript()] attribute.
# Ensure that the argument value is a [string] to begin with.
# Note: The `ErrorMessage` property requires PowerShell (Core) 7+
[ValidateScript({ $_ -is [string] }, ErrorMessage='Please pass a *string* argument.')]
$CertCN # Do not type-constrain, so that the original type can be inspected.
# , ... declare other parameters as needed
# ...
As stated in the code comments, use of the ErrorMessage property in the requires PowerShell (Core) 7+, unfortunately. In Windows PowerShell a standard error message is invariably shown, which isn't user-friendly at all.

Wrapper function for cmdlet - pass remaining parameters

I'm writing a function that wraps a cmdlet using ValueFromRemainingArguments (as discussed here).
The following simple code demonstrates the problem:
function Test-WrapperArgs {
Set-Location #args
Test-WrapperArgs -Path C:\
does not work
function Test-WrapperUnbound {
[Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $UnboundArgs
Set-Location #UnboundArgs
Test-WrapperUnbound -Path C:\
Set-Location: F:\cygwin\home\thorsten\.config\powershell\test.ps1:69
Line |
69 | Set-Location #UnboundArgs
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'C:\'.
I tried getting to the issue with GetType and EchoArgs from the PowerShell Community Extensions to no avail. At the moment I'm almost considering a bug (maybe related to this ticket??).
The best solution for an advanced function (one that uses a [CmdletBinding()] attribute and/or a [Parameter()] attribute) is to scaffold a proxy (wrapper) function via the PowerShell SDK, as shown in this answer.
This involves essentially duplicating the target command's parameter declarations (albeit in an automatic, but static fashion).
If you do not want to use this approach, your only option is to perform your own parsing of the $UnboundArgs array (technically, it is an instance of [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]), which is cumbersome, however, and not foolproof:
function Test-WrapperUnbound {
[Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments)] $UnboundArgs
# (Incompletely) emulate PowerShell's own argument parsing by
# building a hashtable of parameter-argument pairs to pass through
# to Set-Location via splatting.
$htPassThruArgs = #{}; $key = $null
switch -regex ($UnboundArgs) {
'^-(.+)' { if ($key) { $htPassThruArgs[$key] = $true } $key = $Matches[1] }
default { $htPassThruArgs[$key] = $_; $key = $null }
if ($key) { $htPassThruArgs[$key] = $true } # trailing switch param.
# Pass the resulting hashtable via splatting.
Set-Location #htPassThruArgs
This isn't foolproof in that your function won't be able to distinguish between an actual parameter name (e.g., -Path) and a string literal that happens to look like a parameter name (e.g., '-Path')
Also, unlike with the scaffolding-based proxy-function approach mentioned at the top, you won't get tab-completion for any pass-through parameters and the pass-through parameters won't be listed with -? / Get-Help / Get-Command -Syntax.
If you don't mind having neither tab-completion nor syntax help and/or your wrapper function must support pass-through to multiple or not-known-in-advance target commands, using a simple (non-advanced) function with #args (as in your working example; see also below) is the simplest option, assuming your function doesn't itself need to support common parameters (which requires an advanced function).
Using a simple function also implies that common parameters are passed through to the wrapped command only (whereas an advanced function would interpret them as meant for itself, though their effect usually propagates to calls inside the function; with a common parameter such as -OutVariable, however, the distinction matters).
As for what you tried:
While PowerShell does support splatting via arrays (or array-like collections such as [System.Collections.Generic.List[object]]) in principle, this only works as intended if all elements are to be passed as positional arguments and/or if the target command is an external program (about whose parameter structure PowerShell knows nothing, and always passes arguments as a list/array of tokens).
In order to pass arguments with named parameters to other PowerShell commands, you must use hashtable-based splatting, where each entry's key identifies the target parameter and the value the parameter value (argument).
Even though the automatic $args variable is technically also an array ([object[]]), PowerShell has built-in magic that allows splatting with #args to also work with named parameters - this does not work with any custom array or collection.
Note that the automatic $args variable, which collects all arguments for which no parameter was declared - is only available in simple (non-advanced) functions and scripts; advanced functions and scripts - those that use the [CmdletBinding()] attribute and/or [Parameter()] attributes - require that all potential parameters be declared.

What does mean % , $_ and # in Powershell?

What does this mean: $_ and % in Powershell?
1..10 | Foreach {if($_%2){"$_ is odd number"}}
In your case, it is the modulus operator. It will return the remainder of dividing the left-hand side value by the right-hand side value.
It defaults as a PowerShell alias for Foreach-Object. You can execute the Get-Alias command to see other potential aliases that may contain special characters like Where-Object's alias ?.
Synonymous with $PSItem
Contains the current object in the pipeline object
In your case, it represents the current object passed into your Foreach-Object script block ({}).
It will commonly show up in the Where-Object {} script block and Select-Object hash tables.
A literal # character
Denotes splatting
The syntax is #VariableName. The variable can be an array or hash table. It is commonly used with a hash table or dictionary where the Name property represents a parameter name and the value property is the value for that parameter. Then that variable is splatted into another command. An example is Get-Process #Params.
Used for declaring and initializing arrays via the array sub-expression operator #().
Examples are $myArray = #() and $myArray = #("value1","value2").
Used to create and/or initialize a hash table
The syntax is $variable = #{} or $variable = #{Property=Value}.
Used in here-strings
Here-strings are special case strings that can expand multiple lines and contain special characters
Denoted by beginning a string value with #' or #" and closing the string value with a corresponding '# or "#.
The here-string open and close characters should be isolated on their respective lines of the right-hand side (RHS).
Common At symbol
Used in email address construction, i.e. user#domain.com.
Used in external program remote logon syntax, i.e. user#hostname.
Extra Reading and Notable Links:
See About Arithmetic Operators for information on modulus among other arithmetic operators.
See Foreach-Object for more information about Foreach-Object and how objects are processed.
See About Splatting for more information and usage of splatting.
Another good resource is About Automatic Variables, which will list PowerShell's reserved/automatic variables. They are created and maintained by PowerShell. You will notice there are some variables that have non-alpha and non-numeric characters. You should only use these variables for their intended purposes and not use their names when you create your own custom variables.
See About Arrays for details on the array sub-expression operator.
See About Hash Tables for details on creating and manipulating hash table objects.
See About Quoting Rules to see more information and examples of using here-strings.

How can I splat a hashtable directly from a class static method?

How can I get the same output as:
$ht = #{Object="Hi there";Foregroundcolor="Green"}
Write-Host #ht
without using a/the variable $ht ?
Don't get me wrong, I know how to use a basic CMDLet.
I have a static method that generates dynamic hashtables.
Look at this simplified example code:
class HashtableGenerator
static [hashtable]Answer()
return #{Object="Hallo Welt";ForegroundColor="Green"}
$ht = [HashtableGenerator]::Answer()
Write-Host #ht
This works just fine, but is it possible to get rid of the $ht variable, so the code would look something like this:
Write-Host #([HashtableGenerator]::Answer()) # Doesn't work
I'm pretty sure what you are looking to do is not possible at least at this time. Splatting is specific to hashtable and array variables explicitly. Not return values of functions, methods etc. Technet for splatting sort of supports this
Splatting is a method of passing a collection of parameter values to a command as unit. PowerShell associates each value in the collection with a command parameter. Splatted parameter values are stored in named splatting variables, which look like standard variables, but begin with an At symbol (#) instead of a dollar sign ($). The At symbol tells PowerShell that you are passing a collection of values, instead of a single value.
Using the # outside of that will tell PowerShell to treat the results as an array. IIRC there is a semi related feature request to splat directly from a hashtable definition instead of saving to a variable first.
Related question talking about splatting from a variable property: Splatting a function with an object's property
Passing function parameters using hashtable is just the same way you implicitly specify them. Hashtable key works as parameter name and its corresponding hashtable value uses as parameter value.
Write-Host -Object 'Hi there' -Foregroundcolor 'Green'