How do I file a bug or feature request about in THE github? [duplicate] - github

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Where can I report a GitHub bug?
(8 answers)
Closed last month.
I found a minor bug-like behavior in the GitHub interface. Or maybe what I am really after is a new or improved feature.
Is there a public GitHub repo for the GitHub code base? Or, where is the appropriate place to file this issue?
Any web search with terms like "GitHub" along with "issue" or "bug" inevitably leads to instructions for how to file GitHub issues or submit feature requests for GitHub repos in general. There is too much noise to find results about the GitHub itself.

I finally found it. I hadn't thought of looking searching for "bug in GitHub website." Adding "website" led me to GitHub support.
Feature requests go to the discussion board. Bug reports go here


How do I comment on a Github pull request for a binary file that isn't shown

I'm reviewing a Github pull request for some new code. As can be seen in the partial screenshot below, some of the files being submitted are binary files that have been intentionally omitted by Github. The message displayed is "Binary file not shown."
I want to comment on the pull request about these files because they are being created in incorrect folders, but Github doesn't appear to have that feature for these files.
Is it possible for me to comment on Github pull requests for binary files not shown? If so, how?
I have tried bumbling around the UI, Googling, searching for this issue on the Github forum and here on SO, but to no avail. Thanks in advance.
First, as illustrated in Reviewable/Reviewable issue 135, this is not possible for GitHub itself (even though it is possible for some third-party tools).
Comments are still evolving (see "Multi-line comments"), but nothing involves binaries.
The main workaround remains to leave a comment on the PR itself, (conversation tab) rather than on a non-supported file.
This is on the GitHub Public Roadmap scheduled for Q3 2022 (any day now...):
github/roadmap/issues/Comment on binary and deleted files in a pull request #536

Change the author of an issue in GitHub

We are migrating the issues of a project from Google Code to GitHub. Google's migration tool assigns all the issues in GitHub to the user GoogleCodeExporter. How can I change issue's author in GitHub?
The GitHub API has a function to edit issues that will allow you to change the assignee (not creator) of the issue. As far as I know, there is no functionality within GitHub to change the creator.
I'm sorry that this doesn't accomplish exactly what you want to do, but it might be the closest alternative (depending on what your project uses issue creator for).

How to measure public interest in your github project? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to see count of project downloads on GitHub? [duplicate]
(3 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I've started a new project on github, and I wonder if there is a way to see if anyone downloads the code at all. I would imagine if anyone does then it would be a clone request, but I can't find a way to access that count. Absent forking and feature requests, I can't tell if there is any interest in project, and I have no idea if it's even worth keeping it on github at all. Anyone knows what to do?
I don't believe that this information is available.
Most of the interest metrics I've seen at GitHub revolve around the number of forks and stars a repository has. Of course, the number of commits and contributors are also useful.
UPD.: GitHub released traffic analytics
There is a service that measures amount of traffic - , of course it's not perfect, but might give you a picture.
You just need to add their embed code (image) in readme, take a look at example on my Magnific Popup repository (at the bottom of page).

Can I change the state of Github Issue? Open > Needs Verification > Closed

It would be really great to have a Github issue be in an intermediary "Resolved" state before I close the issue.
Right now, I have a "Resolved" label and I manually select the issue and change it's label on the web after I commit. Is there a way I can do this from the commit message?
I am sure this is a common problem. How do you guys solve this?
I have never used Github API but can this be done using the API If I were to do this myself?
Since September 14, 2016 you could manage your states with projects. See image below:
Reference and source: GitHub - A whole new GitHub Universe: announcing new tools, forums, and features.
I know it's not like a new state like "needs verification" because you can't like #NevikRehnel said in his answer. But you could make a column named "open", "needs verification" and "closed" and all the issues can you list in correct column.
No, Github issues only support two states (open and closed). Any other "states" must be realized via labels, as you are already doing right now.
And as of right now, there is no way to apply labels from commit messages.
You can always request such features from Github support of course, and they might be implemented at some point.
You can manage this problem using this method : Adding and reassigning github issues via commit message.
A simple ruby script will run on each commit, and check the commit message looking for ~myLabel and =assignedMember to update correctly the issue.

Google code or GitHub for project hosting? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 9 years ago.
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Is Google code similar to Github where you can put your source code for collaboration?
Which is the de-facto SCM it's using?
And which one is recommended for project hosting?
Update 2013:
All major repo hosting services supports git, and supports smart https access (see below): (with cases like this one, July 2011) (!, as explained by Scott Hanselman)
Currently (July 2013), the main difference (between GitHub and other services) is in term of release management, more specifically:
integration with Travis CI (continuous integration, possible more or less with all services)
release artifacts: See "GitHub Release Your Software (July, 2d 2013)":
The ability to associate to a tag up to 100MB of binaries.
Initial answer (September 2010)
One big difference is the support by GitHub for smart http, as explained in the ProGit "smart http" section, supported since April 2010.
Being behind a firewall at work, that is more than useful to actually push anything to the remote repo!
I don't think "Google Code" support it officially, even though some contributors try to push that feature.
Yes, they are similar but support different versioning systems. Also the collaboration style is different. While Github (and Launchpad and BitBucket and all the other DVCS hosters) focus more on active collaboration between forked projects, Google Code's primary way of collaboration is through tickets.
So none of them is per-se better than the other, but perhaps fits your project management and contribution/collaboration style better. The whole debate between centralized and decentralized code versioning systems is related to that.
Some features that you should consider:
Open source:
Google: Always open source.
Git: Open source for free account, but you can pay to switch to close source.
VCS: Both google & github support Git (and others)
Wiki: Google wiki is poorly supported, unless you love to write with wiki tags. You can find many project in Google project hosting has there wiki in Git hub.
Statitstics: Github provides many nice statistics chart, while Google provides only a list of updates
AFAIK Google code is yet to support git natively. At least as far as I can tell by the comments on the ticket open for this.
So if you are using or would like to use Git then Github will be naturally more suitable.
On the other hand if you are using SVN and would like to continue to then Google code might be a more natural fit.
I have found Github projects easier to set up and get going but that is fairly subjective. Some of my friends also claim that Github's support/ecosystem is better than Google's.
Use GitHub. GitHub gives each account its own namespace for project names, so you don't have to worry about your project names having already been taken by people's projects. If you're using Google Code, however, then you do have to worry about this.
If you need private repos, you won't get that with Google Code. At least not yet; see this open issue: