How do I comment on a Github pull request for a binary file that isn't shown - github

I'm reviewing a Github pull request for some new code. As can be seen in the partial screenshot below, some of the files being submitted are binary files that have been intentionally omitted by Github. The message displayed is "Binary file not shown."
I want to comment on the pull request about these files because they are being created in incorrect folders, but Github doesn't appear to have that feature for these files.
Is it possible for me to comment on Github pull requests for binary files not shown? If so, how?
I have tried bumbling around the UI, Googling, searching for this issue on the Github forum and here on SO, but to no avail. Thanks in advance.

First, as illustrated in Reviewable/Reviewable issue 135, this is not possible for GitHub itself (even though it is possible for some third-party tools).
Comments are still evolving (see "Multi-line comments"), but nothing involves binaries.
The main workaround remains to leave a comment on the PR itself, (conversation tab) rather than on a non-supported file.

This is on the GitHub Public Roadmap scheduled for Q3 2022 (any day now...):
github/roadmap/issues/Comment on binary and deleted files in a pull request #536


Why doesn't GitHub Pages update immediately after you have pushed a binary file in commit?

I see when I pushed a text file to github it reflects immediately but when I am pushing a binary file it takes a minute or so to reflect back. I am using GitHub's API to push my changes. Is there any official docs which explains this?
Any help will be appreciated.
I tried searching and found out like GitHub is not very good with very files but didn't find anything which can explain this behaviour.
This probably has nothing to do with text files vs. binary files.
GitHub Pages sites are build using background jobs. Depending on how busy the Pages servers are, how many jobs are ahead of yours, etc. you may see a build happen very quickly, or you may have to wait a while.

Unedited files not showing up in repository?

Very new to Github and I downloaded the desktop application in hopes of understanding it better. What I'm trying to do is commit/push files by dragging them into my repository folder, but they don't show in application when moved? I tried editing a txt file and as soon as I save it, it appears. I don't want to have to edit every file I add to my repository as I edit it elsewhere. How do I make the non-edited, dragged-and-dropped files appear?
Also, is there an official GitHub support forum? I can't find anything on their website where you can ask questions/etc and I'm not sure StackOverflow is the best place for this question.
That's the way how git works. It doesn't make sense to add every time the unedited files.
When it notices you added/edited/removed files, git will know that.
I pasted a file (blocks.gif) in my repository and in GitHub Desktop it I see the following (click the 1 uncommitted change) and you should see the new files there. Then you can write a commit message and commit the changes.
Also, is there an official GitHub support forum?
When you need help using GitHub, you can always contact the support team (or write an email to They are awesome people. :)

How to see statistics of a repository on Github

Previously I remember that I could go into any repository and see how many codes it has how many lines with or without comments, what languages is it made of with how much percentage, how many man hour was used for development of that repository. I could see all of them on my browser. No code was required.
Now, I cannot find any option on Github. Is this facility changed, moved or removed?
There is an open source project made by #vdaubry : Github Awards
You can get all the information you described and more.

How to comment on long github diff

One of the files in a pull request that I'm currently reviewing has too many changes and github only shows the summary about deletions and additions.
This is rather unfortunate, since I can't comment on the changes that happened in this file. Is there any way to force github to show the diff for this one file in the PR and enable the comment functionality?
You can't force it to comment from the browser, but you can workaround it to create the comment and have someone see it.
In Large github commit diff not shown, they say a Hubber said:
We have some limits on diffs that we show in the browser in order to keep the pull request and compare pages working.
As of today, GitHub's help still states there are (bigger) limits.
If you know the lines you want to comment you could use GitHub's API to create the comment. I don't know if that comment will show on the diff page (I don't think so, as there won't be a diff at all), but you will certainly see it on the comments tab, as usual.

GitHub: Linking to an issue from a wiki page

On GitHub, is there a simple way to reference an issue (eg: #1234) from within a markdown file such that it is displayed as a hyperlink?
I don't want to write out the full form each time, as in:
In commit messages, issue numbers are automatically hyperlinked. Can this happen in wiki documents too?
(This is not a duplicate of this question which is simply asking about markdown hyperlink syntax.)
It doesn't happen in wiki documents.
You can use a relative url but it isn't that much of a shortcut. It also depends on where you are in the project.
For example in the in the master branch of the project:
On the github wikis:
(h/t to VertigoRay for suggesting this)