- amnuts/opcache-gui 2.5.4 requires ext-zend-opcache * -> it is missing from your system - zend-framework

I'm trying to run 'composer install' command on root directory of existing project, but when I run this command it's giving 'ext-zend-opcache' missing error.enter image description here
I've enabled zendextension in php.ini file Php.ini file screen shot, and to verify whether it has enabled or not I've run 'php -v' in command prompt which is saying 'failed loading php_opcache.dll' Php -v Command Prompt screen shot
I'm using xampp v3.2.2 because php 7.2 was required to run project which was mentioned in composer.json file of project.


Command line tools not accessible from Eclipse on OSX

I am using Eclipse on a macOS machine. CMake is present on my machine at /usr/local/bin/cmake and has been installed using Homebrew. Eclipse is at the latest version (2018-09).
I have the following target in a Makefile, which has been set up and is visible from Eclipse:
Rscript -e "Rcpp::compileAttributes()"
R CMD INSTALL --no-multiarch --with-keep.source .
Inside the configure file, there is this code:
cd src/build;cmake ..
However, when I double click the all target in Eclipse, I get the following message:
make all
./configure: line 1: cmake: command not found
make: *** [all] Error 127
I remember that some time ago this target worked out of the box on macOS. I can also launch CMake from a terminal without any trouble.
echo $PATH shows different behaviour:
If called from a standard macOS terminal, it yields /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/opt/X11/bin
If called from a TM Terminal inside Eclipse, it yields /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
What is the most canonical way to have Eclipse detect my CMake installation ?
For macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, the solution provided here works. This must be performed to see the changes immediately.

sbt command not found

I am installing sbt in my cloudera distribution.
I have downloaded sbt.0.13.15
Moved file to /usr/local
Then I had updated profile
sudo nano profile
Added export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbt/bin
Saved file and exited.
But now if I issue "sbt about" command, I am getting sbt: command not found.
Could you please help to resolve this issue.
Some suggestions:
Check your PATH variable: echo $PATH
The PATH variable is not updated automatically by writing into .profile, either open a new shell or do source .profile
The file is called .profile, not profile

CMake install directory permission

I have built a project using cmake (LLVM project) and tried to install it by issuing the following command:
$ cmake3 --build . --target install
If I run it using root then there is no problem and the files will be installed under the directory /usr/local/.
My problem is when I want to install the project using normal user.
I get the following error:
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:36 (file):
file INSTALL cannot set permissions on "/usr/local/include/llvm"
I have changed the permission of directory /usr/local/ to 777 recursively, and their ownership to root:wheel and I added my normal user to group wheel. But I still cannot install the files into the /usr/local/ directory.
The main issue is about building project in Eclipse which fails at "Build Install" command.
chmod 777 -R / is a very scary command. I've destroyed a system once by doing that.
The philosophy I use for this is:
If I need to deploy something through my IDE to debug or test before packaging, I deploy it locally within my home directory.
I only install stuff to my system (outside of home) if it has been packaged first (*.deb, *.rpm, *.tar.gz) so that I can remove it without problems.
For me, I do this with:
cmake $src
cmake --build . --target install -- DESTDIR=stage
This will configure my project, make it, then install it locally in a folder called ./stage which resides in my build directory. I can then run my executable from ./stage/usr/bin. Note that this only works if make is your generator.
Once I've tested it and I'm happy, I package it and deploy to my system or upload to a repository:
sudo dpkg -i <package>.deb
We should use USE_SOURCE_PERMISSIONS in our install function.

Sipp with pcap installation on windows

I am trying to install sipp with pcap-replay on winows7.
I have installed cygwnin, libncurse, and winpcap. I was trying to patch cygwin with IPv6 using the URL http://cygwin.win6.jp/cygwin-ipv6/, but it couldn't get the setup.ini file.
So I copied to local directory and upgrade, but it said no new updates.
And if I try to complie sipp. it gives error
$ ./configure.ac --with-pcap
./configure.ac: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token [SIPp],'
./configure.ac: line 3:AC_INIT([SIPp], [3.3], [sipp-users#lists.sourceforge.net], [sipp])'
Could anyone help me in getting sipp be installed on windows?
I download sipp.3.3.990 it has ./configure and was able to install on Linux.
But now on windows it still fails saying ncurse is not present. But I have downloaded it.
How do I troubleshoot it from here?
You can follow below steps to generate configure from configure.ac.
$> autoreconf -i
Now, you will see a configure file created at the same location.
To run the above command, following packages are required: automake,ncurses-devel,libncurses,M4 and autoconf.
if any of the above packages are missing run the cygwin setup file again and select the packages on the package selection screen and click install.

Problems running init as part of yii 2 install

I am installing yii 2 on a mac. I have mamp pro ( latest) when i go to the command line and run.
php init i get a message saying
The mcrypt PHP extension is required by Yii2.
I checked the server using phpinfo() and it shows mcypt enabled. I checked the php.ini and it is listed and the file exists in the referenced directory.
any ideas anyone ??
This probably means that your php CLI (Command Line Interface) does not use the same php.ini than MAMP. You could use something like php -c /path/to/mamp/php.ini to be sure to use the same php.ini.
Or try the following command : php --ini, this will show you configuration file names, e.g. :
Configuration File (php.ini) Path: /path/to/php/conf
Loaded Configuration File: (none)
You could then make a symbolic link :
cd /path/to/php/conf
sudo ln -s /path/to/mamp/php.ini php.ini