How to return Multiple user-group from ParticipantStepChooser in AEM 6.5 workflow - workflow

In AEM workflow, I have a requirement to return multiple user-group from a ParticipantStepChooser implementation class? I have that list of user-group in historyitem of the workflow.
All the reference I got is returning eighter a single user of a single user-group.
I am even not sure whether it is possible to return multiple user-group. Any help is accepted.


uber cadence :: want to store an object inside a workflow

Want to store an object inside a workflow then want to receive it through cadence api.
ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest listOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest=new ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsRequest();
ListOpenWorkflowExecutionsResponse response=
I am open to go with any solution.
Use the QueryWorkflowExecution API to retrieve information from a single workflow.
The list API is used to get lists of workflows without querying them directly. You can attach custom information (called memo) to a visibility record that is returned by a list API. Use WorkflowOptions.memo property to add it.
The memo is not indexable. If you want the ability to index on custom attributes use the Search Attributes feature. One other feature of search attributes is that they are updatable from the workflow code using upsertSearchAttributes API. So for example, if the workflow code updates the "state" attribute on each state transition then it would be possible to find all the workflows in a given state. Also, all the search attributes are returned by the list API so their value can be shown in the UI list view even if they are not part of the search predicate. Note that this requires Elastic Search cluster integration enabled.

Querying Azure Mobile App TableController

I'm using Azure Mobile Apps and TableControllers in my project. Development has been going quite smoothly, until now. One of my tables relies on quite a bit of business logic in order to return the appropriate entities back to the client. To perform this business logic I need to get some parameters from the client (specifically, a date range).
I know I could use an APIController to return the data, but won't that break the entity syncing that's provided by the SyncTables in Xamarin?
My current logic in my GetAll is:
public IQueryable<WorkItemDTO> GetAllWorkItem()
//Return all the work items that the user owns or has been assigned as a resource.
var query = MappedDomainManager.QueryEntity().Where(x => x.OwnerId == UserProfileId || x.Resources.Where(r => r.AssignedResourceId == UserProfileId).Count() > 0);
return query.Project().To<WorkItemDTO>();
What I would like is to be able to somehow pass through a start and end date that I can then use to build up my list of WorkItemDTO objects. The main problem is that a WorkItem entity can actually spawn off multiple WorkItemDTO objects as a WorkItem can be set to be recurring. So for example say a WorkItem is recurring once a week, and the user wants to see a calendar for 1 month, that single WorkItem will spawn 4 separate concrete WorkItemDTO objects.
Then when a user modifies one of those WorkItemDTO objects on the client side, I want it to be sent back as a patch that creates its own WorkItem entity.
Does anyone know how I can get a TableController to receive parameters? Or how to get an APIController to work so that client syncing isn't affected?
Any help would be appreciated.
On the server, you can add a query parameter to the table controller get method easily, by adding a parameter with the right name and type.
For instance, you could add a dateFilter query parameter as follows:
public IQueryable<WorkItemDTO> GetAllWorkItem(string dateFilter)
This would be called by passing a dateFilter=value query parameter. You can use any data type that ASP.NET Web API supports in serialization. (Note that if you don't have a GetAll that takes no query parameters, you will get an Http 405 Method Not allowed if you do a Get without this query parameter.)
On the client, as noted by #JacobJoz, you just use the method IMobileServiceTableQuery.WithParameters to construct the query that is passed to PullAsync. If you have multiple incremental sync queries against the same table and they use different values for the parameters, you should make sure to include those in the queryId to pull.
That is, if you have one query with parameters foo=bar and another that is foo=baz for the same sync table, make sure you use two different query IDs, one that includes "bar" and one that includes "baz". Otherwise, the 2 incremental syncs can interfere with one another, as the queryId is used as a key to save the last updated timestamp for that sync table. See How offline synchronization works.
The part that is unfortunately hard is passing the query parameter as part of the offline sync pull. Offline sync only works with table controllers, FYI.
There is an overloaded extension method for PullAsync that takes a dictionary of parameters, but unfortunately it requires a string query rather than IMobileServiceTableQuery:
PullAsync(this IMobileServiceSyncTable table, string queryId, string query, IDictionary<string, string> parameters, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
(I've filed a bug to fix this: Add a generic PullAsync overload that accepts query parameters).
The problem is that there's no easy way to convert from IMobileServiceTableQuery to an OData query string, since you'd need to access internal SDK methods. (I filed another issue: Add extension method ToODataString for IMobileServiceTableQuery.)
I've looked through the source code for MobileServiceTableQuery on github. It looks like it exposes a method called WithParameters. I have chained that method call onto CreateQuery in order to generate the query to the server, and it seems to do what I want.
Here is the client code:
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
parameters.Add("v1", "hello");
var query = WorkItemTable.CreateQuery().WithParameters(parameters);
await WorkItemTable.PullAsync("RetrieveWorkItems", query);
On the server I have a GetAll implementation that looks like this:
public IQueryable<WorkItem> GetAllWorkItem(string v1)
//return IQueryable after processing business logic based on parameter
The parameterized version of the method gets called successfully. I'm just not entirely sure what the impacts are from an incremental pull perspective.

Is it possible to get insertLogical fact from REST or add custom REST url in drools 6.2?

I have a rule where in RHS I insertLogical another Fact. In Drools 6.2 we can deploy the rules in a container and then fire the rules on that container. When I run the POST request for fireAllRules(batch-execution), I can just get back the facts which I inserted. There seems to be no way to access the insertLogical Fact. Even the getObjects expects fact-handle and since I had not insert the fact there is no way to get it. Is there an option to get fact inserted in RHS?
Other option I thought of trying out was to add another REST url which I can expose from with-in container. This url can fire rule locally from within container and pass me back custom objects. Is this possible?
A simple solution for your situation could be to define a query in your DRL to return the logically-inserted fact.
Using a BatchCommand you can then execute that query and get its result.
Hope it helps,

Renewing instances in Autofac

I know that the entire context of this issue is a bit specific, but I'll try to do my best explaining it. I'm performing a quite big importation from one ecommerce platform to nopCommerce.
nopCommerce works with Autofac as dependency injection container. Importing one product to nopCommerce involves some queries over nopCommerce tables and finally an insertion to the products table. These steps are repeated a lot of times, and Entity Framework context gets bigger, as it has to track more and more entities and trying to detect changes and figure out how many objects has to persist.
What I want to do is, in every iteration of the loop, renew the context, so it only tracks the entities associated to the current iteration. Obviously I want to achieve this, trying to not modify (as much as possible) nopCommerce core. In the container configuration, it is explicitly set that the EF context instances are given per http request (something I want to avoid, as I need a new instance per iteration).
An easy way to do it would be:
foreach job in jobs
Eject all instances in container
service1 = Container.RequestInstance<SomeServiceINeed>
service2 = Container.RequestInstance<SomeServiceINeed2>
The thing is, I don't know how to accomplish this with Autofac. I have been trying to create a new ContainerBuilder and update the existing one, but _context.GetHashCode will always return the same instance.
Any idea about the best way to do it?
As it was suggested in the comments, I've tried to get the instances inside a lifetime scope. Basically:
using (var lifeTime = EngineContext.Current.ContainerManager.Container.BeginLifetimeScope())
service1 = lifeTime.Resolve<SomeServiceINeed>();
service2= lifeTime.Resolve<SomeServiceINeed2>();
But I get this exception:
No scope with a Tag matching 'AutofacWebRequest' is visible from the scope in
which the instance was requested. This generally indicates that a component
registered as per-HTTP request is being requested by a SingleInstance() component
(or a similar scenario.) Under the web integration always request dependencies from
the DependencyResolver.Current or ILifetimeScopeProvider.RequestLifetime,
never from the container itself.
The services I'm trying to resolve, obviously depends also on a lot of different repositories and other services that are already defined in the container wiring (app start). Some of them are configured as 'PerHttpRequest'.
Thanks a lot!

Crm 2011 how to get the stepid in which the plugin is executing

In crm 2011, inside the Execute method of a plugin, how can I know the id of the registered step that is executing? For instance, I have two steps for the pre create of an account. The execute method will run two times one for each step. I need to know in the execute method the stepid of the step that is actually running. I can't find it in the context.
I'm updating here to explain the scenario, because in the comments I don't have enough characters. So the scenario:
I have a solution for autonumbering entities that enables users to format their numbers the way they want.
For that I have an entity (autonumber) where they configure the format, the entity and the field they want to number. Every time a record is created for the autonumber entity it will create and register a step dynamically in the pre operation of the create message of the entity to be numbered, for example the account.
When that step is executed it will load the autonumber record to know how to number the account field.
The created step must be linked to the autonumber record and for that the autonumber entity has an attribute to store the id of the step. This attribute is filled on the pre create of the autonumber entity when the step is created.
This link attribute allows for the step to be unregistered when the user deletes the autonumber record because it knows exactly which step to unregister. It also allows the user to set the order in which the step is going to be executed if there are more plugins registered to the account.
The problem that I had was when I wanted to number 2 or more attributes for the same entity. In this case the users would create, lets say, 2 records of the autonumber entity in order to number 2 fields of the account. In this case I will have 2 steps registered to the account. When the account is being created one step will number one field and the other step will number the other field. That's why I need to know the id of the step that is being executed in order to load the right autonumber record.
Sorry for the tedious explanation but this scenario is a bit complex and I'm not sure if I was clear enough, but if you want I'll try to be more clear.
The OwningExtension property available on the IPluginExecutionContext will return an EntityReference to the SdkMessageProcessingingStep which should provide all the information you need.
What are you trying to achieve by registering the same plugin twice for the same Message and Stage? I'm struggling to think of a valid scenario.
You can get the name of the message from the context. Usually, I do something similar to this.
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
IPlugingExecutionContext context
= (IPlugingExecutionContext)serviceProvider
case "Create" ExecuteCreate(); break;
case "Retrieve" ExecuteCreate(); break;
case "Update" ExecuteCreate(); break;
case "Delete" ExecuteCreate(); break;
default ExecuteFunctionality(Context.MessageName);
Then, of course, you need to implement those methods too. And usually I have a private field that hold the reference to context. It's good to be able to access it easily when the need arises. Also, you can (and should) check if the message is supported by your plug in, if there's a Target and if it's of the right entity type. Stuff like that.