How to call Realm function via HTTP? - mongodb

I need to call realm function via HTTP not sdk. Looks like it is possible, but I can not figure it out.
Reason behind it is simple, I do not need anything sdk provides us, I just want to get the data from db. Also I have a problem with sdk cos it's trying to create a folder related to sync (I do not need sync at all! This is big question why Mongo dev team did it this way) in google cloud function where I get the error about read/write permissions.
Would be grateful for any help

I found the answer is pretty obvious we just need to use web sdk not node sdk cos web does not have anything related to sync


Dynamically Change API Environments Google Rollout Track

I'm developing an Ionic(3 / 4)(Angular 4 - 7)-Cordova / Capacitor Cross Platform Application(s). I'm interested in switching API env based on the current rollout track in the Google Play Store. For example, once an application has been successfully tested and recommended to continue staging/production. I would like to have the API env dynamically changed (e.g., using a different URI domain to connect to REST API ) dependent on the Google Play Store Track.
I'm aware that I can use Google Developer Play Store API to identify / list versions and available tracks yet, I'm unaware if there's already an implementation or solution. I'm perfectly willing to design a solution though, I figure I find out if it's been done already rather than reinvent the wheel.
I'm hoping to implement a solution either to the REST API BACKEND or in the ionic framework layer rather than an integration at the native layer for scalability per-project. The purpose of doing this would enable CI rather than rebuilding the project and change the API URI domain for every environment. Any assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
So, if anyone's interested. The approach highlighted above is possible, couldn't get an answer so I just created something. Using Google Play Developer API. The process flow is as follows:
For now it's a working prototype perhaps its not very efficient; I suppose it can be improved if the request was issued from a single server, or microservice. Though, I wanted to make the code recyclable and it's isolated from both the mobile application & Node Server.
If you are interested in learning more or would like to work on project. Please feel free to contact me.

Connecting mobile app with back-end algorithm

I'm working on a school project. We have an AWS server set up with MongoDB. We created some user DB for account verification purposes and communicate with it using REST API. What we need is for the mobile app to send some data to the server side. Run it with an algorithm, then return back the result in JSON format. I've never done anything similar to this, so I have no idea how to go about it. If anyone could provide some lead or guidance/links that would be amazing. Thank you.
First of all you dont need a algorithm for it. It is just a process you have to follow and its kinda lot more easy than you thinking.
If you are doing it in android you can connect to rest webservice via Google's Volley
Or You can use Retrofit 2.0. I have been using it for a long time and i prefer it.

How to connect sensor devices to IOTF using API KEYS

I am doing an android application, I'd like to know how to connect sensor devices/applications to Bluemix IoTF using API keys, by saying that I just want to minimize the registration task from client side(sensor devices)as much as possible. I know how to register devices with deivce Id,token and authentication manually. but I just like to know that is there any other easy way around to do it. It would be great If I got some one shed light on this from scratch. Thanks in advance.
There is a rich set of REST based APIs available at:
and fully documented here:
One can use excellent REST based testing tools such as Postman for REST testing.
The reason I mention the REST APIs is that they provide a way for scripting or automating the registration of devices. There is an API called "Add device" that, when called, will register a new device instance of a specific device type against your IoT Foundation instance.
I could imagine a new device that knows it is not registered executing a self registration request to define itself as a new device type. What I would next suggest is that you read the links above and see if they make sense. If they answer your question fully, great. If not, simply post a new question that is specifically targeted at a specific areas and we'll be watching this set of tags and respond back as quickly as we can.

What is the best way to connect an iphone app to a mysql database?

I want the way with the fastest execution time. I'm not feeling comfortable of using web service because i need to create separate php pages and retrieve data as xml. If you think its good to use web service please tell me why. I want to code my database queries right on my c/objective c pages.
I've been searching for libraries. I saw this sequel pro - won't i have any problems on using this - like licensing issues? I also saw this libmysqlclient of cocoa but some say its not working well. I've also read about a library developed by Karl Kraft found here but don't know if i could trust this.
I would really appreciate you help.
Definitely build a web service to act as an abstraction layer to your database. Here are some significant reasons in my opinion:
Since you want speed, you will be able to add caching when using the webservice, so you will essentially eliminate the need for identical queries to run (sometimes).
If you need to change your data model later, you just have to modify the webservice backend and don't have to update your app.
You can better control security by not exposing the database to the world, and keep it safe behind the web service.
Your database credentials should not be stored in an app. What if you needed to change those?
I strongly suggest a web service. Hope this helps.
Connect to your DB by PHP and output the result as JSON
is much better and faster then xml and less coding if use JSON Framework.
and never never try to connect to your DB from your iphone because it easy to sniff out the request from iphone.
Being safe then Sorry, keep that in mind

Posting Data from iPhone to a server exposing OData

I have a server which is exposing OData services.
I can actually make use of OData client for Objective C to get the data and show on the iPhone.
I am wondering what is the process of posting some data into the server from the iPhone.
Assume I have to just send a simple name to the server how would I do that
Any pointers to clogs/sites which provides examples of iPhone apps consuming OData services.
Hitesh V
To everyone getting to this question to find more info about OData, here's a pointer to some resources and a quick to-do list:
The official Odata Library for iPhone has moved to Github: (although the link posted by Dan remains valid).
Once you clone the repository, you can run the ./odatagen tool (located in the Frameworks/bin folder) to create a pair of .h/.m files to include in your iOS application.
Once you do so, have a look at the included samples (like the Netflix or ODataSampleApp) to have an idea about how it works.
Hope this helps
I've never heard of OData before, but a little googling finds me an Objective-C OData client for the iphone, here: