The vscode terminal's text color become green suddenly ( maybe I have pressed some shortcut keys , not sure ) and I am unable to reset it .
It is applied over every terminal ( gitbash , wsl , powershell ,cmd ) inside vscode , they are working fine when I am running them standalone
I haven't set any terminal.background/foreground color in the workbench settings . This is the workbench setting
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {}
Really finding hard to write something .
I have tried to change the backgroundcolor but its still showing green on the usertext
terminal text color
I want to change color element ` but not tuch " and ' colors
VSCode have the inspect editor tocen
does neovim have alternative function?
I want to remove the solid colour background behind all the folder names in vscode. This picture shows the terminal window
Assuming you are using Linux, you can completely remove colors:
cd /
vim ~/.bashrc
Click 'i' for insert.
Scroll to force_color_prompt=yes, and comment it out like this #force_color_prompt=yes
Hit Esc. Then Colon. Type "wq" and enter to save.
Or, remove solid background only:
dircolors -p | sed 's/;42/;01/' > ~/.dircolors
Then update the terminal so changes take effect:
source ~/.bashrc
I want to change color of these words.
"[Monokai Dimmed]": {
// https: //
// "editor.foreground" : "#ff0000",
// "editorLineNumber.foreground" : ""
// "????" : ""
first you should backup the theme you want to make change in it so go to the path and copy all files.
for example we going to make change in theme-defaults
in Linux :
in windows:
"C:\program files\Microsoft VS
in windows path can be different depends where you installed.
after backup
open your project with vscode and press Ctrl+Shift+P and search for
">Developer: Inspect Editor"
and select part of the keyword you want to change the color of it.
in this one we going to change function color:
now copy the style name
and open Json files with vscode you backup them before and search for style name in all files until you find it. click the little color icon and select color you want and save it.
unfortunately you can not see change with out reopening the vscode. so close vscode and open it again
as you can see color of function keyword changed.
I have checked the Official Doc about theme settings, after trying too many times, I haven't made it. I want to change the text color(not background color, just the words color), which profile should I edit?
I have spended a few time and solved it. Edit your settings.json as below:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"list.focusForeground": "#00ff00",
Replace the color(hex) as what you want, the example code color #00ff00 is green.
BTW, how I get this settings:
Toggle developer tools(In vscode dropmenu of help)
Try to find div where you want change, and get the color, for example (#eeffff)
command + shift + p, and input Generate Color ... will show Generate Color Theme From Current Settings, select it would open a new file with full color configs.
copy all colors json code block to settings file which match key of workbench.colorCustomizations
search #eeffff and try to find relative key, if not sure, change color and try to see the color in your code.
find out list.focusForeground is right. And keep this settings, remove other.
It might spend less or more time, but it works.
I am using Cobalt2 theme in VS Code which is perfect for me. There is only one issue that I have with this theme, that would make me try changing it. Its the color of params in terminal, which is a dark blue on black - very hard to see. Does anyone know how to change this? What this element is called in a custom theme? Thanks for your help.
A small screenshot of what I mean:
Examples: gulp serve --config, ng serve --port ...
Its about the --params and their color
This is an easy way to customize the text colors of the integrated terminal in VSCode, so there's no need to change the theme itself. You can simply overwrite the default colors.
Just add this line to your settings.json:
"terminal.integrated.drawBoldTextInBrightColors": false
Then you'll be able to overwrite the default colors and change them to the colors you want to see instead:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"terminal.ansiBlack": "#50ff00", //this overwrites black colors with green
"terminal.ansiBlue": "#ff0000", //this overwrites blue colors with red
Let's say you want to change the terminals black colors into another one (for example green), you'll have to asign "#50ff00" to "terminal.ansiBlack". As you can see below, there are a few more colors you can change (make use of IntelliSense).
It should look like this: