I am using jet reviews for my website, and I want to enable submit button without entering all required button - review

I am using jet reviews for my website, and I want to enable submit button without entering all required button or if any case I can show a dummy submit button, which on click says to enter all fields first.
I tried searching for settings


Capture form field without click submit button?

I have a form on my landing page
When my customers fill up my form, then clickout/leave page/refresh/after seconds but without click submit button, could I capture those informations?
I hear that we could do with Google Analytics/Tag Manager, but I don't know the method. Please help

Accepting A PayPal Payment Through A URL With No Javascript/Form?

I have a program running in an environment that supports URLs, but no javascript.
Say it's a Word document (though it's not).
Is there a way to craft the PayPal payment URL such that it's all that I need, without the requirement of an HTML form or Javascript?
http://paypal.me basically exists for simple things
You can create a Buy Now button via https://www.paypal.com/buttons with NO dropdown menus or text fields (which require HTML) and then, once you've generated your button code, clicking on the "Email" link above will give you a URL.
If you also want the URL to have editable fields, then before you create the button, in Step 2 uncheck the option to save the button at PayPal, generate the code, and click the link to remove code protection. Variables are documented here: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/paypal-payments-standard/integration-guide/Appx-websitestandard-htmlvariables/#technical-variables

How to store text from field with Google Tag Manager on a form submission

I'm trying to catch email address as a variable with Google Tag Manager (GTM) on signup form submit on http://cloud.feedgee.com/ru/signup and fire a tag with it. On submit, the page is being reloaded.
By now tried to catch it with Form submission by form id set as shown on screenshot) and a Button click as a Custom event with it's click id
I initiated a DOM element variable with Id of the Form text field (Element Id=ContentPlace_loginEmail)
With these settings in Preview mode on Form Submit, I can not see my Tag in "Tags Fired On This Page" row before page reload.
What can be the reasons for this if Id's of the elements are correct?
May it depend on the container script location on the page?
Now It's located right after the HTML tag.
Can I store form text field in a DOM variable to use it in the tag?
If you want to store the email value in your own API, Google Tag Manager is not the right tool for you. You should only use it to track events that fit under Google's terms of use.
Having said that, when you're working with forms in GTM, hold the <shift> key with you click the submit button. If you do that, a new tab will open up, but the current page wont get redirected or refresh. You'll then be able to see what data is being pushed to the dataLayer.

Form is not submitted on pressing Enter key but submiited onclicking submit button

This may be silly but i really want to know about this, not only me this may be question a from thousands of students.
The following link is my university website
there is a login panel.
after entering my username & password if i click enter then page reloads but the expected behaviour is to submit the form.
To actually login into this website you need to click on submit button.
Can anyone explain me about this.
what i think is there must be some onlick event on sumit button but
the button there is <input type="submit"> so by default it
need to submit by pressing enter as usally happens in all websites
I also noticed one more thing that the form tag is missing there.
Any help or explanation about this question is appreciated
just enter a wrong email and password
if u press enter: there is no red color error message of wrong
email and password
if u click submit:there is a red color error message of wrong email and password
The default behaviour is that when input with type submit is present in the form, the form will get sumitted upon click on the button, or enter key press when some form control has focus. Since controls on your site are not inside of form the expected behaviour will not be seen.

iPhone safari asks confirmation to submit form again when back button is pressed

I have a form. When I click on the submit button the form is submitted and result is loaded in the next page. In this page I have a hyperlink. On click of that hyperlink, I am going to another page. At this point if I click 'Back' button of the browser, I get a confirmation whether I should submit the form or not. How do I disable this ? I am storing results in sessionStorage so I do not need to submit form again.
Use the PRG pattern, which can be described as:
Never show pages in response to POST
Always load pages using GET
Navigate from POST to GET using REDIRECT
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post/Redirect/Get and links from there