Convert a vector to a symmetric hollow matrix in Matlab - matlab

I would like to convert a vector to a symmetric hollow matrix but I am not really familiar with Matlab.
For example:
r2 = randi(10,276,1);
and convert it into a symmetric hollow matrix, so a symmetric matrix about a diagonal of zeros (see image below for desired outcome). The output matrix should be 24x24 (276+276+24(zeros))
Thanks for your help!

You can obtain your hollow matrix by iterating through the rows and columns, pasting in the desired elements of r2. Simplest is to keep track of where you are in r2 as you go. I'm sure there's some direct calculation that can be done with triangular numbers to get the r2Slice indices directly, if you need it.
r2 = randi(10,276,1);
% 1 + inverse triangular number formula
numrows = 1+sqrt(2.*numel(r2)+1/4)-1/2;
mat = zeros(numrows);
firstelement = 1;
lastelement = numrows-1;
for i = 1:numrows-1
r2Slice = r2(firstelement:lastelement);
mat(i,i+1:end) = r2Slice';
mat(i+1:end,i) = r2Slice;
firstelement = lastelement+1;
lastelement = lastelement+numrows-1-i;
Edit: Since I couldn't get it out of my brain, here's the version with direct index calculation:
r2 = randi(10,276,1);
% triangular number formulas
triang = #(x)x.*(x+1)./2;
inv_triang = #(x)sqrt(2.*x+1/4)-1/2;
numrows = 1+inv_triang(numel(r2));
mat = zeros(numrows);
firstelement = #(i)triang(numrows-1)-triang(numrows-1-i+1)+1;
lastelement = #(i)firstelement(i)+numrows-1-i;
for i = 1:numrows-1
r2Slice = r2(firstelement(i):lastelement(i));
mat(i,i+1:end) = r2Slice';
mat(i+1:end,i) = r2Slice;

According to matlab r2022b-docs, this should do it:
Link to docs:


copying an NxN matrix into page of NxNxN matrix

Ridiculously simple question, but I'd like to get it right: Working in MATLAB, I'm trying to take an NxN matrix and copy it N times to fill an NxNxN matrix. My code executes, but the variable "threeD" is left unchanged after the loop finishes. Also, I'm imagining a loop is not the best way to do this, although I have nothing against it in principle. Thanks in advance!
reps = 64;
gradient = (1:reps);
pattern = repmat(gradient,reps,1);
threeD = zeros(reps,reps,reps);
for c = reps
threeD(:,:,c) = pattern;
Method 1: Using Loops
The for-loop needed to loop from 1 to reps which is indicated by 1:reps.
reps = 64;
gradient = (1:reps);
pattern = repmat(gradient,reps,1);
threeD = zeros(reps,reps,reps);
for Layer = 1: reps
threeD(:,:,Layer) = pattern;
Method 2: Using Repmat to Replicate Along the Third Dimension
The second argument in repmat(), the array [1 1 reps] indicates how mnay times to replicate the array along the [row column layer]/[x y z] dimensions.
reps = 64;
gradient = (1:reps);
pattern = repmat(gradient,reps,1);
threeD = repmat(pattern,[1 1 reps]);
Using MATLAB version: R2019b

Separate matrix of column vectors into training and testing data in MATLAB

I'm currently doing a project in MATLAB using the MNIST data set. I have a training data set of n = 50000, represented by a matrix of 784 x 50000 (50000 column vectors of size 784).
I am trying to separate my training and testing data (70-30, respectively), but the method I am using is a bit wordy and brute force for my liking. Being that this is MATLAB, I'm sure there has got to be a better way. The code I have been using is listed below. I'm brand new to MATLAB so please help! Thanks :)
% MNIST - data loads into trn and trnAns, representing
% the input vectors and the desired output vectors, respectively
mnist_train = zeros(784, 35000);
mnist_train_ans = zeros(10, 35000);
mnist_test = zeros(784, 15000);
mnist_test_ans = zeros(10, 15000);
indexes = zeros(1,50000);
for i = 1:50000
indexes(i) = i;
for i = 1:50000
if i <= 35000
mnist_train (:,i) = trn(:,indexes(i));
mnist_train_ans(:,i) = trnAns(:,indexes(i));
mnist_test(:,i-35000) = trn(:,indexes(i));
mnist_test_ans(:,i-35000) = trnAns(:,indexes(i));
I hope this works:
% MNIST - data loads into trn and trnAns, representing
% the input vectors and the desired output vectors, respectively
% Generating a random permutation for both trn and trnAns:
perm = randperm(50000);
% Shuffling both trn and trnAns columns using a single random permutations:
trn = trn(:, perm);
trnAns = trnAns(:, perm);
mnist_train = trn(:, 1:35000);
mnist_train_ans = trnAns(:, 1:35000);
mnist_test = trn(:, 35001:50000);
mnist_test_ans = trnAns(:, 35001:50000);

Vectorize double for loops in Matlab

I present my simple working Matlab code and will ask questions:
nrand1 = 10000;
nrand2 = 20000;
% Location matrix 1: [longitude, latitude, w1]
lmat1=[rand(nrand1,1)-75 rand(nrand1,1)+39 round(rand(nrand1,1)*1000)+1];
% Location matrix 2: [longitude, latitude, w2]
lmat2=[rand(nrand2,1)-75 rand(nrand2,1)+39 round(rand(nrand2,1)*100)+1];
% The number of rows for each matrix = In fact it's nrand1 X nrand2, obviously
nobs1 = size(lmat1,1);
nobs2 = size(lmat2,1);
% The number of pair-wise distances
% between L1 locations X L2 locations
ndist = nobs1*nobs2;
% Initialization: Distance vector and weight vector
hdist = zeros(ndist,1);
weight = zeros(ndist,1);
% Double for loop -- for calculating the pair-wise distances and weights
for i=1:nobs1
for j=1:nobs2
% distances in kilometers.
lonH = sin(0.5*(lmat1(i,1)-lmat2(j,1))*pi/180.0)^2;
latH = sin(0.5*(lmat1(i,2)-lmat2(j,2))*pi/180.0)^2;
hdist(k) = 0.001*6372797.560856*2 ...
*asin(sqrt(latH+(cos(lmat1(i,2)*pi/180.0) ...
weight(k) = lmat1(i,3)*lmat2(j,3);
The code calculates 10000 X 20000 distances and weights.
Elapsed time is 67.124844 seconds.
Is there a way to vectorize the double-loop processing, or to perform a parallel computing? If there is no room for performance improvement in Matlab, I may have to write the double loops in C and call it from Matlab. I don't know how to call C from matlab, so I will ask a separate question. Thanks!
Using bsxfun, you can eliminate the for loops and the need for calculating matrices for each combination (this should reduce memory usage). The following is about six times faster than your original code on my computer using R2014b:
nrand1 = 10000;
nrand2 = 20000;
% Location matrix 1: [longitude, latitude, w1]
lmat1=[rand(nrand1,1)-75 rand(nrand1,1)+39 round(rand(nrand1,1)*1000)+1];
% Location matrix 2: [longitude, latitude, w2]
lmat2=[rand(nrand2,1)-75 rand(nrand2,1)+39 round(rand(nrand2,1)*100)+1];
p180 = pi/180;
lonH = sin(0.5*bsxfun(#minus,lmat1(:,1).',lmat2(:,1))*p180).^2;
latH = sin(0.5*bsxfun(#minus,lmat1(:,2).',lmat2(:,2))*p180).^2;
hdist = 0.001*6372797.560856*2*asin(sqrt(latH+bsxfun(#times,cos(lmat1(:,2).'*p180),cos(lmat2(:,2)*p180)).*lonH));
hdist1 = hdist(:);
weight1 = bsxfun(#times,lmat1(:,3).',lmat2(:,3));
weight1 = weight1(:);
Note that by using the variable p180, the math is changed slightly so you won't get precisely the same values, but they will be very close.
The solution is that your inputs (lmat1 and lmat2) do not need to be matrices like you have them. Each one is really three vectors. Once you've broken out the vectors, you can create arrays that have every permutation of lmat1 and lmat2 together (which is what your double loop is doing). At that point, you can call your math as single, fully-vectorized operations...
%make your vectors
lmat1A = rand(nrand1,1)-75;
lmat1B = rand(nrand1,1)+39;
lmat1C = round(rand(nrand1,1)*1000)+1
lmat2A = rand(nrand2,1)-75;
lmat2B = rand(nrand2,1)+39;
lmat2C = round(rand(nrand2,1)*1000)+1
%make every combination
lmat1A = lmat1A(:)*ones(1,nrand2);
lmat1B = lmat1B(:)*ones(1,nrand2);
lmat1C = lmat1C(:)*ones(1,nrand2);
lmat2A = ones(nrand1,1)*(lmat2A(:)');
lmat2B = ones(nrand1,1)*(lmat2B(:)');
lmat2C = ones(nrand1,1)*(lmat2C(:)');
%do your math
lonH = sin(0.5*(lmat1A-lmat2A)*pi/180.0).^2;
latH = sin(0.5*(lmat1B-lmat2B)*pi/180.0).^2;
hdist = 0.001*6372797.560856*2 ...
.*asin(sqrt(latH+(cos(lmat1B*pi/180.0) ...
.*cos(lmat2B*pi/180.0)).*lonH)); %use element-wise multiplication
weight = lmat1C.*lmat2C;
%reshape your output into vectors (not arrays), which is what your original code does
lonH = lonH(:)
latH = latH(:)
hdist = hdist(:);
weight = weight(:);

how can i convert my cpu code of dot product of two matrices to GPU in matlab

I want to take weighted sum of two matrices in GPUarray to be fast. for example my code on cpu is given below:
mat1 = rand(19,19);
mat2= rand(19,19);
Receptive_fieldsize = [4,3];
overlap = 1;
Output = GetweightedSum(mat1,mat2, Receptive_fieldsize,overlap); %this will output in an 6x6 matrix
where as my function body is:
function Output = GetweightedSum(mat1,mat2, RF,overlap)
gap = RF(1) - overlap;
size_mat = size(mat1);
for u=1: output_size(1)
for v=1: output_size(2)
min_u = (u - 1) * gap + 1;
max_u = (u - 1) * gap + RF(1);
min_v = (v - 1) * gap + 1;
max_v = (v - 1) * gap + RF(2);
input1 = mat1(min_u:max_u,min_v:max_v);
input2 = mat2(min_u:max_u,min_v:max_v);
Output(u,v) = sum(sum(input1 .*input2));
How can i convert it to GPUfunciton. Can i do it directly, OR can i use for loop in GPU code. I am totally new to GPU so don't know anything about it.
Will be thankful if some one guid me, or change the above code as reference to GPU function so that i may learn from it.
See if the codes and the comments alongside them make sense to you -
function Output = GetweightedSumGPU(mat1,mat2, RF,overlap)
%// Create parameters
gap = RF(1) - overlap;
sz1 = output_size(1);
sz2 = output_size(2);
nrows = size(mat1,1); %// get number of rows in mat1
%// Copy data to GPU
gmat1 = gpuArray(mat1);
gmat2 = gpuArray(mat2);
start_row_ind = gpuArray([1:RF(1)]'); %//' starting row indices for each block
col_offset = gpuArray([0:RF(2)-1]*nrows); %// column offset for each block
%// Linear indices for each block
ind = bsxfun(#plus,start_row_ind,col_offset);
%// Linear indices along rows and columns respectively
ind_rows = bsxfun(#plus,ind(:),[0:sz1-1]*gap);
ind_rows_cols = bsxfun(#plus,ind_rows,permute([0:sz2-1]*gap*nrows,[1 3 2]));
%// Elementwise multiplication, summing and gathering back result to CPU
Output = gather(reshape(sum(gmat1(ind_rows_cols).*gmat2(ind_rows_cols),1),sz1,sz2));

Matlab - How to improve efficiency of two port matrix calculations?

I'm looking for a way to speed up some simple two port matrix calculations. See the below code example for what I'm doing currently. In essence, I create a [Nx1] frequency vector first. I then loop through the frequency vector and create the [2x2] matrices H1 and H2 (all functions of f). A bit of simple matrix math including a matrix left division '\' later, and I got my result pb as a [Nx1] vector. The problem is the loop - it takes a long time to calculate and I'm looking for way to improve efficiency of the calculations. I tried assembling the problem using [2x2xN] transfer matrices, but the mtimes operation cannot handle 3-D multiplications.
Can anybody please give me an idea how I can approach such a calculation without the need for looping through f?
Many thanks: svenr
% calculate frequency and wave number vector
f = linspace(20,200,400);
w = 2.*pi.*f;
% calculation for each frequency w
for i=1:length(w)
H1(i,1) = {[1, rho*c*k(i)^2 / (crad*pi); 0,1]};
H2(i,1) = {[1, 1i.*w(i).*mp; 0, 1]};
HZin(i,1) = {H1{i,1}*H2{i,1}};
temp_mat = HZin{i,1}*[1; 0];
Zin(i,1) = temp_mat(1,1)/temp_mat(2,1);
temp_mat= H1{i,1}\[1; 1/Zin(i,1)];
pb(i,1) = temp_mat(1,1); Ub(i,:) = temp_mat(2,1);
Assuming that length(w) == length(k) returns true , rho , c, crad, mp are all scalars and in the last line is Ub(i,1) = temp_mat(2,1) instead of Ub(i,:) = temp_mat(2,1);
temp = repmat(eyes(2),[1 1 length(w)]);
temp1(1,2,:) = rho*c*(k.^2)/crad/pi;
temp2(1,2,:) = (1i.*w)*mp;
H1 = permute(num2cell(temp1,[1 2]),[3 2 1]);
H2 = permute(num2cell(temp2,[1 2]),[3 2 1]);
HZin = cellfun(#(a,b)(a*b),H1,H2,'UniformOutput',0);
temp_cell = cellfun(#(a,b)(a*b),H1,repmat({[1;0]},length(w),1),'UniformOutput',0);
Zin_cell = cellfun(#(a)(a(1,1)/a(2,1)),temp_cell,'UniformOutput',0);
Zin = cell2mat(Zin);
temp2_cell = cellfun(#(a)({[1;1/a]}),Zin_cell,'UniformOutput',0);
temp3_cell = cellfun(#(a,b)(pinv(a)*b),H1,temp2_cell);
temp4 = cell2mat(temp3_cell);
p(:,1) = temp4(1:2:end-1);
Ub(:,1) = temp4(2:2:end);