Vectorize double for loops in Matlab - matlab

I present my simple working Matlab code and will ask questions:
nrand1 = 10000;
nrand2 = 20000;
% Location matrix 1: [longitude, latitude, w1]
lmat1=[rand(nrand1,1)-75 rand(nrand1,1)+39 round(rand(nrand1,1)*1000)+1];
% Location matrix 2: [longitude, latitude, w2]
lmat2=[rand(nrand2,1)-75 rand(nrand2,1)+39 round(rand(nrand2,1)*100)+1];
% The number of rows for each matrix = In fact it's nrand1 X nrand2, obviously
nobs1 = size(lmat1,1);
nobs2 = size(lmat2,1);
% The number of pair-wise distances
% between L1 locations X L2 locations
ndist = nobs1*nobs2;
% Initialization: Distance vector and weight vector
hdist = zeros(ndist,1);
weight = zeros(ndist,1);
% Double for loop -- for calculating the pair-wise distances and weights
for i=1:nobs1
for j=1:nobs2
% distances in kilometers.
lonH = sin(0.5*(lmat1(i,1)-lmat2(j,1))*pi/180.0)^2;
latH = sin(0.5*(lmat1(i,2)-lmat2(j,2))*pi/180.0)^2;
hdist(k) = 0.001*6372797.560856*2 ...
*asin(sqrt(latH+(cos(lmat1(i,2)*pi/180.0) ...
weight(k) = lmat1(i,3)*lmat2(j,3);
The code calculates 10000 X 20000 distances and weights.
Elapsed time is 67.124844 seconds.
Is there a way to vectorize the double-loop processing, or to perform a parallel computing? If there is no room for performance improvement in Matlab, I may have to write the double loops in C and call it from Matlab. I don't know how to call C from matlab, so I will ask a separate question. Thanks!

Using bsxfun, you can eliminate the for loops and the need for calculating matrices for each combination (this should reduce memory usage). The following is about six times faster than your original code on my computer using R2014b:
nrand1 = 10000;
nrand2 = 20000;
% Location matrix 1: [longitude, latitude, w1]
lmat1=[rand(nrand1,1)-75 rand(nrand1,1)+39 round(rand(nrand1,1)*1000)+1];
% Location matrix 2: [longitude, latitude, w2]
lmat2=[rand(nrand2,1)-75 rand(nrand2,1)+39 round(rand(nrand2,1)*100)+1];
p180 = pi/180;
lonH = sin(0.5*bsxfun(#minus,lmat1(:,1).',lmat2(:,1))*p180).^2;
latH = sin(0.5*bsxfun(#minus,lmat1(:,2).',lmat2(:,2))*p180).^2;
hdist = 0.001*6372797.560856*2*asin(sqrt(latH+bsxfun(#times,cos(lmat1(:,2).'*p180),cos(lmat2(:,2)*p180)).*lonH));
hdist1 = hdist(:);
weight1 = bsxfun(#times,lmat1(:,3).',lmat2(:,3));
weight1 = weight1(:);
Note that by using the variable p180, the math is changed slightly so you won't get precisely the same values, but they will be very close.

The solution is that your inputs (lmat1 and lmat2) do not need to be matrices like you have them. Each one is really three vectors. Once you've broken out the vectors, you can create arrays that have every permutation of lmat1 and lmat2 together (which is what your double loop is doing). At that point, you can call your math as single, fully-vectorized operations...
%make your vectors
lmat1A = rand(nrand1,1)-75;
lmat1B = rand(nrand1,1)+39;
lmat1C = round(rand(nrand1,1)*1000)+1
lmat2A = rand(nrand2,1)-75;
lmat2B = rand(nrand2,1)+39;
lmat2C = round(rand(nrand2,1)*1000)+1
%make every combination
lmat1A = lmat1A(:)*ones(1,nrand2);
lmat1B = lmat1B(:)*ones(1,nrand2);
lmat1C = lmat1C(:)*ones(1,nrand2);
lmat2A = ones(nrand1,1)*(lmat2A(:)');
lmat2B = ones(nrand1,1)*(lmat2B(:)');
lmat2C = ones(nrand1,1)*(lmat2C(:)');
%do your math
lonH = sin(0.5*(lmat1A-lmat2A)*pi/180.0).^2;
latH = sin(0.5*(lmat1B-lmat2B)*pi/180.0).^2;
hdist = 0.001*6372797.560856*2 ...
.*asin(sqrt(latH+(cos(lmat1B*pi/180.0) ...
.*cos(lmat2B*pi/180.0)).*lonH)); %use element-wise multiplication
weight = lmat1C.*lmat2C;
%reshape your output into vectors (not arrays), which is what your original code does
lonH = lonH(:)
latH = latH(:)
hdist = hdist(:);
weight = weight(:);


Split dataset to test and train MATLAB [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Matlab: How can I split my data matrix into two random subsets of column vectors while keeping the label information?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I want to split a very large dataset that I have (over one million observations) into a test and train set. As, you can see I have already managed to perform something similar in the code bellow with the use of dividerand.
What the code does is we have a very large set X, on every iteration we select N=1700 variables and then I split them in a ratio 7/3 - train/test. But, what I would further like to do though is instead of using %'s with the dividerand to use specific values. For instance, split the data into mini-batches with size 2000, and then use 500 for test and 1500 for training. Again, in the next loop we will select the data (2001:4000) and split them in 500 test and 1500 train etc.
Again, dividerand allows to do that with ratios but I would like to use actual values.
X = randn(10000,9);
mu_6 = zeros(510,613); % 390/802 - 450/695 - 510/613 - Test/Iterations
s2_6 = zeros(510,613);
nl6 = zeros(613,1);
RSME6 = zeros(613,1);
prev_batch = 0;
inf = #infGaussLik;
meanfunc = []; % empty: don't use a mean function
covfunc = #covSEiso; % Squared Exponential covariance
likfunc = #likGauss; % Gaussian likelihood
for k=1:613
new_batch = k*1700;
X_batch = X(1+prev_batch:new_batch,:);
[train,~,test] = dividerand(transpose(X_batch),0.7,0,0.3);
train = transpose(train);
test = transpose(test);
x_t = train(:,1:8); % Train batch we get 910 values
y_t = train(:,9);
x_z = test(:,1:8); % Test batch we get 390 values
y_z = test(:,9);
% Calculations for Gaussian process regression
if k==1
hyp = struct('mean', [], 'cov', [0 0], 'lik', -1);
hyp = hyp2;
hyp2 = minimize(hyp, #gp, -100, inf, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x_t, y_t);
[m4 s4] = gp(hyp2, inf, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x_t, y_t, x_z);
[nlZ4,dnlZ4] = gp(hyp2, inf, meanfunc, covfunc, likfunc, x_t, y_t);
RSME6(k,1) = sqrt(sum(((m4-y_z).^2))/450);
nl6(k,1) = nlZ4;
mu_6(:,k) = m4;
s2_6(:,k) = s4;
% End of calculations
prev_batch = new_batch;
How about:
[~, idx] = sort([randn(2000,1)]);
group1_idx = idx(1:1500);
group2_idx = idx(1501:end);

Reverse-calculating original data from a known moving average

I'm trying to estimate the (unknown) original datapoints that went into calculating a (known) moving average. However, I do know some of the original datapoints, and I'm not sure how to use that information.
I am using the method given in the answers here:, but in MATLAB (my code below). This method works quite well for large numbers of data points (>1000), but less well with fewer data points, as you'd expect.
window = 3;
datapoints = 150;
data = 3*rand(1,datapoints)+50;
moving_averages = [];
for i = window:size(data,2)
moving_averages(i) = mean(data(i+1-window:i));
length = size(moving_averages,2)+(window-1);
a = (tril(ones(length,length),window-1) - tril(ones(length,length),-1))/window;
a = a(1:length-(window-1),:);
ai = pinv(a);
daily = mtimes(ai,moving_averages');
x = 1:size(data,2);
hold on
hold off
axis([0 size(x,2) min(daily(window:end))-1 max(daily(window:end))+1])
legend('original data','moving average','back-calculated')
Now, say I know a smattering of the original data points. I'm having trouble figuring how might I use that information to more accurately calculate the rest. Thank you for any assistance.
You should be able to calculate the original data exactly if you at any time can exactly determine one window's worth of data, i.e. in this case n-1 samples in a window of length n. (In your case) if you know A,B and (A+B+C)/3, you can solve now and know C. Now when you have (B+C+D)/3 (your moving average) you can exactly solve for D. Rinse and repeat. This logic works going backwards too.
Here is an example with the same idea:
% the actual vector of values
a = cumsum(rand(150,1) - 0.5);
% compute moving average
win = 3; % sliding window length
idx = hankel(1:win, win:numel(a));
m = mean(a(idx));
% coefficient matrix: m(i) = sum(a(i:i+win-1))/win
A = repmat([ones(1,win) zeros(1,numel(a)-win)], numel(a)-win+1, 1);
for i=2:size(A,1)
A(i,:) = circshift(A(i-1,:), [0 1]);
A = A / win;
% solve linear system
%x = A \ m(:);
x = pinv(A) * m(:);
% plot and compare
subplot(211), plot(1:numel(a),a, 1:numel(m),m)
legend({'original','moving average'})
title(sprintf('length = %d, window = %d',numel(a),win))
subplot(212), plot(1:numel(a),a, 1:numel(a),x)
title(sprintf('error = %f',norm(x(:)-a(:))))
You can see the reconstruction error is very small, even using the data sizes in your example (150 samples with a 3-samples moving average).

separate 'entangled' vectors in Matlab

I have a set of three vectors (stored into a 3xN matrix) which are 'entangled' (e.g. some value in the second row should be in the third row and vice versa). This 'entanglement' is based on looking at the figure in which alpha2 is plotted. To separate the vector I use a difference based approach where I calculate the difference of one value with respect the three next values (e.g. comparing (1,i) with (:,i+1)). Then I take the minimum and store that. The method works to separate two of the three vectors, but not for the last.
I was wondering if you guys can share your ideas with me how to solve this problem (if possible). I have added my coded below.
Thanks in advance!
Problem in figures:
clear all; close all; clc;
alpha2 = [-23.32 -23.05 -22.24 -20.91 -19.06 -16.70 -13.83 -10.49 -6.70;
-0.46 -0.33 0.19 2.38 5.44 9.36 14.15 19.80 26.32;
-1.58 -1.13 0.06 0.70 1.61 2.78 4.23 5.99 8.09];
%%% Original
hold on
%%% Store start values
store1(1,1) = alpha2(1,1);
store2(1,1) = alpha2(2,1);
store3(1,1) = alpha2(3,1);
for i=1:size(alpha2,2)-1
for j=1:size(alpha2,1)
Alpha1(j,i) = abs(store1(1,i)-alpha2(j,i+1));
Alpha2(j,i) = abs(store2(1,i)-alpha2(j,i+1));
Alpha3(j,i) = abs(store3(1,i)-alpha2(j,i+1));
[~, I] = min(Alpha1(:,i));
store1(1,i+1) = alpha2(I,i+1);
[~, I] = min(Alpha2(:,i));
store2(1,i+1) = alpha2(I,i+1);
[~, I] = min(Alpha3(:,i));
store3(1,i+1) = alpha2(I,i+1);
%%% Plot to see if separation worked
hold on
Solution using extrapolation via polyfit:
The idea is pretty simple: Iterate over all positions i and use polyfit to fit polynomials of degree d to the d+1 values from F(:,i-(d+1)) up to F(:,i). Use those polynomials to extrapolate the function values F(:,i+1). Then compute the permutation of the real values F(:,i+1) that fits those extrapolations best. This should work quite well, if there are only a few functions involved. There is certainly some room for improvement, but for your simple setting it should suffice.
function F = untangle(F, maxExtrapolationDegree)
%// UNTANGLE(F) untangles the functions F(i,:) via extrapolation.
if nargin<2
maxExtrapolationDegree = 4;
extrapolate = #(f) polyval(polyfit(1:length(f),f,length(f)-1),length(f)+1);
extrapolateAll = #(F) cellfun(extrapolate, num2cell(F,2));
fitCriterion = #(X,Y) norm(X(:)-Y(:),1);
nFuncs = size(F,1);
nPoints = size(F,2);
swaps = perms(1:nFuncs);
errorOfFit = zeros(1,size(swaps,1));
for i = 1:nPoints-1
nextValues = extrapolateAll(F(:,max(1,i-(maxExtrapolationDegree+1)):i));
for j = 1:size(swaps,1)
errorOfFit(j) = fitCriterion(nextValues, F(swaps(j,:),i+1));
[~,j_bestSwap] = min(errorOfFit);
F(:,i+1) = F(swaps(j_bestSwap,:),i+1);
Initial solution: (not that pretty - Skip this part)
This is a similar solution that tries to minimize the sum of the derivatives up to some degree of the vector valued function F = #(j) alpha2(:,j). It does so by stepping through the positions i and checks all possible permutations of the coordinates of i to get a minimal seminorm of the function F(1:i).
(I'm actually wondering right now if there is any canonical mathematical way to define the seminorm so we get our expected results... I initially was going for the H^1 and H^2 seminorms, but they didn't quite work...)
function F = untangle(F)
nFuncs = size(F,1);
nPoints = size(F,2);
seminorm = #(x,i) sum(sum(abs(diff(x(:,1:i),1,2)))) + ...
sum(sum(abs(diff(x(:,1:i),2,2)))) + ...
sum(sum(abs(diff(x(:,1:i),3,2)))) + ...
doSwap = #(x,swap,i) [x(:,1:i-1), x(swap,i:end)];
swaps = perms(1:nFuncs);
normOfSwap = zeros(1,size(swaps,1));
for i = 2:nPoints
for j = 1:size(swaps,1)
normOfSwap(j) = seminorm(doSwap(F,swaps(j,:),i),i);
[~,j_bestSwap] = min(normOfSwap);
F = doSwap(F,swaps(j_bestSwap,:),i);
The command alpha2 = untangle(alpha2); will untangle your functions:
It should even work for more complicated data, like these shuffled sine-waves:
nPoints = 100;
nFuncs = 5;
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, nPoints);
F = bsxfun(#(a,b) sin(a*b), (1:nFuncs).', t);
for i = 1:nPoints
F(:,i) = F(randperm(nFuncs),i);
Remark: I guess if you already know that your functions will be quadratic or some other special form, RANSAC would be a better idea for larger number of functions. This could also be useful if the functions are not given with the same x-value spacing.

Matlab - How to improve efficiency of two port matrix calculations?

I'm looking for a way to speed up some simple two port matrix calculations. See the below code example for what I'm doing currently. In essence, I create a [Nx1] frequency vector first. I then loop through the frequency vector and create the [2x2] matrices H1 and H2 (all functions of f). A bit of simple matrix math including a matrix left division '\' later, and I got my result pb as a [Nx1] vector. The problem is the loop - it takes a long time to calculate and I'm looking for way to improve efficiency of the calculations. I tried assembling the problem using [2x2xN] transfer matrices, but the mtimes operation cannot handle 3-D multiplications.
Can anybody please give me an idea how I can approach such a calculation without the need for looping through f?
Many thanks: svenr
% calculate frequency and wave number vector
f = linspace(20,200,400);
w = 2.*pi.*f;
% calculation for each frequency w
for i=1:length(w)
H1(i,1) = {[1, rho*c*k(i)^2 / (crad*pi); 0,1]};
H2(i,1) = {[1, 1i.*w(i).*mp; 0, 1]};
HZin(i,1) = {H1{i,1}*H2{i,1}};
temp_mat = HZin{i,1}*[1; 0];
Zin(i,1) = temp_mat(1,1)/temp_mat(2,1);
temp_mat= H1{i,1}\[1; 1/Zin(i,1)];
pb(i,1) = temp_mat(1,1); Ub(i,:) = temp_mat(2,1);
Assuming that length(w) == length(k) returns true , rho , c, crad, mp are all scalars and in the last line is Ub(i,1) = temp_mat(2,1) instead of Ub(i,:) = temp_mat(2,1);
temp = repmat(eyes(2),[1 1 length(w)]);
temp1(1,2,:) = rho*c*(k.^2)/crad/pi;
temp2(1,2,:) = (1i.*w)*mp;
H1 = permute(num2cell(temp1,[1 2]),[3 2 1]);
H2 = permute(num2cell(temp2,[1 2]),[3 2 1]);
HZin = cellfun(#(a,b)(a*b),H1,H2,'UniformOutput',0);
temp_cell = cellfun(#(a,b)(a*b),H1,repmat({[1;0]},length(w),1),'UniformOutput',0);
Zin_cell = cellfun(#(a)(a(1,1)/a(2,1)),temp_cell,'UniformOutput',0);
Zin = cell2mat(Zin);
temp2_cell = cellfun(#(a)({[1;1/a]}),Zin_cell,'UniformOutput',0);
temp3_cell = cellfun(#(a,b)(pinv(a)*b),H1,temp2_cell);
temp4 = cell2mat(temp3_cell);
p(:,1) = temp4(1:2:end-1);
Ub(:,1) = temp4(2:2:end);

Speeding up the conditional filling of huge sparse matrices

I was wondering if there is a way of speeding up (maybe via vectorization?) the conditional filling of huge sparse matrices (e.g. ~ 1e10 x 1e10). Here's the sample code where I have a nested loop, and I fill in a sparse matrix only if a certain condition is met:
% We are given the following cell arrays of the same size:
% all_arrays_1
% all_arrays_2
% all_mapping_arrays
N = 1e10;
% The number of nnz (non-zeros) is unknown until the loop finishes
huge_sparse_matrix = sparse([],[],[],N,N);
n_iterations = numel(all_arrays_1);
for iteration=1:n_iterations
array_1 = all_arrays_1{iteration};
array_2 = all_arrays_2{iteration};
mapping_array = all_mapping_arrays{iteration};
n_elements_in_array_1 = numel(array_1);
n_elements_in_array_2 = numel(array_2);
for element_1 = 1:n_elements_in_array_1
element_2 = mapping_array(element_1);
% Sanity check:
if element_2 <= n_elements_in_array_2
item_1 = array_1(element_1);
item_2 = array_2(element_2);
huge_sparse_matrix(item_1,item_2) = 1;
I am struggling to vectorize the nested loop. As far as I understand the filling a sparse matrix element by element is very slow when the number of entries to fill is large (~100M). I need to work with a sparse matrix since it has dimensions in the 10,000M x 10,000M range. However, this way of filling a sparse matrix in MATLAB is very slow.
I have updated the names of the variables to reflect their nature better. There are no function calls.
This code builds the matrix adjacency for a huge graph. The variable all_mapping_arrays holds mapping arrays (~ adjacency relationship) between nodes of the graph in a local representation, which is why I need array_1 and array_2 to map the adjacency to a global representation.
I think it will be the incremental update of the sparse matrix, rather than the loop based conditional that will be slowing things down.
When you add a new entry to a sparse matrix via something like A(i,j) = 1 it typically requires that the whole matrix data structure is re-packed. The is an expensive operation. If you're interested, MATLAB uses a CCS data structure (compressed column storage) internally, which is described under the Data Structure section here. Note the statement:
This scheme is not effcient for manipulating matrices one element at a
Generally, it's far better (faster) to accumulate the non-zero entries in the matrix as a set of triplets and then make a single call to sparse. For example (warning - brain compiled code!!):
% Inputs:
% N
% prev_array and next_array
% n_labels_prev and n_labels_next
% mapping
% allocate space for matrix entries as a set of "triplets"
ii = zeros(N,1);
jj = zeros(N,1);
xx = zeros(N,1);
nn = 0;
for next_label_ix = 1:n_labels_next
prev_label = mapping(next_label_ix);
if prev_label <= n_labels_prev
prev_global_label = prev_array(prev_label);
next_global_label = next_array(next_label_ix);
% reallocate triplets on demand
if (nn + 1 > length(ii))
ii = [ii; zeros(N,1)];
jj = [jj; zeros(N,1)];
xx = [xx; zeros(N,1)];
% append a new triplet and increment counter
ii(nn + 1) = next_global_label; % row index
jj(nn + 1) = prev_global_label; % col index
xx(nn + 1) = 1.0; % coefficient
nn = nn + 1;
% we may have over-alloacted our triplets, so trim the arrays
% based on our final counter
ii = ii(1:nn);
jj = jj(1:nn);
xx = xx(1:nn);
% just make a single call to "sparse" to pack the triplet data
% as a sparse matrix object
sp_graph_adj_global = sparse(ii,jj,xx,N,N);
I'm allocating in chunks of N entries at a time. Assuming that you know alot about the structure of your matrix you might be able to use a better value here.
Hope this helps.