SystemVerilog assertion semantics & when to stop simulation [closed] - system-verilog

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Closed last month.
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The vendor for the simulation tool I'm using (Cadence) has said that they must stop failing assertions at the time the assertion fails and not during the action blocks of the assertion. I prefer for them to stop only when a $error or $fatal happens - and that would happen in the action block. My reasoning is that the simulator is stopping before I have a chance to print out the message.
Their reasoning relates to the state of the simulation during the assertion (observed region) vs the state during the action block (reactive region). I am trying to figure out if this explanation makes sense.
Can you weigh in on this? Here's their explanation:
SVA concurrent assertions execute in the observed region while their
action block execute in the reactive region. Currently, we stop in the
observed region right at the instant the assertion fails. There could
be other processes that run between the assertion failure and the
execution of action block. This would mean, the state of simulator at
stop point is not consistent to assertion failure. There could be
delays in the action block itself. Stopping after the action block may
mean stopping after those delays.
This explanation makes me think that SVA is designed badly. If there's no easy way to print a message during an SVA assertion failure without the state changing in a significant way, perhaps there needs to be an update to SVA. On the other hand, if this has never come up for others before, I question if the vendor is correct in their analysis.
At its core I want to know:
Can state really change between the assertion failure and the action block?
Would $sampled in the action block be sufficient to mitigate the concern of the changes in state?
Wouldn't the standard have specified the action block to happen while the state still persists? At least somewhat? And if the state changes, I would think there would be a way to still view what caused the failure. Perhaps that is $sampled. This is what I'm trying to figure out.

You need to take this up with your tool vendor. There is nothing in the LRM that says the simulator has to stop on an assertion failure—that is a tool option. It does say there is an implicit call to $error if there is no action block. And the LRM does not require the tool to stop on $error—that is a tool option as well.
If your action block has a $error in it, that could be the trigger to stop your simulation and it should print your message along with it.


What condition variables can do that unlock+yield cannot?

In POSIX, there's the requirement that when a wait is called on a condition variable and a mutex, the 2 operations - unlocking the mutex and blocking the thread, be atomically performed, in such way that any broadcast/signal should take effect as if they happened after blocking. I suppose there should be equivalent requirements on C11, C++ condition variables as well, and I won't go on to do a verbose enumeration.
However, in some system (such as many people's nostalgia WinXP), there wasn't a condition variable mechanism. Instead, they have to perform a unlock+yield to achieve similar (same?) effect. And this works, because even if the broadcast/signal occured in-between the unlock and yield, when the thread is re-scheduled, its observable behavior is the same as if the wake occured after the block. WinXP supported mutex, and it had an SleepEx function that can work like an yield.
So it begs the question: What condition variables can do, that unlock+yield cannot?
In response to the comment: I use WinXP as an example because it happens to be one that supported mutex but not condvar, and the fact that it's one generation's memory. Of course, we assume correctness and reasonable performance, and the question doesn't specifically ask Windows and it asks any implementation in general.

In Scala, does Futures.awaitAll terminate the thread on timeout?

So I'm writing a mini timeout library in scala, it looks very similar to the code here: How do I get hold of exceptions thrown in a Scala Future?
The function I execute is either going to complete successfully, or block forever, so I need to make sure that on a timeout the executing thread is cancelled.
Thus my question is: On a timeout, does awaitAll terminate the underlying actor, or just let it keep running forever?
One alternative that I'm considering is to use the java Future library to do this as there is an explicit cancel() method one can call.
[Disclaimer - I'm new to Scala actors myself]
As I read it, scala.actors.Futures.awaitAll waits until the list of futures are all resolved OR until the timeout. It will not Future.cancel, Thread.interrupt, or otherwise attempt to terminate a Future; you get to come back later and wait some more.
The Future.cancel may be suitable, however be aware that your code may need to participate in effecting the cancel operation - it doesn't necessarily come for free. Future.cancel cancels a task that is scheduled, but not yet started. It interrupts a running thread [setting a flag that can be checked]... which may or may not acknowledge the interrupt. Review Thread.interrupt and Thread.isInterrupted(). Your long-running task would normally check to see if it's being interrupted (your code), and self-terminate. Various methods (i.e. Thread.sleep, Object.wait and others) respond to the interrupt by throwing InterruptedException. You need to review & understand that mechanism to ensure your code will meet your needs within those constraints. See this.

State of the conditional variable in pthread_cond_

while writing a thread program i came across small issue.
The issue is: How do i know the state of a conditional variable
I mean to ask if a pthread is already waiting on pthread_cond_wait and if i again try to wait on the same conditional variable it leads to deadlock condition. Inorder to avoid this could you please suggest how do i know the state of a condvar before waiting on the same.

Tutorial OpenCl event handling

In my last question, OpenCl cleanup causes segfault. , somebody hinted that missing event handling, i.e. not waiting for code to finish, could cause the seg faults. Since then I looked again into the tutorials I used, but they don't pay attention to events (Matrix Multiplication 1 (OpenCL) and NVIDIA_OpenCL_GettingStartedLinux.pdf) or talk about it in detail and (for me) understandable.
Do you know a tutorial on where and how to wait in OpenCL?
I don't have a tutorial on events in OpenCL, and I'm by no means an expert, but since no one else is responding...
As a rule of thumb, you'll need to wait for any function named clEnqueue*. Those functions return immediately before the job is done. The easiest way to make sure your queue is finished is to call clFinish(). It won't return until the entire queue has completed.
If you want to get a little fancier, most of the clEnqueue* functions have an optional cl_event parameter that you can pass in. You can check on a particular event with clGetEventInfo(), and you can wait for a particular set of events to finish with clWaitForEvents().

Scala actors - worst practices? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I feel a bit insecure about using actors in Scala. I have read documentation about how to do stuff, but I guess I would also need some DON'T rules in order to feel free to use them.
I think I am afraid that I will use them in a wrong way, and I will not even notice it.
Can you think of something, that, if applied, would result in breaking the benefits that Scala actors bring, or even erroneous results?
Avoid !? wherever possible. You will get a locked system!
Always send a message from an Actor-subsystem thread. If this means creating a transient Actor via the method then so be it:
case ButtonClicked(src) => { controller ! SaveTrade(trdFld.text) }
Add an "any other message" handler to your actor's reactions. Otherwise it is impossible to figure out if you are sending a message to the wrong actor:
case other => log.warning(this + " has received unexpected message " + other
Don't use for your primary actors, sublcass Actor instead. The reason for this is that it is only by subclassing that you can provide a sensible toString method. Again, debugging actors is very difficult if your logs are littered with statements like:
12:03 [INFO] Sending RequestTrades(2009-10-12) to scala.actors.Actor$anonfun$1
Document the actors in your system, explicitly stating what messages they will receive and precisely how they should calculate the response. Using actors results in the conversion of a standard procedure (normally encapsulated within a method) to become logic spread across multiple actor's reactions. It is easy to get lost without good documentation.
Always make sure you can communicate with your actor outside of its react loop to find its state. For example, I always declare a method to be invoked via an MBean which looks like the following code snippet. It can otherwise be very difficult to tell if your actor is running, has shut down, has a large queue of messages etc.
def reportState = {
val _this = this
synchronized {
val msg = "%s Received request to report state with %d items in mailbox".format(
_this, mailboxSize)
} { _this ! ReportState }
Link your actors together and use trapExit = true - otherwise they can fail silently meaning your program is not doing what you think it is and will probably go out of memory as messages remain in the actor's mailbox.
I think that some other interesting choices around design-decisions to be made using actors have been highlighted here and here
I know this doesn't really answer the question, but you should at least take heart in the fact that message-based concurrency is much less prone to wierd errors than shared-memory-thread-based concurrency.
I presume you have seen the actor guidelines in Programming in Scala, but for the record:
Actors should not block while processing a message. Where you might want to block try to arrange to get a message later instead.
Use react {} rather than receive {} when possible.
Communicate with actors only via messages.
Prefer immutable messages.
Make messages self-contained.