Was building a bash program to play CDs with choosable tracks. I tried to mount, it didn't work.
But there is no options for that. Can somebody help?
I got a folder directory/A_/abc
the previous programmer was writing a shell script like this
cd $location/A:/abc
then why i still can go directory/A_/abc ?
I google but still can't find the answer , anyone know?
I have a simple bottle project (using one template file in the views folder) that runs correctly locally. I read the help files in Pythonanywhere, I tried different ways to edit the WSCI files, but still can't get bottle run correctly. Can someone please show me a minimal example to run a Bottle?
I am new to linux system, i was just finding a way to download whole playlist at the same time, i found youtube-dl could work for me, but whenever i try to download a playlist from youtube which has a removed or deleted videos youtube-dl just stops downloading instead of skipping it. Please help if possible. Thank you in advance.
youtube-dl has a lot of powerful options. Run youtube-dl --help (or look at the documentation) to see them. Among them is:
-i, --ignore-errors Continue on download errors, for example to
skip unavailable videos in a playlist
The trash spec tells me that the Trash directory is here: $XDG_DATA_HOME/Trash
Looking at my environment variables on my Linux Mint system, I find a bunch of XDG stuff, but no XDG_DATA_HOME
I've done some looking, but so far I have not been able to locate the Trash directory. Where is it?
your home trash directory MUST be available and defined.
Usually it's under ~/.Trash or ~/.local/share/Trash as default
you can echo $XDG_DATA_HOME to display it, if you get nothing, you can set it by yourself.
for details see setting XDG_DATA_DIRS and XDG_DATA_HOME
and I recommend that you make trash-cli as an alternative for the rm, it's the command line interface to FreeDesktop.org Trash,
see https://pypi.python.org/pypi/trash-cli/
your home trash directory MUST be available and defined.
Usually it's under ~/.Trash or ~/.local/share/Trash as default
you can echo $XDG_DATA_HOME to display it, if you get nothing, you can set >it by yourself.
First it is impossible to set something you cannot find in the first place.
Secondly env | grep XDG does not return any variable XDG_DATA_HOME, so that provided no help whatsoever. Thirdly, Google search on e.g. "where is linux Trash folder stored" does indeed turn up results -- namely this page and others like it. Search engines are source referrers, not source providers. If someone hasn't already posted it somewhere, it won't show in Google or anywhere else. Suggesting a Google search as an answer is not helpful.
So indeed, find / -iname trash will find it (recommend adding 2>/dev/null to eliminate all errors that will occur for inaccessible files), but novices have a lot of trouble with find's syntax.
So yes, it is usually ~/.Trash or ~/.local/share/Trash.
As for trash-cli, yes very helpful, but the correct instructions for it are:
sudo apt install trash-cli -y
alias rm=trash-put
alias rm >> ~/.bashrc ( or >> ~/.bash_aliases)
Now, I would like to know, if I set XDG_DATA_HOME to /tmp, will trashing a file move to /tmp instead? The concept of a Trash folder is great, but I'd like a little more sophistication like an Archive folder where I can archive-put little used files that I still want to keep but keep out of my main folder stash to eliminate clutter. I'm no linux novice, but I do have limited time--so that is why we collaborate--I save you time, you save me time!! I hope. Less is more, more or less.
I'd like to play around with integrating coffeescript into my dev process. But as I see it, I'll have to make a bat file that iterates a set of coffee files and spits out js files. Every time I write a bat file, useful as they may be, I ask myself: is there a better way?
Which makes me wonder: is there an app of some sort for Windows that will watch a directory or a file and spit out one/many js files when a coffee file is saved? I'm thinking of building one but don't want to reinvent the wheel. I looked around and found things that were similar but nothing that elevated it beyond "run this command line" on Windows.
Edit: already marked an answer, but looking at this 10 months later the answer is: grunt. Because it'll do a lot more than just auto-compile your coffeescript and you'll probably need to do more than just that to get your app going.
coffee --watch -o lib -c src
where src is a directory containing your coffee files, and lib is your JavaScript output directory.
See update at bottom of post.
I was hunting for the same thing the other day and came across this: https://github.com/danenania/CoffeePy
It's a simple python script that uses PyV8 to run coffee-script.js.
It doesn't do anything fancy, just watches a folder recursively, and compiles any .coffee files whenever they're changed. It doesn't even have a bare option. These things could be very easily added though!
I forked the script and added --bare and --output options.
You can get it here: https://github.com/johtso/CoffeePy
Personally, I prefer using build tools like grunt.js / yeoman or brunch for that purpose.
grunt coffee
Mindscape Workbench has a built in compiler/editor for VS 2010. Haven't tried it yet, but it looks like it'd be even better than a watcher/compiler. Scott Hanselman has a post about it here:
I think there is a simplier way just using -w option of coffeescript compiler
coffee -c -w *.coffee
This will compile all coffee files under the folder you are (put more file pathes if needed) each time you change one.
Another possibility: WebStorm 6. They've added a built in file-watcher for a variety of next-gen languages like SASS and Coffescript.
If you want a different way of doing it, this might help:
If you include the coffeescript compiler on your page, you can include files with a "text/coffeescript" type and they will get compiled client-side.
Word of warning: Obviously, client-side compilation is not for something serious, but its completely fine for a small project/quick development. It would then be trivial to compile them on the server and change the MIME-type and filename when something a bit quicker is necessary.
CoffeeScript-dotnet does what you want, but it is a command line tool.
Command line tool for compiling CoffeeScript. Includes a file system watcher to automatically recompile CoffeeScripts when they change. Roughly equivalent to the coffee-script node package for linux / mac.
Here is the best way to do it:
Say your work is in "my-project-path" folder.
Go to the parent folder of "my-project-path"
Start a terminal and type coffee -o my-project-path -cw my-project-path
This line will watch and compile anything name as "*.coffee" in "my-project-path" folder, even if it is in "my-project-path/scripts/core" or "my-project-path/test/core".The js file will locate in the save folder as the .coffee file.