Mapstruct how to handle mapping nested objects wrapped in JsonNullable? - mapstruct

I realize this might be pushing mapStruct beyond what it was made for, but in case I am missing something...
I have an openapi-generator generated set of nested objects that are all wrapped in JsonNullable for a PATCH endpoint (without the wrapping, java can't distinguish between json properties explicitly set to null and properties that were not defined since they both map to java's null). I have to map those objects back and forth between the openapi-generated java objects and JPA entities, and some of the structures between the openapi-generated objects and the JPA entities are not symmetric.
I used dot-notation in source and target to handle the non-symmetric mapping and that worked great until everything got wrapped in JsonNullable. I can't figure out how to combine the nesting and the wrapping in one #Mapping. Googled a lot and scoured github issues. Tried breaking it apart into multiple mapping methods but not making progress that way either. Considered custom mappings but it is looking way too complicated to maintain.
Example of the sort of thing I am trying to do:
// My open-api-generator generated objects
class Thing {
JsonNullable<Thing2> thing2;
class Thing2 {
JsonNullable<Thing3> thing3
class Thing3 {
JsonNullable<String> myString;
class MyEntity {
String whereMyStringShouldGetMappedFrom;
class MyMapper {
#Mapping(source="whereMyStringShouldGetMappedFrom", target="thing.thing2.thing3") // <---- this doesn't work because each property is wrapped in JsonNullable
public abstract TopLevelThing mapIt(MyEntity myentity);


How to solve this: application model and engine model mismatch when using JPA persistence?

The title may seems confusing, but it's not easy to describe the question in few words. Let me explain the situation:
We have a web application project, and a calculation engine project. The web application collect user input and use the engine to generate some result, and represent to user. Both user input, engine output and other data will be persisted to DB using JPA.
The engine input and output consist of objects in tree structure, example like:
Class InputA {
String attrA1;
List<InputB> inputBs;
Class InputB {
String attrB1;
List<InputC> inputCs;
Class InputC {
String attrC1;
The engine output is in similar style.
The web application project handle the data persistence using JPA. We need to persist the engine input and output, as well as some other data that related to the input and output. Such data can be seem as extra fields to certain class. For example:
We want to persist extra field, so it looks like:
Class InputBx extends InputB{
String attrBx1;
Class InputCx extends InputC{
String attrCx1;
In Java OO world, this works, we can store a list of InputBx in InputA, and store a list of InputCx in InputBx because of the inheritance.
But we meet trouble when using JPA to persist the extended objects.
First of all, it requires the engine project to make their class become JPA entities. The engine was working fine by itself, it accept correct input and generate correct output. It doesn't smell good to force their model to become JPA entities when another project try to persist the model.
Second, the JPA doesn't accept the inherited objects when using InputA as the entry. From JPA point of view, it only know that InputA contains a list of InputB, and not possible to persist/retrieve a list of InputBx in object of InputA.
When trying to solve this, we had come up 2 ideas, but neither one satisfied us:
idea 1:
Use composition instead inheritance, so we still persist the original InputA and it's tree structure include InputB and InputC:
Class InputBx{
String attrBx1;
InputB inputB;
Class InputCx{
String attrCx1;
InputC inputC;
So the original input object tree can be smoothly retrieved, and InputBx and InputCx objects needs to be retrieved using the InputB and InputC objects in the tree as references.
The good thing is that no matter what changes made to the structure of the original input class tree (such as change attribute name, add/remove attributes in the classes), the extended class InputBx and InputCx and their attributes automatically synchronized.
The drawback is that this structure increases the calls to the database, and the model is not easy to use in the application(both back end and front end). Whenever we want related information of InputB or InputC, we need to manually code to search the corresponding object of InputBx and InputCx.
idea 2:
Manually make mirror classes to form a similar structure of the original input classes. So we created:
Class InputAx {
String attrA1;
List<InputBx> inputBs;
Class InputBx {
String attrB1;
List<InputCx> inputCs;
String attrBx1;
Class InputCx {
String attrC1;
String attrCx1;
We could use this as model of the web application, and the JPA entities as well. Here's what we could get:
Now the engine project can be set free, it doesn't need to bind to how the other projects persist these input/output objects. The engine project is independant now.
The JPA persistence works just fluent, no extra calls to database is required
The back end and front end UI just use this model to get both original input objects and related information with no effort. When trying use engine to perform calculation, we can use a mapping mechanism to transfer between the original objects and extended objects.
The drawback is also obvious:
There is duplication in the class structure, which is not desired from the OO point of view.
When considering it as DTO to reduce the database calls, it can be claimed as anti-pattern when using DTO in local transfer.
The structure is not automatically synchronized with the original model. So if there are any changes made to the original model, we need to manually update this model as well. If some developers forget to do this, there will be some not-easy-to-find defects.
I'm looking for the following help:
Is there any existing good/best practices or patterns to solve similar situation we meet? Or any anti-patterns that we should try to avoid? References to web articles are welcome.
If possible, can you comment on the idea 1 and idea 2, from the aspect of OO design, Persistence practices, your experience, ect.
I will be grateful for your help.

Is it ok to put methods/fields to base class that will only be used by some of the derived classes

This is a bit of a generic software design question. Suppose you have a base class and lots of classes that derive from it (around 10).
There is some common functionality that is being shared between some of the classes (3-4 of derived classes need it). Basically a field for a UI control, an abstract method to create a UI control and the common code that uses the abstract method to recycle the UI piece (8-9 lines of code) using the abstract method. Something like this:
class BaseClass {
protected UIControl control;
protected abstract UIControl CreateUI();
protected void RecycleUI() {
if (/* some condition is met */) {
if (this.control != null) {
this.control = this.CreateUI();
Do you think it is OK to put this to base class instead of replicating the code in derived classes.
Drawback is that this piece of code is only used for some of the base classes and completely irrelevant for the other classes.
One alternative is to create an intermediate class that derives from BaseClass and use it as the base to the ones that need the functionality. I felt like creating a derived class for a couple line of code for a very specific purpose felt heavy. It doesn't feel like it is worth interrupting the inheritance tree for this. We try to keep the hierarchy as simple as possible so that it is easy to follow and understand the inheritance tree. Maybe if this was C++ where multiple inheritance is an option, it wouldn't be a big issue but multiple inheritance is not available.
Another option is to create a utility method and an interface to create/update the UI control:
interface UIContainer {
UIControl CreateUIControl();
UIControl GetUIControl();
void SetUIControl(UIControl control);
class UIControlUtil {
public void RecycleUI(UIContainer container) {
if (/* some condition is met */) {
if (container.GetUIControl() != null) {
UIControl control = container.CreateUI();
I don't like this option because it bleeds UI logic externally which is less secure as its UI state can be manipulated externally. Also derived classes have to implement getter/setter now. One advantage is that there is another class outside of the aforementioned inheritance tree and it needs this functionality and it can use this utility function as well.
Do you have any other suggestions? Should I just suppress the urges that brew inside me to have common code not repeated?
One alternative is to create an intermediate class that derives from
BaseClass and use it as the base to the ones that need the
Well, this is what I thought is the most appropriate. But it depends. The main question here is the following: are objects, that require UI recycling and really different from those, that do not? If they are really different, you have to create a new base class for them. If difference is really negligible, I think it's ok to leave things in a base class.
Do not forget about LSP.
We try to keep the hierarchy as simple as possible so that it is easy
to follow and understand the inheritance tree
I think more important here is to keep things not only simple, but also close to your real world things so that modeling new entities would be easy. Seeming easiness now may cause real troubles in the future.

EXT GWT BaseModel needs to have DTO reference?

I am very new to GWT.
I am using ext-gwt widgets.
I found many places in my office code containing like,
class A extends BaseModel{
private UserAccountDetailsDto userAccountDetailsDto = null;
Also, the DTO reference is unused.
public class UserAccountDetailsDto implements Serializable{
private Long userId=null;
private String userName=null;
private String userAccount=null;
private String userPermissions=null;
Now, I am able to get the result from GWT Server side Code and things Work fine, but when I comment the DTO reference inside the class A, I am not getting any Result.
Please explain me the need of that.
Well the problem is in implementation of GXT BaseModel and GWT-RPC serialization.
BaseModel is based around special GXT map, RpcMap. This map has defined special serialization rules, which let's avoid RPC type explosion, but as side effect, only some simple types stored in map will be serialized. E.g. you can put any type inside the map, but if you serialize/deserialize it, only values of type Integer, String ,Double,Byte, Float and Short (and arrays of this types) will be present. So the meaning behind putting reference to the DTO inside BaseModel, is to tell GWT-RPC that this type is also have to be serialized.
Detailed explanation
Basically GWT-RPC works like this:
When you define an interface for service, GWT-RPC analyzes all the classes used in parameters/ return type, to create serializers/deserializers. If you return something like Map<Object,Object> from your service, GWT-RPC will have to create a serializer for each class which implements Map and Serializable interfaces, but also it will generate serializers for each class which implements Serializable. In the end it is quite a bad situation, because the size of your compiled js file will be much biggger. This situation is called GWT-RPC type explosion.
So, in the BaseModel, all values are stored in RpcMap. And RpcMap has custom written serializer (RpcMap_CustomFieldSerializer you can see it's code if you interested how to create such things), so it doesn't cause the problem described above. But since it has custom serializer GWT dosn't know which custom class have been put inside RpcMap, and it doesn't generate serializers for them. So when you put some field into your BaseModel class, gwt knows that it might need to be able to serialize this class, so it will generate all the required stuff for this class.
Porting GXT2 Application code using BaseModel to GXT3 Model is uphill task. It would be more or less completely rewrite on model side with ModelProviders from GXT3 providing some flexibility. Any code that relies on Model's events, store, record etc are in for a rewrite.

Full custom properties in EF

Using EF with Winforms in C#. I’d like to add full custom properties to our entities, using partial classes. All entities already have partial classes with validation stuff and some more so I’d just add the properties that I need. By full property I mean property with getter and setter so not just a computed/readonly property. I want to this mostly to get around working directly with some DB mapped properties which are badly designed or have other problems.
For example, one case would be like this:
// entity class, generated
public partial class Customer
public string Spot {get;set}
// partial class, manually changed
public partial class Customer
public int? xxxSpot
{ get { return Int32.Parse(Spot.Trim()); } // some code omitted
{ set { Spot = value.ToString().PadLeft(5); }
So my custom properties will be built around existing, DB mapped properties of the entity. I’d like to use these custom properties like normal ones, ie to bind them to UI controls and so on. I’ve tried one and so far it works great.
Is this a good idea? If not, why ? And what else should I consider when doing this?
You have answered your own question - it works and there is no reason why to not do that. If you want to improve design of your entities you can even try to change visibility of your mapped properties to ensure that other classes must use only your custom properties with additional logic.

Can I abstract Entity Framework away from my Entities?

I have a Foo entity in Entity Framework. But I'm making it inherit from IFoo so that my business logic only knows IFoo - thus abstracting Entity Framework away.
The problem is that Foo has a collection of Bar entities. And this collection is of type EntityCollection<Bar> .
If I put this collection in IFoo as it is, I make IFoo dependent on Entity Framework. So I thought of putting it as ICollection<IBar>, but this doesn't compile (naturally).
The only solution I can think of is to go to the concrete Foo implementation generated by the Entity Framework designer and change the collection from EntityCollection<Bar> to ICollection<IBar> there. But I dread the thought of the implications this will have on Entity Framework "behind the scenes".
Is there any way for me to define IFoo and IBar independently of Entity Framework while still maintaining Foo and Bar as EF Entities that implement them? Do IFoo and IBar even make sense, if I cannot achieve this independence that I aim for?
The general concept you are referring to is "persistence ignorance" (PI), although that generally applies directly to entities themselves rather than the code that consumes the entities.
In any case, Hibernate and NHibernate natively support PI, but the initial version of Microsoft's Entity Framework does not. MS caught a lot of flak for this and PI is probably the #1 most discussed feature for the next version (whenever that is).
As far as what you are trying to do with interfaces, does the collection of Bars need to be modified after it is retrieved? If the answer is yes, there is no easy answer. Even covariance couldn't help you here because ICollection<T> has an Add method.
If the collection is read-only, then you might consider exposing it as IEnumerable<IBar>. The Enumerable.Cast method makes this fairly convenient.
interface IFoo
IEnumerable<IBar> Bars { get; }
partial class Foo : IFoo
IEnumerable<IBar> IFoo.Bars
get { return Bars.Cast<IBar>(); }
Also, I know of at least one effort to make the current version of EF support persistence ignorance.
I'm a Java developer, so I can't comment with any authority on Entity Framework. I can tell you that ORM solutions like Hibernate make it possible to have POJO persistence without having to resort to common abstract classes, interfaces, or modifying byte code. It handles relationships like the 1:m you cite for your Foo and Bar without having to use special collection classes.
The special sauce is externalized into mapping configuration and Hibernate itself.
The little bit that I read about Entity Framework suggests that it's an ORM solution with the same aim: POCO persistence. I didn't see any mention of interfaces. I can't see the need for them from your example, because it's too abstract.
I'm inferring that it's possible to get that independence between business objects and persistence tier without having to resort to those interfaces, because I know Hibernate does it. I'd say that Spring's JDBC solution accomplishes it as well, because there's no need for common interfaces. They use a RowMapper construct to ferry data out of a query and into an object.
I wish I could advise you precisely how to do it with Entity Framework, but maybe you'll take heart knowing that it can be done.
I recently wrote a comprehensive post about this: Persistence Ignorance in ADO.NET Entity Framework. You might want to look at EFPocoAdapter. That does just this and it will eventually deprecate into EF v2.
For what it's worth, I am using EFPocoAdapater and it's been working well for me.
We've been doing the exact same thing for LINQ to SQL. I got around the collection issue by writing a class which wraps an IList and casts to and from the correct type as required. It looks a bit like this:
public class ListWrapper<TSource, TTarget> : IList<TTarget>
where TTarget : class
where TSource : class, TTarget
private IList<TSource> internalList;
public ListWrapper(IList<TSource> internalList)
this.internalList = internalList;
public void Add(TTarget item)
public IEnumerator<TTarget> GetEnumerator()
return new EnumeratorWrapper<TSource, TTarget>(internalList.GetEnumerator());
// and all the other IList members
EnumeratorWrapper similarly wraps an IEnumerator and performs the casting.
In the LINQ to SQL partial classes we expose the property like this:
public IList<ICustomer> Foos
return new ListWrapper<Foo, IFoo>(this.Foos_internal);
Any changes to the exposed list will be performed on the internal EntitySet so they stay in sync.
This works well enough but my feeling is that this whole approach is more trouble than it's worth, I'm a huge NHibernate fan and a strong believer in P.I. but we've put in a LOT of extra effort doing this and haven't really seen any advantage. We use the repository pattern to abstract away the actual DataContext access which I would say is the key part of decoupling ourselves from LINQ to SQL.
Use a partial class to seperate your logic and rules from the autogenerated EF objects. In the example below FooEntityObject class is split into two using the partial keyword. I've used this technique before with EF and LINQ to SQL. The partial classes can be stored in seperate files so if your regenerate your EF object again your custom code doesn't get overwriten.
interface IFoo
public ICollection<IBar> GetBars();
public partial class FooEntityObject : IFoo
public ICollection<IBar> GetBars()
// convert EntityCollection<Bar> into ICollection<IBar> here
public partial class FooEntityObject
EntityCollection<Bar> Bars{get;set;}