create helpdesk application based on ACS - azure-communication-services

how based on web-chat-hero application I can implement helpdesk application? I am looking for high level overview of functionality: so customer will use MS Bot Chat to get the help, then bot should be escalated to Helpdesk agents, who will use ACS to answer customer chat.


where are questions for a Microsoft Azure QnA bot stored?

I run a QnA bot (Animal-Rights-Bot) that answers questions via skype or email but there is a discrepancy between the number of questions shown in the Azure dahsboard and the bot mailbox. I`m wondering where I find those questions that were sent to the bot in Skype and per Mail.
You get all the chatlogs from QnAMaker in the test tab on the portal. There is a download chat logs link.
Every knowledge base content is stored in Azure storage by the QnAMaker tool. You need a combination of knowledge base id and subscription key to access the knowledge base. The knowledge base contents are not used by the tool for any other purpose.
Here is the API reference documentation for the the QnA maker . you can use them to programmatically query the knowledge base.

Microsoft Teams : REST APIs

I'm interested in getting data (metadata and content of files) out of Microsoft Teams into my application using REST APIs. I have looked at Office 365 APIs and Graph APIs but, I could not find supporting documentation for Microsoft Teams.
Teams API is now added to beta endpoint in Microsoft Graph. In documentation, you can find it together with Groups. Post, Channel and Chat Thread are available.
For example, documentation for "channel" resource is here:
Microsoft Teams REST API is now included into MS Graph API
At the time of writing this answer there are not too many APIs around Teams. However more are being added and they are in Beta (sending messages, adding apps to team, uploading team image, and more).
It is not recommended to use Beta APIs in production environment as they might change.
It is also worth of mentioning that Teams are actually Office365 Groups.
Please take a look at Graph API
Expand "Teamwork" at left side, you can get all Teams related API
We do not have Teams APIs available at this time. Our extensibility options are limited to experiences within the Teams application.
The Microsoft Graph API is constantly changing and we're currently using the following to monitor/interact with our Microsoft Teams application:
It gives access to the following (at the time of writing this):
We also monitor the general usage via the reports section in the Graph API:
This gives access to:
Device Usage:
Get details about Microsoft Teams device usage by user.
Get the number of daily unique users by device type.
Get the number of unique users by device type over the selected time period.
User Usage:
Get details about Microsoft Teams user activity by user.
Get the number of Microsoft Teams activities by activity type. The activities are performed by Microsoft Teams licensed users.
Get the number of users by activity type. The activity types are number of teams chat messages, private chat messages, calls, or meetings.

How to create custom Chat (Conversational) Bot for consumer or enterprise using Kore's Bot Builder?

I have tried building my own bot using Kore Bot Builder to replicate the "Every bank does digital. Do it better." use case.
Till now, what I could do with my bot is, deliver alerts and execute actions in form of tasks.
What I want now is, a Siri-like conversational experience, tailored to my business need. Here is an example of SAP HANA bot as shown in this video.

Microsoft Bot Framework for Skype do not works for other users

I've made Bot for Skype with Microsoft Bot Framework
The bot was registered on MS site (now in the review status).
It answered on my messages in the Skype.
when I share it to other users the Skype shows for them:
Messaging unavailable.
Could somebody give me some direction how to found where is problem?
This may depend on how many other users.
Initially Skype will have your bot in a pending state which limits your bot to 100 users. You can go to the Skype bot portal and request that your bot be elevated from that initial status.
If however nobody can get to your bot I would consider:
Do they have the latest skype client with support for bots?
Maybe there's something going on with the bot framework.
If you think the latter, you can send us your bot id at and we can investigate.

Options for chat API in V2?

We have an education National Program called "Dale Aceptar"[1], where using a ChatBot creator we teach high school kids basic programing concepts like variables and regular expressions.
One of the key part of it is the kids connecting their chatbot to Facebook chat and let it chat with their friends get feedback.
Also with this software the National university of Cordoba won the "Google Roots in Science and Engineering (RISE) Awards"
I'm part of the team who build the software # [2]. Can you please point me some options to have access to the FB chat api after migration to V2 is complete?
The service and API this document covers has been deprecated with the release of Platform API v2.0. Once version 1.0 is deprecated, will no longer be available.
There are no plans to replace the Chat API. But even with the Chat API, i would see 2 problems:
User profiles can only be created for real users. A chat bot is not a real user.
The messages must bei user generated, bot messages would not be allowed.
Not sure if that would be good enough for you, but you could also create a Facebook Page for the bot and use the conversations endpoint:
You canĀ“t initiate a conversation, but you can reply: