where are questions for a Microsoft Azure QnA bot stored? - email

I run a QnA bot (Animal-Rights-Bot) that answers questions via skype or email but there is a discrepancy between the number of questions shown in the Azure dahsboard and the bot mailbox. I`m wondering where I find those questions that were sent to the bot in Skype and per Mail.

You get all the chatlogs from QnAMaker in the test tab on the portal. There is a download chat logs link.

Every knowledge base content is stored in Azure storage by the QnAMaker tool. You need a combination of knowledge base id and subscription key to access the knowledge base. The knowledge base contents are not used by the tool for any other purpose.
Here is the API reference documentation for the the QnA maker . you can use them to programmatically query the knowledge base.


How can you set Skype for Business status when in a Teams call automatically?

I've hit a wall so I'm asking my favorite community. I created custom Skype for Business activity statuses for Teams so when you are in a Teams call, you can manually set your status in SfB to "In a Teams Call". After searching for many days, i still have not found a way to auto set this status. Is there maybe a plugin for SfB or a service to run for this feature? This is for SfB (On-Prem). I primarily script in PowerShell but any guidance would be very appreciated.
#John, Microsoft Teams replaces Skype for Business Online as Microsoft’s professional online meeting solution. For more information on this please check this document.
To get/set up user status, you can use Presence Graph API's. For more information on Presence Graph API, please check this API docs
I created a windows service to check my Teams presence using the Graph API. If it returns InACall, I use Skype for Business Modules to set my activity to In-A-Call.
Sample code:

Hangout chat bot private distribution

After developing the Hangout chat bot I could see the steps to publish and distribute by listing on marketplace
I'm wondering if there's a way to distribute the bot privately to other gsuite domains without actually creating the bot and configure it in that domain's cloud console?
From my knowledge through the API configuration this is not possible without setting it up in your own domain. If you try and connect to a Google script outside of your domain, it will give you a domain error. (see fake example below)
You also cannot add specific users outside of your domain to have access to the bot.
However, if you want your bot to be public for everyone please see here: https://developers.google.com/hangouts/chat/how-tos/gsm-list
But referencing another bot in another domain does not seem to be possible otherwise.

Microsoft Teams : REST APIs

I'm interested in getting data (metadata and content of files) out of Microsoft Teams into my application using REST APIs. I have looked at Office 365 APIs and Graph APIs but, I could not find supporting documentation for Microsoft Teams.
Teams API is now added to beta endpoint in Microsoft Graph. In documentation, you can find it together with Groups. Post, Channel and Chat Thread are available.
For example, documentation for "channel" resource is here:
Microsoft Teams REST API is now included into MS Graph API
At the time of writing this answer there are not too many APIs around Teams. However more are being added and they are in Beta (sending messages, adding apps to team, uploading team image, and more).
It is not recommended to use Beta APIs in production environment as they might change.
It is also worth of mentioning that Teams are actually Office365 Groups.
Please take a look at Graph API
Expand "Teamwork" at left side, you can get all Teams related API
We do not have Teams APIs available at this time. Our extensibility options are limited to experiences within the Teams application.
The Microsoft Graph API is constantly changing and we're currently using the following to monitor/interact with our Microsoft Teams application:
It gives access to the following (at the time of writing this):
We also monitor the general usage via the reports section in the Graph API:
This gives access to:
Device Usage:
Get details about Microsoft Teams device usage by user.
Get the number of daily unique users by device type.
Get the number of unique users by device type over the selected time period.
User Usage:
Get details about Microsoft Teams user activity by user.
Get the number of Microsoft Teams activities by activity type. The activities are performed by Microsoft Teams licensed users.
Get the number of users by activity type. The activity types are number of teams chat messages, private chat messages, calls, or meetings.

Create client under CSP using powershell

We are switching from reseller/advisor accounts to CSP.
We can manually create Customers under PartnerCenter which creates the relationship as Cloud Reseller as opposed to Advisor as before.
We can create the company name fine and add License based subscriptions however when we add Usage Based Subscription it lists the subscription name as Microsoft Azure instead of our Company Name. Also we have to go into this subscription and manually create AzureReader and AzureAdmin users under the ARM Portal.
I am looking for powershell options to automate this process:
Create a new client under CSP using powershell.
Create a usage based subscription with our Company Name instead of Subscription name of Microsoft Azure under this new client.
Add the AzureReader and AzureAdmin users to the Subscription.
Any assistance is appreciated.
I looked through several forums as well as scripts on Github but have not found anything and unfortunately I am not a coder or powershell guru.
Updating my answer -
Powershell preview is out now here
i am afraid there are no power-shell to accomplish this but instead there is a .net sdk or a REST API that can help to accomplish this.
Read more here

Cloud e-mail and portal integration: experiences?

I am evaluating cloud e-mail solutions based upon:
Google Apps for Education
Microsoft Live#edu
I work for a University and we currently have an institutional portal (based on uPortal).
We currently have our local IMAP server and webmail client fully integrated with the portal. We would like to replicate the current portal e-mail experience with the new e-mail services. At present users can see a snapshot of their inbox in the portal and click through into the appropriate place in the webmail client.
We expect that we need to solve similar problems when integrating with the cloud based e-mail solutions.
We need to solve the single sign-on (SSO) problem.
We need to be able to access the inbox messages on the users behalf. (e.g. proxy authentication)
Does anybody have an experience or advice on this?
Many thanks,
Not sure what programming language you can use, however you can download the source code for some MOSS web parts for live#edu to give you an idea how to code them, they use SSO.
If anybody else happens upon this page they might also be interested the answers I recieved via the Jasig uPortal Mailing List answers