How device certificate sent to certificate proxy service? - single-sign-on

I was reading VMWare Android mobile SSO stuff. I able to get overview but stuck on one point and that is communication between tunnel app to certificate proxy service. my question is how tunnel app will append certificate in incoming request and route this request to proxy service.
Does Tunnel app add device certificate in request header or in payload?


Configure IBM Cloud Application with "request of client certificate"

I need to configure an application to accept connection only from client with a certificate, the client should be ApiGateway.
I followed this step by step tutorial. But when I should upload a certificate and enable a checkbox called "Enable request of client certificate" in upload dialog box it disappear.
I tried with many browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari) on a Mac. I'm quite that this not depend on browser, so now how can do the same thing?
Thanks for every answer.
From my understanding, the given task needs to be separated into two activities.
Client with certificate
A client with DNS APIgateway
Client with Certificate
In general, when we create an API, we expose with a gateway via HTTP protocol which has some signed certificate (Production). Please provide that public certificate to the consumer of your API. And you can test this using postman, we have an option of SSL certificate upload in Postman, make a use of it for testing.
Client with DNS Name
For this, in Datapower (API Gateway), you can create an Access control list following this IBM documentation. Access control list is something, we allow or restrict the host that we consume the services exposed using Datapower.

SSL certificate for WebAPI

We have a simple system with a REST service (WebAPI) that will be hosted on one machine (hosted on IIS on a custom port, port numer 3031) and with a website hosted on another machine that will be talking to the service.
We want both to use SSL, so as I understand we will need to purchase two separate SSL certificates for the production deployment on the Internet.
Does that sound right?
If so, then I don't know how do I request and purchase a certificate for the WebAPI REST service... The service will be hosted on a custom port 3031, should I purchase a normal certificate for the domain name of the machine where the service will be hosted? And then should I basically install the certificate on the IIS on that machine (like it's described here:
How will I be able to perform a verification of the domain for the purchased certificate if I'm going to use the certificate for a REST service on a custom port? (not for a regular website).
Apologies for my ignorance, I have searched the forum to find an answer to my issue, but I didn't find one, maybe it's because my very limited knowledge about certificates and security.

see client certificates with fiddler

I have an application that calls a webApi. My application must attach a client certificate to the request. I can see the cert is attached in the debugger when I make the webApi call. However, on the webAPI side there is no client certificate.
I would like to verify that the request has a client certificate when it leaves my applications
Is this something I can do with fiddler?
I only see options related to SSL server certs, or adding a client cert to a request made by fiddler. Nothing about inspecting exiting traffics and seeing the client cert.

Intercepting and forwarding client certificate to webservice

I have a web application (gwt) that is running on a tomcat application server. This web application consumes several web services (login, application data transfer, queries, etc.). The web service client on the tomcat is implemented as apache axis2 web service client.
For user log on I provide a form in the web application with username and password. This data are transmitted via web service to authenticate the user.
It is planned to change the hole authentication mechanism to client certificated based authentication. The authentication still should be done on the web service provider side.
So my system has three relevant components: the web client, the tomcat application server and the web service provider.
Every user of the application has its own private client certificate (PKI Token, X.509- Auth-Cert). When the user connects to the web application his certificate is requested.
How can I forward the client certificates for use in the web services? (The tomcat will not be responsible for authentication).
1.) Is there a way to intercept the request and extract the client certificates before authentication error occurred?
I found some information about Servlet Filters what sounds really good, but I’m not sure where to implement it to intercept the certificates before they are verified against tomcats keystore.
2.) If it is possible, how can I pass after the client certificate to the web service?
Thank you for reading
No, not really. The real piece used in authentication is the private key associated with the certificate, not just the certificate itself. And, typically, you have no way of retrieving that from the web client. Therefore, you cannot really pass-through the credentials you receive from a web client on to the web service client. The certificate itself is readily available, but is useless for authentication without the corresponding private key.

Push notification not working with HTTPS

I have used push notification for my project & was working fine with HTTP connection. Server was responding well. Now Its not working with HTTPs . Please guide if any one figure it out. What's the solution ?
You can't use a self-signed certificate, as far as I'm aware.
From the developer guide:
For each interface you should use TLS (or SSL) to establish a secured
communications channel. The SSL certificate required for these
connections is provisioned through the iPhone Developer Program
portal. (See "Provisioning and Development" for details.) To establish
a trusted provider identity, you should present this certificate
to APNs at connection time using peer-to-peer authentication.