How can i downgrade my oculus integration package in unity from version 46.0 to 33.0
Tried importing the version 33.0 but didn't work
I have been plagued by a nasty issue using NGX videogular + Ionic 6 (Angular) on my Android app for more than 2 months now.
In the APP on the device, something really weird happens.
The video plays properly for a few seconds.
After sometime, the video frame freezes completely. The video playing may/not resume. All this while, the audio is playing smoothly. I, initially, was under the impression that the Video was buffering hence the frozen frames. But that cant be so since the audio is streaming smoothly.
However, when the video is playing, if you scroll the page, the video frames play as long as the scroll continues. The moment that we stop the scroll, the video freezes again. All this while, the audio is playing smoothly.
Click here to view the video
We reviewed the installed plugins
Cordova Info output
Cordova Packages:
cli: 10.0.0
common: 4.0.2
create: 3.0.0
lib: 10.0.0
common: 4.0.2
fetch: 3.0.1
serve: 4.0.0
Project Installed Platforms:
android: 11.0.0
Project Installed Plugins:
com.razorpay.cordova: 0.16.1
cordova-clipboard: 1.3.0
cordova-plugin-advanced-http: 3.3.1
cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter: 1.1.3
cordova-plugin-androidx: 3.0.0
cordova-plugin-app-version: 0.1.14
cordova-plugin-appminimize: 1.0.1
cordova-plugin-background-mode: 0.7.3
cordova-plugin-device: 2.0.2
cordova-plugin-file-transfer: 1.7.1
cordova-plugin-file: 6.0.2
cordova-plugin-filepath: 1.6.0
cordova-plugin-firebasex: 16.0.0
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser: 5.0.0
cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard: 2.2.0
cordova-plugin-ionic-webview: 5.0.0
cordova-plugin-media: 5.0.4
cordova-plugin-music-controls2: 3.0.7
cordova-plugin-network-information: 3.0.0
cordova-plugin-screen-orientation: 3.0.2
cordova-plugin-splashscreen: 5.0.2
cordova-plugin-statusbar: 2.4.2
cordova-plugin-whitelist: 1.3.5
cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing: 6.0.4
es6-promise-plugin: 4.2.2
ionic-plugin-deeplinks: 1.0.22
OS: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS (linux 5.15.0-56-generic) x64
Node: v16.15.1
npm: 8.11.0
Click here to view the video
Have these Many problems with Unity and need help with them
1-Library\PackageCache\com.unity.xr.arcore#2.1.2\Runtime\ARCoreImageTrackingProvider.cs(35,60): error CS1715: 'ARCoreImageTrackingProvider.Provider.imageLibrary': type must be 'RuntimeReferenceImageLibrary' to match overridden member 'XRImageTrackingSubsystem.IProvider.imageLibrary'
2-Library\PackageCache\com.unity.xr.arcore#2.1.2\Runtime\ARCoreImageTrackingProvider.cs(33,15): error CS0534: 'ARCoreImageTrackingProvider.Provider' does not implement inherited abstract member 'XRImageTrackingSubsystem.IProvider.imageLibrary.set'
3-Library\PackageCache\com.unity.xr.arcore#2.1.2\Runtime\ARCoreImageTrackingProvider.cs(33,15): error CS0534: 'ARCoreImageTrackingProvider.Provider' does not implement inherited abstract member 'XRImageTrackingSubsystem.IProvider.CreateRuntimeLibrary(XRReferenceImageLibrary)'
4-Error building Player because scripts have compile errors in the editor
5-Build completed with a result of 'Failed'
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
6-UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+BuildMethodException: Error building Player because scripts have compile errors in the editor
at UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow+DefaultBuildMethods.BuildPlayer (UnityEditor.BuildPlayerOptions options) [0x00234] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor\Mono\BuildPlayerWindowBuildMethods.cs:191
at UnityEditor.BuildPlayerWindow.CallBuildMethods (System.Boolean askForBuildLocation, UnityEditor.BuildOptions defaultBuildOptions) [0x0007f] in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Editor\Mono\BuildPlayerWindowBuildMethods.cs:97
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent(Int32, IntPtr)
Unity version: 2018.3.14f1
Hey man i figured it out. You must use the correct versioon of the package for each 2018 and 2019 unity. see the below:: follow my linkedin XR-Company page for more XR support :
For Unity 2018:
AR Foundation 1.0.0 — preview.22 (the latest for 1.0.0)
ARCore XR Plugin 1.0.0 — preview.24 (the latest for 1.0.0)
ARKit XR Plugin 1.0.0-preview.27 (the latest for 1.0.0)
For Unity 2019:
AR Foundation 2.0.2
ARCore XR Plugin 2.0.2
ARKit XR Plugin 2.0.2
if you are using unity 2018.3.x (as you mentioned in your Question)
1- AR Foundation 1.0.0 — preview.22 (the latest for 1.0.0) don't
import 2.x.
2 - ARCore XR Plugin 1.0.0 — preview.24 (the latest for 1.0.0)
3- ARKit XR Plugin 1.0.0-preview.27 (the latest for 1.0.0)
second thing is that if you check the change the log then you will find that which version is compatible with which one
Just do 2 things check your Unity version in top Left corner and if it is 2018 install latest version from 1.0.0 of
AR Foundation
ARCore XR Plugin
List item
And if you have 2019 version install latest version from 2.0.0 of
AR Foundation
ARCore XR Plugin
List item
from Window->Package Manager and If you are not able to find this package go to
Window->Package Manager->Advanced and check on Show preview packges
And if you have already installed another version remove that and install this version
This is due to incompatible version of the packages. We know that each Unity 3D supporting only few list of versions and it is not backward compatible too. means if you are trying to open a project in Unity 3D 2018 version but it is actually developed on Unity 3D 2019 then definitely you will get some sort of package issues in your console.
The following are the packages with versions which is compatible in specific version of Unity.
For Unity 2018:
AR Foundation 1.0.0 — preview.22 (the latest for 1.0.0)
ARCore XR Plugin 1.0.0 — preview.24 (the latest for 1.0.0)
ARKit XR Plugin 1.0.0-preview.27 (the latest for 1.0.0)
For Unity 2019:
AR Foundation 2.0.2
ARCore XR Plugin 2.0.2
ARKit XR Plugin 2.0.2
You can add those packages from Package Manager. You can get it from Window --> Package Manager in Unity 2018.3 + versions. If you are trying to use this packages in Unity which version is less than 2018.3 then add those in your manifest.json file located under Packages folder.
"dependencies": {
"com.unity.xr.arcore": "1.0.0-preview.24",
"com.unity.xr.arfoundation": "1.0.0-preview.22",
"com.unity.xr.arkit": "1.0.0-preview.27"
Installing the latest Oculus Utilities package for Unity and dropping in a OVRCameraRig results in a runtime error that is thrown from OVRInput at line 2154. It can't find the OVRGamePad DLL.
Unity Editor is 2017.1.4, Oculus Utilities plugin is 1.27.0. OS is Windows 10.
I am testing my cordova app via Xcode simulator on multiple phone types running various versions of 9x through 11x. The app installs and works as intended on all devices running 10x and 11x but is not working on devices running 9x (specifically 9.3). On 9x devices, my app splash screen shows up and then the screen goes white.
In Xcode console I get zero errors or warnings - from a console perspective it just looks like a successful install. However, when trying to access Safari -> Develop -> Simulator - the app is not appearing as running so I can't view anything in Safari. I have no idea what to look for or what could be causing this. Any ideas or thoughts as to where/what to look for? This is consistently happening on any simulator device running 9.3 (5s, 6, 6 plus, 6s, 6s plus)
My app is running:
Cordova 4.5.0
Ionic: 1.7.14
cocoapods 1.3.1
And my installed plugins:
cl.rmd.cordova.dialoggps 0.0.2 "DialogGPS"
com.lampa.startapp 0.1.4 "startApp" 2.3.0 "Webview+"
com.peerio.cordova.plugin.carrier 1.0.1 "Carrier"
com.phonegap.plugins.nativesettingsopener 1.0.1 "Native settings"
com.vliesaputra.deviceinformation 1.0.1 "DeviceInformation"
cordova-instagram-plugin 0.5.5 "Instagram"
cordova-plugin-admobpro 2.29.22 "AdMob Plugin Pro"
cordova-plugin-appavailability 0.4.2 "AppAvailability"
cordova-plugin-appinfo 2.1.2 "AppInfo Plugin"
cordova-plugin-apprate 1.3.0 "AppRate"
cordova-plugin-compat 1.2.0 "Compat"
cordova-plugin-console 1.1.0 "Console"
cordova-plugin-device 1.1.4 "Device"
cordova-plugin-device-motion 1.2.5 "Device Motion"
cordova-plugin-device-orientation 1.0.7 "Device Orientation"
cordova-plugin-dialogs 1.3.3 "Notification"
cordova-plugin-email 1.2.6 "EmailComposer"
cordova-plugin-extension 1.5.2 "Cordova Plugin Extension"
cordova-plugin-fastrde-checkgps 1.0.0 "checkGPS"
cordova-plugin-file 4.3.3 "File"
cordova-plugin-firebase 0.1.24 "Google Firebase Plugin"
cordova-plugin-geolocation 1.0.1 "Geolocation"
cordova-plugin-globalization 1.0.7 "Globalization"
cordova-plugin-inappbrowser 1.7.1 "InAppBrowser"
cordova-plugin-network-information 1.3.3 "Network Information"
cordova-plugin-queries-schemes 0.1.1 "App Queries Strings"
cordova-plugin-request-location-accuracy 2.2.2 "Request Location Accuracy"
cordova-plugin-sim 1.3.3 "SIM"
cordova-plugin-splashscreen 4.0.3 "Splashscreen"
cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.2.1 "StatusBar"
cordova-plugin-vibration 2.1.5 "Vibration"
cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.1 "Whitelist"
cordova-sms-plugin 0.1.11 "Cordova SMS Plugin"
cordova-universal-clipboard 0.1.0 "Clipboard"
cordova.plugins.diagnostic 3.7.1 "Diagnostic"
ionic-plugin-keyboard 2.2.1 "Keyboard"
On a side note, it would be easy to just ignore 9x and keep my app at 10x/11x, however, nearly 10% of the iOS install base is still running iOS 9x - thats a pretty significant user base to ignore.
I uploading bb10 app to appworld and I can select the following os version
Which one should I select? what does it depend?
Android support on BlackBerry is as follows:
v2.3.3 (Gingerbread):
BlackBerry PlayBook (v 1.x - 2.x)
BlackBerry 10.0 - 10.1
v4.2.2 (Jelly Bean):
BlackBerry 10.2 +
<= 2.x : It concerns Playbooks only, it supports Android, Flash, Webworks or native but not cascades.
= 10.x : It concerns BB10 phones devices. If you develop with cascades, just take care that you are not using 10.0 unexistant functionnalities (such as validators, ...) by testing with a simulator.