yarn ignores npmregistryserver entry - yarn-v2

I'm using verdaccio on a local docker instance for development purposes of my own scoped Nodejs packages. In .yarnrc.yml I'm using two IP addresses for the scoped packages: One for building on localhost and one for building inside Docker, but only one will be active at a time.
yarnPath: .yarn/releases/yarn-3.3.1.cjs
nodeLinker: node-modules
enableGlobalCache: false
enableMirror: false
# npmRegistryServer: ""
npmRegistryServer: ""
- ""
- ""
- "localhost"
When switching between the entries, yarn frequently doesn't use the active entry. Instead, it uses the previously activated and now inactive IP address. yarn should use, but uses
➤ YN0013: │ #mycompany/service#npm:0.1.0::__archiveUrl=http%3A%2F%2F172.23.0.2%3A4873%2F%40mycompany%252fservice%2F-%2Fservice-0.1.0.tgz can't be found in the cache and will be fetched from the remote server
Where does yarn get this information from?
Global cache and mirror are disabled. The DNS cache is flushed. Cleaned yarn cache and deleted yarn.lock.


Failure/timeout invoking Lambda locally with SAM

I'm trying to get a local env to run/debug Python Lambdas with VSCode (windows). I'm using a provided HelloWorld example to get the hang of this but I'm not being able to invoke.
Steps used to setup SAM and invoke the Lambda:
I have Docker installed and running
I have installed the SAM CLI
My AWS credentials are in place and working
I have no connectivity issues and I'm able to connect to AWS normally
I create the SAM application (HelloWorld) with all the files and resources, I didn't change anything.
I run "sam build" and it finishes sucessfully
I run "sam local invoke" and it fails with timeout. I increased the timeout to 10s, still times out. The HelloWorld Lambda code only prints and does nothing else, so I'm guessing the code isn't the problem, but something else relating to the container or the SAM env itself.
C:\xxxxxxx\lambda-python3.8>sam build Your template contains a
resource with logical ID "ServerlessRestApi", which is a reserved
logical ID in AWS SAM. It could result in unexpected behaviors and is not recommended.
Building codeuri:
C:\xxxxxxx\lambda-python3.8\hello_world runtime: python3.8 metadata:
{} architecture: x86_64 functions: ['HelloWorldFunction'] Running
PythonPipBuilder:ResolveDependencies Running
Build Succeeded
Built Artifacts : .aws-sam\build Built Template :
C:\xxxxxxx\lambda-python3.8>sam local invoke Invoking
app.lambda_handler (python3.8) Skip pulling image and use local one:
Mounting C:\xxxxxxx\lambda-python3.8.aws-sam\build\HelloWorldFunction
as /var/task:ro,delegated inside runtime container Function
'HelloWorldFunction' timed out after 10 seconds
No response from invoke container for HelloWorldFunction
Any hints on what's missing here?
Mostly, a lambda function gets timed out because of some resource dependency. Are you using any external resource, maybe db connection or some REST API call ?
Please put more prints in lambda_handler(your function handler), before calling any resource, then you might know where exactly it is waiting. Also increase the timeout to 1 minute or more because most of the external resource call over HTTPS will have 30 secs timeouts.
The log suggests that either the container wasn't started, or SAM couldn't connect to it.
Sometimes the hostname resolution on Windows can be affected by hosts file or system settings.
Try running the invoke command as follows (this will make the container ports bind to all interfaces):
sam local invoke --container-host-interface
...additionally try setting the container-host parameter (set to localhost by default):
sam local invoke --container-host-interface --container-host host.docker.internal
The next piece of puzzle is incorporating these settings into VSCODE. This can to be done in two places:
create samconfig.toml in the root dir of the project with the following contents. This will allow running sam local invoke from the terminal without having to add the command line argument:
container_host_interface = ""
update launch configuration as follows to enable VSCode debugging:
"sam": {
"localArguments": ["--container-host-interface",""]

Syndesis (Fuse-online) Integration build failed for unknown host "maven1.repo.org"

We installed fuse-online 7.4 on openshift 3.11. We created an integration containing an OpenApiProvider connection and an SQL connection.
When we publish the integration, the build fails with the following error:
"repo1.maven.org: Name or service not known: Unknown host repo1.maven.org: Name or service not known"
Openshift is installed behing an enterprise http proxy
The image registry.access.redhat.com/fuse7/fuse-ignite-s2i is pulled correctly since docker is configured with proxy.
syndesis-server DeploymentConfig has been set with proxies environment variables
I suppose that, since the buildconfig for the integration is created dynamically, is not possible to inject HTTP_PROXY,HTTPS_PROXY,NO_PROXY env variables to the build pod.
We read https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/3.11/install_config/http_proxies.html#s2i-builds but since we don't have any rights to modify s2i image we cannot proceed.
Is there any way to provide proxy information during during fuse-online integration build?
Finally we succeeded to inject http proxy environment variables in dynamic created build pods.
We modified syndesis-server-config config map reporting proxy variables on mavenOptions key like this:
mavenOptions: "-XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -Xmx310m -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort= -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort= -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="
Thanks for the support
Let me know if you have any other idea of resolving the issue
Can you check the DNS of your network connection? Not sure why but sometimes I have to use one of the "reliable" DNS on my machine (like the from Google) to make sure repo1.maven.org is reachable.
You can check if this is the problem trying a simple
$ ping repo1.maven.org
If that doesn't work, you have to check your DNS.

Node-red in IBM Bluemix crashes while starting after sleeping (lite account)

After sleeping (in lite account type) node-red, created by node-red starter kit, crashes while starting. It is possible to login in editor for a few seconds and then it crashes with error code "an instance of the app crashed: APP/PROC/WEB: Exite with status 1 (out of memory)". Dashboard (node-red-dashboard) was installed before sleeping and worked correctly.
I tried to restart Node-RED, Stop and Start.
I solved this problem. The problem may be due to the memory overflow in the container Garden. Taking into account that the content is stored in the cache, the application cannot start after the restart process, it issues an Exit status 1 (out of memory) error.
The cache is updated only by pushing the application into the cloud.
An option that was checked for application recovery:
View the name of the database for NodeRED (which stores all information about the Node-RED) in Cloudant, for example, "nodered."
Install to PC Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface - CLI https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/cf-cli/install-go-cli.html
Download from github and unarchive the application's code bluemix-starter https://github.com/knolleary/node-red-bluemix-starter (clone or download -> download zip)
In the downloaded folder add a record to a manifest file (manifest.yml) in the env section, in which set the database name (for example, nodered) in Cloudant to environment variable NODE_RED_STORAGE_DB_NAME. Four spaces must be made before NODE_RED_STORAGE_DB_NAME. It is better to make changes using the Notepad ++ editor.
- memory: 256M
command: node index.js --settings ./bluemix-settings.js –v
Save the file after changing.
Run the command line (cmd) and then:
a. go to a folder with a downloaded project, such as Windows
cd c:/node-red-bluemix-starter
b. specify the api endpoint where the application is located, in our case:
cf api https://api.eu-gb.bluemix.net
c. send a registration command in the cloud
cf login
d. specify the mail and password (password is entered without explicit character display)
e. pushing the project by specifying the name of your instance Node-RED, for example NameApp
cf push NameApp

Fabric8/JBoss Fuse Creating ssh container creation

I'm trying to create a new SSH container to an existing fabric and It was successfully created using this command:
fabric:container-create-ssh --proxy-uri http://"root-container":8181/maven/download/ --jvm-opts "-Xms1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Xmx2014m -Djavax.net.debug=ssl" --path /app/testing/ --host "testIP" --private-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa --profile default --profile anotherprofile --resolver localhostname --zookeeper-password "zookeepr pass" testing-container
The problem is that once i created this new container all the existing ssh container changes their maven download/upload proxy to the above container IP
so instead of using http://"currentroot":8181/maven/download/ to http://testIP:8181/maven/download/
i tried a lot to change the maven proxy from the "root-container" fabric profile and default profile but still couldn't reach a solution?
Is there a missing step that i should take to solve this issue in adding a new ssh container without updating the existing maven repo?
It depends on what is anotherprofile
http://host:port/maven/download/ URIs are registered in Zookeeper registry that's used by fabric environment.
fabric-maven-proxy feature, which is declared in fabric profile is the feature that's responsible for starting a maven proxy inside any container that has this feature/profile installed. Please check if your new container has this feature installed. Maybe anotherprofile has fabric profile set as parent?
How containers use remote repositories
Each container, when provisioned by fabric-agent, uses io.fabric8.agent PID configuration (OSGi configuration admin) and the property is org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories. It contains a list of remote repositories that are searched for artifacts to install in container.
But there's some dynamism involved too. Fabric agent always searches Zookeeper registry and finds URIs that are registered by other containers that run the above mentioned feature (fabric-maven-proxy). All such discovered URIs are prepended to the list found in org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.repositories property.
How to check maven problem in logs
If you add karaf profile to a container, you'll have logging configuration available in org.ops4j.pax.logging PID - you can nicely configure it in hawtio. By default, there's commented section like this:
# help with identification of maven-related problems with fabric-maven
#log4j.logger.org.eclipse.aether = TRACE
#log4j.logger.org.apache.http.headers = DEBUG
#log4j.logger.io.fabric8.maven.util = TRACE
#log4j.logger.io.fabric8.maven.url = TRACE
#log4j.logger.io.fabric8.agent.download = DEBUG
You can uncomment these to see (much) more information about how maven repositories are used.

strongloop slc deploy env var complications

I've been deploying a loopback app via a custom init.d/app.conf script, using slc run --detach --cluster "cpu", but want to move to using strong-pm, as recommended.
But I've come across some limitations and am looking for any guidance on how to replicate the setup with which I'm currently familiar.
Currently I set app-specific configuration inside server/config.local.js and server/datasources.local.js, most importantly the PORT at which the app should listen for connections on. This works perfectly using slc run for local development and remote deploying for staging, all I do is set different env vars for each distinct app:
module.exports = {
"mysqlDS": {
name: "mysqlDS",
connector: "mysql",
host: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_HOST,
port: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_PORT,
database: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_DB,
username: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_USER,
password: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_PW
module.exports = {
port: process.env.PROTEUS_API_PORT
When I deploy using strong-pm, I am not able to control this port, and it always gets set to 3000+N, where N is just incremented based on the service ID assigned to the app when it's deployed.
So even when I deploy and then set env using
slc ctl -C http://localhost:8701 env-set proteus-demo PROTEUS_API_PORT=3033 PROTEUS_DB=demo APP_DOMAIN=demo.domain.com
I see that strong-pm completely ignores PROTEUS_API_PORT when it redeploys with the new env vars:
ENV has changed, restarting
Service "1" listening on
Restarting next commit Runner: commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
Start Runner: commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
Request (status) of current Runner: child 20066 commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
Request {"cmd":"status"} of Runner: child 20066 commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
3001! Not 3033 like I want, and spec'd in config.local.js. Is there a way to control this explicitly? I do not want to need to run an slc inspection command to determine the port for my nginx upstream block each time I deploy an app. Would be awesome to be able to specify listen PORT by service name, too.
FWIW, this is on an aws instance that will host demo and staging apps pointing to separate DBs and on different PORTs.
strong-pm only sets a PORT environment variable, which the app is responsible for honouring.
Based on loopback-boot/lib/executor:109, it appears that loopback actually prefers the PORT environment variable over the value in the config file. In that case it seems your best bet is to either:
pass a port in to app.listen() yourself
set one of the higher priority environment variables such as npm_config_port (which would normally be set via npm start --port 1234).