I am new to azure data factory.
By mistake I deleted for-each loop while developing pipeline.
How can I do undo this ?
Is your ADF GIT enabled?
for GIT:
Right clicking on a commit, and clicking 'revert commit' reverses the selected change. Push it back to your remote git repository, and refresh your page on ADF to see the changes reflected.
If not, then there is no undo option in ADF
this would discard all the changes and not the latest one unlike CTRL+Z
What command do I use to push my code to github through VSCode command line? It is making me pull first, but I don't want to accept any incoming changes.
Maybe that's happening because your current branch (assuming it is main or master) is outdated and wants to update itself first.
There are some ways you can do this:
Using Git in the command line (recommended, easiest way).
Using Visual Studio Code UI.
Using Git in the command line
Say, the current branch you're working on is named updates.
We can use the following command to push to GitHub:
git push origin updates:updates
That will push your changes remotely (GitHub).
You might wonder why updates:updates:
The first one is the name of the local branch, the second one is the name of the remote branch.
After that, your changes will be pushed to GitHub in the branch updates.
If your branch isn't available remotely yet, it will create a new branch named updates with the same commits and changes in the local branch updates. 🙂
Using Visual Studio Code UI
First make sure you're on the correct local branch. You can change branches by clicking on the name of the current branch you're on on the bottom at the left.
Next, go to the Source Control (Ctrl+Shift+G), then click on the ..., then Push.
Your changes will be pushed to GitHub now with the same local branch name.
Hope this answer is useful to you. 🙂
Is there any way to have the full source code repo after each commit?
I mean for example using
would give me a list of commits, but I want to realize what was the effect of that commit to whole repo (I want to check whether any code duplication is added to whole project or not using some automatic tools). Is that possible?
I want to see the code effect, so having repo even after merging each commit would be fine.
Simply implement a listener to a webhook (see "Creating a Webhook"). Set it up to ball your listener at each push event.
You can then do a pull when called by the webhook, and get a fresh updated copy of the repo locally.
For other repos you don't have any control or whose owner is in your team, that webhook approach is not possible.
You would need to implement a scheduled polling approach, through a regular cron job for instance.
That would possible multiple commits, so you need to wrap that pull with a git log as in here.
git checkout master
git fetch
refs=$(git log --format='%H' ..origin/master)
for ref in ${refs}; do
# do your analysis commit by commit
git merge origin/master
While there is loads of information available on how to revert to a specific commit using the git command line - e.g. How to revert Git repository to a previous commit?
Is there a way to achieve same using the github gui? There is a feature to revert the latest commit. However I was unable to find options from the Commits history to revert to a specific commit in the list:
on the right and here is what we see:
so there is no feature shown here for Revert to this commit.
Jump to the PR which is included in the commit which is to be reverted. Go to conversation section, there you will see revert option in front of all commits included in that PR (screenshot)
You can press the button on the side < > (like in your first picture) and with this you can browse the repository at the time after this commit. Now you can create a pull request or you can download the repository at this very point in time.
I guess there is no other solution if you really want to achieve this in the browser. In GitHub desktop there is the Revert button for each of your commits (screenshot).
I am getting this message while pushing to github repository. Can you tell me step by step procedure to fix it? I pushed only once and it was successful. But, when I updated a project and tried to push my second commit, it shows "master rejected non-fast-forward" and does not allow me to push. Please explain the procedure.
I had this same problem and I was able to fix it. afk5min was right, the problem is the branch that you pulled code from has since changed on the remote repository. Per the standard git practices(http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics-Working-with-Remotes), you need to (now) merge those changes at the remote repository into your local changes before you can commit. This makes sense, this forces you to take other's changes and merge them into your code, ensuring that your code continues to function with the other changes in place.
Anyway, on to the steps.
Configure the 'fetch' to fetch the branch you originally pulled from.
Fetch the remote branch.
Merge that remote branch onto your local branch.
Commit the (merge) change in your local repo.
Push the change to the remote repo.
In detail...
In eclipse, open the view 'Git Repositories'.
Ensure you see your local repository and can see the remote repository as a subfolder. In my version, it's called Remotes, and then I can see the remote project within that.
Look for the green arrow pointing to the left, this is the 'fetch' arrow. Right click and select 'Configure Fetch'.
You should see the URI, ensure that it points to the remote repository.
Look in the ref mappings section of the pop-up. Mine was empty. This will indicate which remote references you want to fetch. Click 'Add'.
Type in the branch name you need to fetch from the remote repository. Mine was 'master' (btw, a dropdown here would be great!!, for now, you have to type it). Continue through the pop-up, eventually clicking 'Finish'.
Click 'Save and Fetch'. This will fetch that remote reference.
Look in the 'Branches' folder of your local repository. You should now see that remote branch in the remote folder. Again, I see 'master'.
Right-Click on the local branch in the 'Local' folder of 'Branches', which is named 'master'. Select 'Merge', and then select the remote branch, which is named 'origin/master'.
Process through the merge.
Commit any changes to your local repository.
Push your changes to the remote repository.
Go have a tasty beverage, congratulating yourself. Take the rest of the day off.
In my case I chose the Force Update checkbox while pushing. It worked like a charm.
In the meantime (while you were updating your project), other commits have been made to the 'master' branch. Therefore, you must pull those changes first to be able to push your changes.
Applicable for Eclipse Luna + Eclipse Git 3.6.1
cloned git repository
made some changes in source code
staged changes from Git Staging View
finally, commit and Push!
And I faced this issue with EGit and here is how I fixed it..
Yes, someone committed the changes before I commit my changes. So the changes are rejected.
After this error, the changes gets actually committed to local repository.
I did not want to just Pull the changes because I wanted to maintain linear history as pointed out in - In what cases could `git pull` be harmful?
So, I executed following steps
from Git Repository perspective, right click on the concerned Git
select Fetch from Upstream - it fetches remote updates (refs and objects) but no updates are made locally. for more info refer What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?
select Rebase... - this open a popup, click on Preserve merges during rebase see why
What exactly does git's "rebase --preserve-merges" do (and why?)
click on Rebase button
if there is/are a conflict(s), go to step 6 else step 11
a Rebase Result popup would appear, just click on OK
file comparator would open up, you need to modify left side file.
once you are done with merging changes correctly, goto Git Staging view
stage the changes. i.e. add to index
on the same view, click on Rebase-> Continue. repeat 7 to 10 until all conflicts are resolved.
from History view, select your commit row and select Push Commit
select Rebase Commits of local....... checkbox and click next. refer why - Git: rebase onto development branch from upstream
click on Finish
Note: if you have multiple local repository commits, you need to squash them in one commit to avoid multiple merges.
After pushing the code when you get a rejected message, click on configure and click Add spec as shown in this picture
Drop down and click on the ref/heads/yourbranchname and click on Add Spec again
Make sure you select the force update
Finally save and push the code to the repo
Open git view :
1- select your project and choose merge
2- Select remote tracking
3- click ok
Git will merge the remote branch with local repository
4- then push
This error means that remote repository has had other commits and has paced ahead of your local branch.
I try doing a git pull followed by a git push. If their are No conflicting changes, git pull gets the latest code to my local branch while keeping my changes intact.
Then a git push pushes my changes to the master branch.
In my case i forgot to pull the new changes from git
Right click on the project Fetch From Upstream
Right click on the project Pull
Right click on the project Push to Upstream
I have found that you must be on the latest commit of the git.
So these are the steps to take:
1) make sure you have not been working on the same files, otherwise you will run into a DITY_WORK_TREE error.
2) pull the latest changes.
3) commit your updates.
Hope this helps.
Go in Github an create a repo for your new code.
Use the new https or ssh url in Eclise when you are doing the push to upstream;
I am getting this message while pushing to github repository. Can you tell me step by step procedure to fix it? I pushed only once and it was successful. But, when I updated a project and tried to push my second commit, it shows "master rejected non-fast-forward" and does not allow me to push. Please explain the procedure.
I had this same problem and I was able to fix it. afk5min was right, the problem is the branch that you pulled code from has since changed on the remote repository. Per the standard git practices(http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics-Working-with-Remotes), you need to (now) merge those changes at the remote repository into your local changes before you can commit. This makes sense, this forces you to take other's changes and merge them into your code, ensuring that your code continues to function with the other changes in place.
Anyway, on to the steps.
Configure the 'fetch' to fetch the branch you originally pulled from.
Fetch the remote branch.
Merge that remote branch onto your local branch.
Commit the (merge) change in your local repo.
Push the change to the remote repo.
In detail...
In eclipse, open the view 'Git Repositories'.
Ensure you see your local repository and can see the remote repository as a subfolder. In my version, it's called Remotes, and then I can see the remote project within that.
Look for the green arrow pointing to the left, this is the 'fetch' arrow. Right click and select 'Configure Fetch'.
You should see the URI, ensure that it points to the remote repository.
Look in the ref mappings section of the pop-up. Mine was empty. This will indicate which remote references you want to fetch. Click 'Add'.
Type in the branch name you need to fetch from the remote repository. Mine was 'master' (btw, a dropdown here would be great!!, for now, you have to type it). Continue through the pop-up, eventually clicking 'Finish'.
Click 'Save and Fetch'. This will fetch that remote reference.
Look in the 'Branches' folder of your local repository. You should now see that remote branch in the remote folder. Again, I see 'master'.
Right-Click on the local branch in the 'Local' folder of 'Branches', which is named 'master'. Select 'Merge', and then select the remote branch, which is named 'origin/master'.
Process through the merge.
Commit any changes to your local repository.
Push your changes to the remote repository.
Go have a tasty beverage, congratulating yourself. Take the rest of the day off.
In my case I chose the Force Update checkbox while pushing. It worked like a charm.
In the meantime (while you were updating your project), other commits have been made to the 'master' branch. Therefore, you must pull those changes first to be able to push your changes.
Applicable for Eclipse Luna + Eclipse Git 3.6.1
cloned git repository
made some changes in source code
staged changes from Git Staging View
finally, commit and Push!
And I faced this issue with EGit and here is how I fixed it..
Yes, someone committed the changes before I commit my changes. So the changes are rejected.
After this error, the changes gets actually committed to local repository.
I did not want to just Pull the changes because I wanted to maintain linear history as pointed out in - In what cases could `git pull` be harmful?
So, I executed following steps
from Git Repository perspective, right click on the concerned Git
select Fetch from Upstream - it fetches remote updates (refs and objects) but no updates are made locally. for more info refer What is the difference between 'git pull' and 'git fetch'?
select Rebase... - this open a popup, click on Preserve merges during rebase see why
What exactly does git's "rebase --preserve-merges" do (and why?)
click on Rebase button
if there is/are a conflict(s), go to step 6 else step 11
a Rebase Result popup would appear, just click on OK
file comparator would open up, you need to modify left side file.
once you are done with merging changes correctly, goto Git Staging view
stage the changes. i.e. add to index
on the same view, click on Rebase-> Continue. repeat 7 to 10 until all conflicts are resolved.
from History view, select your commit row and select Push Commit
select Rebase Commits of local....... checkbox and click next. refer why - Git: rebase onto development branch from upstream
click on Finish
Note: if you have multiple local repository commits, you need to squash them in one commit to avoid multiple merges.
After pushing the code when you get a rejected message, click on configure and click Add spec as shown in this picture
Drop down and click on the ref/heads/yourbranchname and click on Add Spec again
Make sure you select the force update
Finally save and push the code to the repo
Open git view :
1- select your project and choose merge
2- Select remote tracking
3- click ok
Git will merge the remote branch with local repository
4- then push
This error means that remote repository has had other commits and has paced ahead of your local branch.
I try doing a git pull followed by a git push. If their are No conflicting changes, git pull gets the latest code to my local branch while keeping my changes intact.
Then a git push pushes my changes to the master branch.
In my case i forgot to pull the new changes from git
Right click on the project Fetch From Upstream
Right click on the project Pull
Right click on the project Push to Upstream
I have found that you must be on the latest commit of the git.
So these are the steps to take:
1) make sure you have not been working on the same files, otherwise you will run into a DITY_WORK_TREE error.
2) pull the latest changes.
3) commit your updates.
Hope this helps.
Go in Github an create a repo for your new code.
Use the new https or ssh url in Eclise when you are doing the push to upstream;