Spark checkpointing data cleaning frequency - scala

I am running the RecoverableNetworkWordCount program as an example to understand the checkpointing and I see checkpoint data created every second. Is it because my StreamingContext batch size is 1 sec? Also checkpoint directory maintains only the last 10 checkpoint data. Is this controlled by some property? what happens to the checkpoints that were captured earlier.
When does checkpointing data gets cleared if we don't set spark.cleaner.referenceTracking.cleanCheckpoints property to true?
Checkpoint files are created by MS-DOS executable types. Is there a way to decode what is present in the checkpoint file when it is created?


Flink Incremental CheckPointing Compaction

We have a forever running flink job which reads from kafka , creates sliding time windows with (stream intervals :1hr , 2 hr to 24 hr) and (slide intervals : 1 min , 10 min to 1 hours).
basically its : KafkaSource.keyBy(keyId).SlidingWindow(stream, slide).reduce.sink
I have enabled the check-pointing recently with rocksDB back-end and incremental=true and with hdfs persistent storage.
From last 4/5 days I m monitoring the job and its running fine but I am concerned about the check-point size. As rocksDB does compaction & merging, size is not forever growing but still it grows and till now has reached 100 gb.
So, what is the best way to check-point forever running jobs ?
It will have millions of unique keyId. so, will there be one state per key for each operator while check-pointing ?
If the total amount of your keys is under control, you don't need to worry about the growing of the size of checkpoints, which means it'll be convergent eventually.
If you still want to cut the size of checkpoint, you can set TTL for you state if your state can be regarded as expired that not being operated for a period of time.
Flink state is associated with key-group, which means a group of keys. Key-group is the unit of flink state. Each key's state will be included in a completed checkpoint. However with the incremental mode, some checkpoints will share .sst files, so you can see the checkpointed size is not that large as the total checkpoint size. If some keys are not updated between the last checkpoint interval, these keys' state won't be uploaded this time.

How spark loads the data into memory

I have total confusion in the spark execution process. I have referred may articles and tutorials, nobody is discussing in detailed. I might be wrongly understanding spark. Please correct me.
I have my file of 40GB distributed across 4 nodes (10GB each node) of the 10 node cluster.
When I say"test.txt") in my code, will it load data(40GB) from all the 4 nodes into driver program (master node)?
Or this RDD will be loaded in all the 4 nodes separately. In that case, each node RDD should hold 10GB of physical data, is it?
And the whole RDD holds 10GB data and perform tasks for each partition i.e 128MB in spark 2.0. And finally shuffles the output to the driver program (master node)
And I read somewhere "numbers of cores in Cluster = no. of partitions" does it mean, the spark will move the partitions of one node to all 10 nodes for processing?
Spark doesn't have to read the whole file into memory at once. That 40GB file is split into many 128MB (or whatever your partition size is) partitions. Each of those partitions is a processing task. Each core will only work on one task at a time, with a preference to work on tasks where the data partition is stored on the same node. Only the 128MB partition that is being worked on needs to be read, the rest of the file is not read. Once the task completes (and produces some output) then the 128MB for the next task cab be read in and the data read in for the first task can be freed from memory. Because of this only the small amount of data being processed at a time needs to be loaded in to memory and not the entire file at once.
Also strictly speaking"test.txt") does nothing. It reads no data and does no processing. It creates an RDD but an RDD doesn't contain any data. And RDD is just an execution plan."test.txt") declared that the file test.txt will be read an used as a source of data if and when the RDD is evaluated but doesn't do anything on its own.

Spark: efficiency of dataframe checkpoint vs. explicitly writing to disk

Checkpoint version:
val savePath = "/some/path"
Write to disk version:
val df =
I think both break the lineage in the same way.
In my experiments checkpoint is almost 30 bigger on disk than parquet (689GB vs. 24GB). In terms of running time, checkpoint takes 1.5 times longer (10.5 min vs 7.5 min).
Considering all this, what would be the point of using checkpoint instead of saving to file? Am I missing something?
Checkpointing is a process of truncating RDD lineage graph and saving it to a reliable distributed (HDFS) or local file system. If you have a large RDD lineage graph and you want freeze the content of the current RDD i.e. materialize the complete RDD before proceeding to the next step, you generally use persist or checkpoint. The checkpointed RDD then could be used for some other purpose.
When you checkpoint the RDD is serialized and stored in Disk. It doesn't store in parquet format so the data is not properly storage optimized in the Disk. Contraty to parquet which provides various compaction and encoding to store optimize the data. This would explain the difference in the Size.
You should definitely think about checkpointing in a noisy cluster. A cluster is called noisy if there are lots of jobs and users which compete for resources and there are not enough resources to run all the jobs simultaneously.
You must think about checkpointing if your computations are really expensive and take long time to finish because it could be faster to write an RDD to
HDFS and read it back in parallel than recompute from scratch.
And there's a slight inconvenience prior to spark2.1 release;
there is no way to checkpoint a dataframe so you have to checkpoint the underlying RDD. This issue has been resolved in spark2.1 and above versions.
The problem with saving to Disk in parquet and read it back is that
It could be inconvenient in coding. You need to save and read multiple times.
It could be a slower process in the overall performance of the job. Because when you save as parquet and read it back the Dataframe needs to be reconstructed again.
This wiki could be useful for further investigation
As presented in the dataset checkpointing wiki
Checkpointing is actually a feature of Spark Core (that Spark SQL uses for distributed computations) that allows a driver to be restarted on failure with previously computed state of a distributed computation described as an RDD. That has been successfully used in Spark Streaming - the now-obsolete Spark module for stream processing based on RDD API.
Checkpointing truncates the lineage of a RDD to be checkpointed. That has been successfully used in Spark MLlib in iterative machine learning algorithms like ALS.
Dataset checkpointing in Spark SQL uses checkpointing to truncate the lineage of the underlying RDD of a Dataset being checkpointed.
One difference is that if your spark job needs a certain in memory partitioning scheme, eg if you use a window function, then checkpoint will persist that to disk, whereas writing to parquet will not.
I'm not aware of a way with the current versions of spark to write parquet files and then read them in again, with a particular in memory partitioning strategy. Folder level partitioning doesn't help with this.

Avoiding small files from Kafka connect using HDFS connector sink in distributed mode

We have a topic with messages at the rate of 1msg per second with 3 partitions and I am using HDFS connector to write the data to HDFS as AVRo format(default), it generates files with size in KBS,So I tried altering the below properties in the HDFS properties.
but the output is still small files,So I need clarity on the following things to solve this issue:
is flush.size property mandatory, in-case if we do not mention the flus.size property how does the data gets flushed?
if the we mention the flush size as 5000 and rotate interval as 2 hours,it is flushing the data for every 2 hours for first 3 intervals but after that it flushes data randomly,Please find the timings of the file creation(
19:14,21:14,23:15,01:15,06:59,08:59,12:40,14:40)--highlighted the mismatched it because of the over riding of properties mentioned?that takes me to the third question.
What is the preference for flush if we mention all the below properties (flush.size,,
Increasing the rate of msg and reducing the partition is actually showing an increase in the size of the data being flushed, is it the only way to have control over the small files,how can we handle the properties if the rate of the input events are varying and not stable?
It would be great help if you could share documentations regarding handling small files in kafka connect with HDFS connector,Thank you.
If you are using a TimeBasedPartitioner, and the messages are not consistently going to have increasing timestamps, then you will end up with a single writer task dumping files when it sees a message with a lesser timestamp in the interval of of reading any given record.
If you want to have consistent bihourly partition windows, then you should be using to disable it, then to some reasonable number that is within the partition duration window.
E.g. you have 7200 messages every 2 hours, and it's not clear how large each message is, but let's say 1MB. Then, you'd be holding ~7GB of data in a buffer, and you need to adjust your Connect heap sizes to hold that much data.
The order of presecence is
scheduled rotation, starting from the top of the hour
flush size or "message-based" time rotation, whichever occurs first, or there is a record that is seen as "before" the start of the current batch
And I believe flush size is mandatory for the storage connectors
Overall, systems such as Uber's Hudi or the previous Kafka-HDFS tool of Camus Sweeper are more equipped to handle small files. Connect Sink Tasks only care about consuming from Kafka, and writing to downstream systems; the framework itself doesn't recognize Hadoop prefers larger files.

Remove temporary files on spark driver and executors

I save a RDD with saveAsObjectFile so the temporary files are distributed on driver and executors. At the end of program I want to remove all of these files. How to remove them?
There's no built-in support for deleting data via Spark. However, you can use foreachPartition on the original RDD to run any arbitrary piece of code on each partition, meaning - it would run at least once on each of the executors that actually saved some data.
So - if you run code that deletes the folder you saved into (making sure that it won't fail if it runs more than once on the same executor, as a single executor can hold multiple partitions) you'd get what you need.
For example, using Apache Commons:
// save
// use data...
// before shutting down - iterate over saved RDD's partitions and delete folder:
rdd.foreachPartition(i =>
// deleteDirectory doesn't fail if directory does not exist
FileUtils.deleteDirectory(new File("/my/path"))
EDIT: note that this is a bit hacky, and might not be 100% bullet-proof: for example, if during the application execution one of the executors crashed, its partitions might be recalculated on other executors hence the data on that executor won't be deleted.