Spark: efficiency of dataframe checkpoint vs. explicitly writing to disk - scala

Checkpoint version:
val savePath = "/some/path"
Write to disk version:
val df =
I think both break the lineage in the same way.
In my experiments checkpoint is almost 30 bigger on disk than parquet (689GB vs. 24GB). In terms of running time, checkpoint takes 1.5 times longer (10.5 min vs 7.5 min).
Considering all this, what would be the point of using checkpoint instead of saving to file? Am I missing something?

Checkpointing is a process of truncating RDD lineage graph and saving it to a reliable distributed (HDFS) or local file system. If you have a large RDD lineage graph and you want freeze the content of the current RDD i.e. materialize the complete RDD before proceeding to the next step, you generally use persist or checkpoint. The checkpointed RDD then could be used for some other purpose.
When you checkpoint the RDD is serialized and stored in Disk. It doesn't store in parquet format so the data is not properly storage optimized in the Disk. Contraty to parquet which provides various compaction and encoding to store optimize the data. This would explain the difference in the Size.
You should definitely think about checkpointing in a noisy cluster. A cluster is called noisy if there are lots of jobs and users which compete for resources and there are not enough resources to run all the jobs simultaneously.
You must think about checkpointing if your computations are really expensive and take long time to finish because it could be faster to write an RDD to
HDFS and read it back in parallel than recompute from scratch.
And there's a slight inconvenience prior to spark2.1 release;
there is no way to checkpoint a dataframe so you have to checkpoint the underlying RDD. This issue has been resolved in spark2.1 and above versions.
The problem with saving to Disk in parquet and read it back is that
It could be inconvenient in coding. You need to save and read multiple times.
It could be a slower process in the overall performance of the job. Because when you save as parquet and read it back the Dataframe needs to be reconstructed again.
This wiki could be useful for further investigation
As presented in the dataset checkpointing wiki
Checkpointing is actually a feature of Spark Core (that Spark SQL uses for distributed computations) that allows a driver to be restarted on failure with previously computed state of a distributed computation described as an RDD. That has been successfully used in Spark Streaming - the now-obsolete Spark module for stream processing based on RDD API.
Checkpointing truncates the lineage of a RDD to be checkpointed. That has been successfully used in Spark MLlib in iterative machine learning algorithms like ALS.
Dataset checkpointing in Spark SQL uses checkpointing to truncate the lineage of the underlying RDD of a Dataset being checkpointed.

One difference is that if your spark job needs a certain in memory partitioning scheme, eg if you use a window function, then checkpoint will persist that to disk, whereas writing to parquet will not.
I'm not aware of a way with the current versions of spark to write parquet files and then read them in again, with a particular in memory partitioning strategy. Folder level partitioning doesn't help with this.


Spark JDBC Save to HDFS Performance

Below is my problem statement,looking for suggestions
1)I have 4-5 dataframes that arte reading data from a teradata source using spark jdbc read API.
2)These 4-5 dataframes are combined into a final dataframe FinalDF that uses a shuffle partition of 1000
3)My data volume is really high ,currently each of the tasks are processing > 2GB of data
4)Lastly i am writing the FinalDF into an ORC File in HDFS.
5)The queries i am populating into the dataframes using jdbc,i am using predicates in the jdbc api for the date ranges.
My questions are as below :
1)While it writes the DF as ORC,does it internally works like a foreachpartition.Like the Action is called for each partition while it tries to fetch the data from source via JDBC call?
2)How can i improve the process performance wise,currently some of my tasks die out due large data in the RDDs and my stages are going for a memory spill
3)I have limitation opening too many sessions to the teradata source as there is a limit set on the source database,this stops me running multiple execotrs as i could only hold on to the limit of 300 concurrent sessions.

Spark/Synapse Optimal handling huge gzipped xml file (+600mb compressed size)

For a task we need to process huge transactional xml files which are gz(ipped). Each line in the uncompressed file can be interpreted as its own xml record.
When working with small files like 100 MiB this works fine. The moment à collect() is performed on the huge input file it tends to fail OOM and the jvm crashes.
As this is a compressed (gz) file it can not be processed in parallel (AFAIK).
I was thinking about
using the toLocalIterator() to split it first up into smaller packets of 200K xml entries which are distributed to the other nodes for their cost om processing. Apparently the toLocalIterator() does also the collect() first (to test)
Other option is to use the some kind of index value and filter on it ("index > 5000") and set the limit(5000) to simulate paging through the 2 Million or more entries.
But I have no clue to what I should pay attention to parralize. Any tips are welcome.
Settings to pay attention and how to apply them in Azure Synapse etc.
how to push the read xml over the nodes to be processed in their executor/tasks.
could streaming a single file be an option?
any tips are welcome
Currently my code is done in scala due the fact the java libraries are easily accessible to convert the xml to json and extract the values I need.
Many thanks in advance (also for reading this)
TL;DR suggestion:
Step 1. Increase driver memory and test
Step 2. Increase executor memory and test if first step fails
Slightly longer version:
The fact that it gives OOM on collect() operation doesn't indicate whether it is OOM on operation or df.collect()
Spark scheduler will run the DAG when it encounters an Action but not when it is a Transformation.
So if collect is your first action, it is at that point it actually runs the DAG and the OOM may even be on read but manifesting as OOM on collect
Spark UI will provide insights on where the OOM happens
You are right that uncompressing gzip wont be parallelised. On read operation, it will use a single executor and even a single core. So I would increase executor memory until there is sufficient memory to gzip the whole file into memory - not just to the exact file size, leave the usual 400MB / 0.7% buffer.
If the error is indeed happening on the collect() operation, then you need to sufficiently increase driver memory.
Your app will not be parallelised at read. Your app will not be parallelised at collect()
You app can be parallelised during the transformations in between them and you can force the parallelisation to the extent you want to tune it by repartitioning your dataframe / dataset / rdd further.
Finally, I would consider again whether you do need the collect or whether you can store the output as a number of partitioned files?
I think the zipped file is always going to be a bottleneck so one alternative is to unzip it and see if that helps. I would also consider loading up the xml to a table in Synapse (which can deal with gzipped files). This would have the effect of unzipping it, you could then pass it into a Synapse Notebook with the synapsesql method, eg in Scala:
// Get the table with the XML column from the database and expose as temp view
val df ="yourPool.dbo.someXMLTable")
You could process the XML as I have done here and then write it back to the Synapse dedicated SQL pool as an internal table:
val df2 = spark.sql("""
xpath_string(pkData,'/DataSet/EnumObject[name="Inpatient"]/value') xvalue
FROM someXMLTable
// Write that dataframe back to the dedicated SQL pool
df2.write.synapsesql("yourPool.dbo.someXMLTable_processed", Constants.INTERNAL)
This would ensure you are keeping things in parallel, no collect required. NB there are a couple of assumptions in there around uploading the gzipped files to a dedicated SQL pool and that the xpath_string does what you need which need to be checked and confirmed. The proposed pattern:

Performance Issue with writing data to snowflake using spark df

I am trying to read data from AWS RDS system and write to Snowflake using SPARK.
My SPARK job makes a JDBC connection to RDS and pulls the data into a dataframe and on other hand same dataframe I write to snowflake using snowflake connector.
Problem Statement : When I am trying to write the data, even 30 GB data is taking long time to write.
Solution I tried :
1) repartition the dataframe before writing.
2) caching the dataframe.
3) taking a count of df before writing to reduce scan time at write.
It may have been a while since this question was asked. If you are preparing the dataframe, or using another tool for preparing your data to move to Snowflake, the python connector integrates very nicely.
Some recommendations in general for troubleshooting the query, including the comments that were recommended above, which are great, were you able to resolve the jdbc connection with the recent updates?
Some other troubleshooting to consider:
Saving time and going directly from Spark to Snowflake with the Spark connector \
For larger data sets, in general increasing the warehouse size for the session you are using, and looping in data in smaller 10 mb to 100 mb size files will increase compute speed.
Let me know what you think, I would love to hear how you solved it.

What is RDD in spark

Definition says:
RDD is immutable distributed collection of objects
I don't quite understand what does it mean. Is it like data (partitioned objects) stored on hard disk If so then how come RDD's can have user-defined classes (Such as java, scala or python)
From this link: It mentions:
Users create RDDs in two ways: by loading an external dataset, or by
distributing a collection of objects (e.g., a list or set) in their
driver program
I am really confused understanding RDD in general and in relation to spark and hadoop.
Can some one please help.
An RDD is, essentially, the Spark representation of a set of data, spread across multiple machines, with APIs to let you act on it. An RDD could come from any datasource, e.g. text files, a database via JDBC, etc.
The formal definition is:
RDDs are fault-tolerant, parallel data structures that let users
explicitly persist intermediate results in memory, control their
partitioning to optimize data placement, and manipulate them using a
rich set of operators.
If you want the full details on what an RDD is, read one of the core Spark academic papers, Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing
RDD is a logical reference of a dataset which is partitioned across many server machines in the cluster. RDDs are Immutable and are self recovered in case of failure.
dataset could be the data loaded externally by the user. It could be a json file, csv file or a text file with no specific data structure.
UPDATE: Here is the paper what describe RDD internals:
Hope this helps.
Formally, an RDD is a read-only, partitioned collection of records. RDDs can only be created through deterministic operations on either (1) data in stable storage or (2) other RDDs.
RDDs have the following properties –
Immutability and partitioning:
RDDs composed of collection of records which are partitioned. Partition is basic unit of parallelism in a RDD, and each partition is one logical division of data which is immutable and created through some transformations on existing partitions.Immutability helps to achieve consistency in computations.
Users can define their own criteria for partitioning based on keys on which they want to join multiple datasets if needed.
Coarse grained operations:
Coarse grained operations are operations which are applied to all elements in datasets. For example – a map, or filter or groupBy operation which will be performed on all elements in a partition of RDD.
Fault Tolerance:
Since RDDs are created over a set of transformations , it logs those transformations, rather than actual data.Graph of these transformations to produce one RDD is called as Lineage Graph.
For example –
thirdRDD =;
result = thirdRDD.count()
In case of we lose some partition of RDD , we can replay the transformation on that partition in lineage to achieve the same computation, rather than doing data replication across multiple nodes.This characteristic is biggest benefit of RDD , because it saves a lot of efforts in data management and replication and thus achieves faster computations.
Lazy evaluations:
Spark computes RDDs lazily the first time they are used in an action, so that it can pipeline transformations. So , in above example RDD will be evaluated only when count() action is invoked.
Users can indicate which RDDs they will reuse and choose a storage strategy for them (e.g., in-memory storage or on Disk etc.)
These properties of RDDs make them useful for fast computations.
Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) is the way Spark represents data. The data can come from various sources :
Text File
CSV File
Database (via JBDC driver)
RDD in relation to Spark
Spark is simply an implementation of RDD.
RDD in relation to Hadoop
The power of Hadoop reside in the fact that it let users write parallel computations without having to worry about work distribution and fault tolerance. However, Hadoop is inefficient for the applications that reuse intermediate results. For example, iterative machine learning algorithms, such as PageRank, K-means clustering and logistic regression, reuse intermediate results.
RDD allows to store intermediate results inside the RAM. Hadoop would have to write it to an external stable storage system, which generate disk I/O and serialization. With RDD, Spark is up to 20X faster than Hadoop for iterative applications.
Futher implementations details about Spark
Coarse-Grained transformations
The transformations applied to an RDD are Coarse-Grained. This means that the operations on a RDD are applied to the whole dataset, not on its individual elements. Therefore, operations like map, filter, group, reduce are allowed, but operations like set(i) and get(i) are not.
The inverse of coarse-grained is fine-grained. A fine-grained storage system would be a database.
Fault Tolerant
RDD are fault tolerant, which is a property that enable the system to continue working properly in the event of the failure of one of its components.
The fault tolerance of Spark is strongly linked to its coarse-grained nature. The only-way to implement fault tolerance in a fine-grained storage system is to replicate its data or log updates across machines. However, in a coarse-grained system like Spark, only the transformations are logged. If a partition of an RDD is lost, the RDD has enough information the recompute it quickly.
Data storage
The RDD is "distributed" (separated) in partitions. Each partitions can be present in the memory or on the disk of a machine. When Spark wants to launch a task on a partition, he sends it to the machine containing the partition. This is know as "locally aware scheduling".
Sources :
Great research papers about Spark :
Include the paper suggested by Ewan Leith.
RDD = Resilient Distributed Dataset
Resilient (Dictionary meaning) = (of a substance or object) able to recoil or spring back into shape after bending, stretching, or being compressed
RDD is defined as (from LearningSpark - OREILLY): The ability to always recompute an RDD is actually why RDDs are called “resilient.” When a machine holding RDD data fails, Spark uses this ability to recompute the missing partitions, transparent to the user.
This means 'data' is surely available at all times. Also, Spark can run without Hadoop and hence data is NOT replicated. One of the best characterstics of Hadoop2.0 is 'High Availbility' with the help of Passive Standby Namenode. The same is achieved by RDD in Spark.
A given RDD (Data) can span across various nodes in Spark cluster (like in Hadoop based cluster).
If any node crashes, Spark can re-compute the RDD and loads the data in some other node, and data is always available.
Spark revolves around the concept of a resilient distributed dataset (RDD), which is a fault-tolerant collection of elements that can be operated on in parallel (
To compare RDD with scala collection, below are few differences
Same but runs on a cluster
Lazy in nature where scala collections are strict
RDD is always Immutable i.e., you can not change the state of the data in the collection
RDD are self recovered i.e., fault-tolerant
RDD (Resilient Distributed Datasets) are an abstraction for representing data. Formally they are a read-only, partitioned collection of records that provides a convenient API.
RDD provide a performant solution for processing large datasets on cluster computing frameworks such as MapReduce by addressing some key issues:
data is kept in memory to reduce disk I/O; this is particularly relevant for iterative computations -- not having to persist intermediate data to disk
fault-tolerance (resilience) is obtained not by replicating data but by keeping track of all transformations applied to the initial dataset (the lineage). This way, in case of failure lost data can always be recomputed from its lineage and avoiding data replication again reduces storage overhead
lazy evaluation, i.e. computations are carried out first when they're needed
RDD's have two main limitations:
they're immutable (read-only)
they only allow coarse-grained transformations (i.e. operations that apply to the entire dataset)
One nice conceptual advantage of RDD's is that they pack together data and code making it easier to reuse data pipelines.
Sources: Resilient Distributed Datasets: A Fault-Tolerant Abstraction for In-Memory Cluster Computing, An Architecture for Fast and General Data Processing on Large Clusters
RDD is a way of representing data in spark.The source of data can be JSON,CSV textfile or some other source.
RDD is fault tolerant which means that it stores data on multiple locations(i.e the data is stored in distributed form ) so if a node fails the data can be recovered.
In RDD data is available at all times.
However RDD are slow and hard to code hence outdated.
It has been replaced by concept of DataFrame and Dataset.
is an Resilient Distributed Data Set.
It is an core part of spark.
It is an Low Level API of spark.
DataFrame and DataSets are built on top of RDD.
RDD are nothing but row level data i.e. sits on n number of executors.
RDD's are immutable .means you cannot change the RDD. But you can create new RDD using Transformation and Actions
Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)
Resilient: If an operation is lost while performing on a node in spark, the dataset can be reconstituted from history.
Distributed: Data in RDDs is divided into one or many partitions and distributed as in-memory collections of objects across worker nodes in the cluster.
Dataset: RDDs are datasets that consist of records, records are uniquely identifiable data collections within a dataset.

Why does Spark RDD partition has 2GB limit for HDFS?

I have get an error when using mllib RandomForest to train data. As my dataset is huge and the default partition is relative small. so an exception thrown indicating that "Size exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE" ,the orignal stack trace as following,
15/04/16 14:13:03 WARN scheduler.TaskSetManager: Lost task 19.0 in
stage 6.0 (TID 120,
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Size exceeds Integer.MAX_VALUE
at at at at
at org.apache.spark.CacheManager.getOrCompute(CacheManager.scala:70)
The Integer.MAX_SIZE is 2GB, it seems that some partition out of memory. So i repartiton my rdd partition to 1000, so that each partition could hold far less data as before. Finally, the problem is solved!!!
So, my question is :
Why partition size has the 2G limit? It seems that there is no configure set for the limit in the spark
The basic abstraction for blocks in spark is a ByteBuffer, which unfortunately has a limit of Integer.MAX_VALUE (~2GB).
It is a critical issue which prevents use of spark with very large datasets.
Increasing the number of partitions can resolve it (like in OP's case), but is not always feasible, for instance when there is large chain of transformations part of which can increase data (flatMap etc) or in cases where data is skewed.
The solution proposed is to come up with an abstraction like LargeByteBuffer which can support list of bytebuffers for a block. This impacts overall spark architecture, so it has remained unresolved for quite a while.
the problem is when using datastores like Casandra, HBase, or Accumulo the block size is based on the datastore splits (which can be over 10 gig). when loading data from these datastores you have to immediately repartitions with 1000s of partitions so you can operated the data without blowing the 2gig limit.
most people that use spark are not really using large data; to them if it is bigger that excel can hold or tableau is is big data to them; mostly data scientist who use quality data or use a sample size small enough to work with the limit.
when processing large volumes of data, i end of having to go back to mapreduce and only used spark once the data has been cleaned up. this is unfortunate however, the majority of the spark community has no interest in addressing the issue.
a simple solution would be to create an abstraction and use bytearray as default; however, allow to overload a spark job with an 64bit data pointer to handle the large jobs.
The Spark 2.4.0 release removes this limit by replicating block data as a stream. See Spark-24926 for details.