How to show unity rewarded or InterstitialAd on game finish - unity3d

How we can show unity rewardedAd or InterstitialAd on game finish or destroy
I want to display unity ads on game finish


Unity 2D 2020: How do I get an animation to continue playing on a paused timeline?

The timeline is triggered upon entering the box collider. The timeline plays, and any animations that are slotted in before the signal emitter play, but they paused when the timeline pauses it. They currently play the base animation that they have in place. I need the animation to loop a speech animation instead of pausing it upon reaching the signal emitter that pauses the timeline.
Code on timeline pause is below for anyone that might need it.
`public class PauseTimeline : MonoBehaviour
private PlayableDirector director;
void Start()
director = GetComponent<PlayableDirector>();
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
public void PauseTime()
public void PlayTime()
I've tried searching on the Unity website, but they only cover how to stop the animations? How do I keep animations playing upon pausing the timeline? I'm considering trying to have one GameObject with the speech animation and another GameObject with the basic idle animation, and just using a control track to turn them on and off based on what I need. But I don't think this will work?
In the inspector, select the "Update Method" as "Unscaled Game Time" on the Playable Director
Documentation Playable Director

The objects in mobile build seems distorted

I'm building a game in Unity 2020.3,13, and I first ran the game in Unity game window and all seems good, but when I try to run the game in my phone all the objects that a added seems wrong
Game run in game in Unity game window
Game run in my mobile

FPS not spawn good in the scene (Multiplayer)

I make a 3d game with a fps controller.
I use 2 cameras
one for the player
and one for the scene.
I add an empty GanmeObject named :NetworkManager and add the NetworkManager script and NetworkManagerHUD.
My player has a lot of scripts that include a joystick and a button to shoot.
The camera of the player has a script too for rotation and the gun has a script too .
I saved the player as a prefab but all the joystick and button is in a canvas (so I made a prefab for the FixedJoystick and button , and gunshot point)
I add them in the prefab of the player and they don't appear in the Scene Prefab.
When I try to spawn the player in the game, the joystick and button shot and fps camera don't work and appear.
What can I do when I start the game to start the fps mode?

vuforia unity scene load blank

I am having an issue regarding unity scene loading from assetbundle. I have created a scene with vuforia ARCamera and few image targets. I converted that to an assetbundle. Till now is fine but when I'm importing and loading the scene, it is showing a black scene without showing the AR camera but the image target is detecting the marker and showing the result on the black screen. Is there any way to start the AR camera after loading the assetbundle scene?
Thanks in advance.
Is there any way to start the AR camera after loading the assetbundle
you can wait for a scene to load using SceneManager.sceneLoaded. Then when the scene is completely loaded you can instantiate/activate your AR camera.
// called first
void OnEnable()
SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;
// called second
void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode mode)
//Put the code to enable/instantiate your ARCamera here
do mind that this has to be called after you have completely loaded the assetbundle
More info on how the SceneManager works can be found in the SceneManager unity docs

Load Scene after Game Center Match Started (Multiplayer) - Cocos2d

I have two layers, single player and multiplayer. Game Center starts up and authenticates the player on the start of the game and Game Center doesn't play any role in single player mode. Multiplayer mode is the only mode that uses Game Center but I want the scene to load after the match (with another real player) has started, so the timer is the same for both people and the match ends at the same time.
Could anyone help me with this? Should I just load the scene beforehand and pause it then resume it when the match starts?
If I should how would I pause it before the scene starts?
Just load the new scene when it has found a new player.. And a loading layer to wait for the other player to be connected as well..
You could download the lite version of Infinight which has the multiplayer using game center and try to play it with a friend (both press find game)..