In checking "Use V8 as JavaScript engine" condition, some macros recorded in the same condition cannot run successfully - macros

I checked the box Use V8 as JavaScript engine.
The demo.txt could be:
"date": "2019-11-22T20:49:21"
"text": ""
"date": "2019-11-22T20:49:24"
"text": ""
I record the macros that replace \n\n by \n, then I save the macros as Delete redundant newlines.jsee.
document.selection.Replace("\\n\\n","\\n",eeReplaceAll | eeFindReplaceRegExp,0);
But, when I run the .jsee for the same demo.txt, here comes the V8 nesting issues occured warning.
enter image description here
enter image description here
By the way, this problem have not happen in the unchecked case.
What's wrong?
I don't know too much about the JavaScript, so I don't know how to upgrade(or fix) the macros recorded in the case of unchecking Use V8 as JavaScript engine option.
And another quetion, can I set breakpoints for macros files for which help me optimize the macros?

I assume that you are using EMEDITOR PROFESSIONAL. According to the manufacturer page EMEDITOR FREE V21.4 "Record and Run only, no scriptable macros". official website
Destruction to your second question, I use "alert" to stop the script at a certain position or to display a certain value of a variable at a position. Also the line "Redraw = false;" is commented out (//) for debugging.
if (....){
alert("debug loop true")
alert("debug loop else")
To the first question, I think I read (can't find the article right now) that the Macro Recorder records in javascript as before (not V8). As you wrote, unchecking "Use V8 as JavaScript engine".
For a simple test, copy the line "alert(" Hello EmEditor")" to the clipboard and then select "Run Clipboard" from the macro menu. If successful, a small window will be displayed. In my environment it is also necessary that the saved script runs first through the following steps:
Menu Macro
My Macros
Add (select Macro file)
This is necessary for security reasons.


Sublime Text 3: Auto-Complete uses incorrect syntax for for loop

With sublime text 3, the autocomplete when typing "for" and hitting tab gives you:
for x in xrange(1,10):
However, this is not a valid statement for python 3. I've tried creating a new build system using the following:
"cmd": ["c:/Python37/python.exe", "-u", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python"
the auto-complete for for still gives the wrong syntax. any advice?
The short version is that the sublime-build and sublime-snippet files that ship with Sublime in support of Python target Python version 2 and not Python version 3. I don't know if that's just due to that being what was used initially or if it's being done on purpose, though.
In Sublime, resources are generally related to a particular language based on the scope provided by the syntax definition. So for example snippets for Python are associated with source.python, your example build file uses that scope to know that it applies to Python files, and so on. As such, no matter what build you happen to be using, that has no effect on the snippets that are being offered.
By way of example, if you use the View Package File command from the command palette and enter the text python for snippet, the list of package resources will filter to Python/Snippets/for.sublime-snippet; pressing Enter to view that resource shows this:
<description>For Loop</description>
for ${1:x} in ${2:xrange(1,10)}:
Here the tabTrigger specifies how the snippet inserts, scope controls where it inserts and content controls what it is inserts. Thus, in order to change it to support Python 3, you need to either create your own snippet or modify the existing one.
An issue with creating your own snippet is that it will be added to the list of snippets including the offending one, which allows it to possibly still trigger when you don't expect it to. There is also no general purposes "easy" way to disable individual snippets.
As such, generally the best course of action would be to use the PackageResourceViewer package. Install it, select PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource from the command palette, then select the same file as outlined above and modify the content of the snippet (e.g. replace xrange with range) and save the file.
That will get Sublime to replace the existing snippet with your edited version, so that it takes the place of the existing one and works the way you want.

Copying variable contents to clipboard while debugging in Visual Studio Code

I'm debugging in Visual Studio Code and I have a JSON object that I would like to copy as text to the clipboard.
Is this possible inside of Visual Studio Code?
I found two ways to do that, both of which are a bit hacky (in my eyes).
Use console.log
I think there will be a limit to the size of the string that this can output, but it was satisfactory for my requirements.
In the debug console, write console.log(JSON.stringify(yourJsonObject))
Copy the resulting output from the debug console. That can be a bit tedious for long strings, but a combination of mouse and keyboard (ctrl-shift-end) worked ok for me.
Use a watch (limited to 10'000 characters)
This method only works up to a limited size of the resulting json string (it looks like 10'000 characters).
Set a breakpoint in a reasonable location where your variable is in scope and start your app.
Go to the debug view, add a watch for a temporary variable, e.g. tmpJson
Get your breakpoint to hit.
In the debug console, write var tmpJson = JSON.stringify(yourJsonObject)
This will now have populated the watched variable tmpJson with the string representation of your json object
In the debug view, right click on the watched variable, click copy.
If the string is too long, it cuts it off with a message like the following:
...,"typeName":"rouParallel","toolAssembly":{"id":"ASKA800201","description":"CeonoglodaloD50R6z5","c... (length: 80365)"
But it would work for smaller objects. Maybe this helps some people.
It would be great to have this properly built-in with vscode.
There is an open issue regarding this:
Workaround :
Go to the VARIABLES panel and right click to show contextual menu on a variable
select Set Value
(tested on Java, not JavaScript)
I have an easy workaround to copy anything you want:
In the debug console, write JSON.stringify(yourJsonObject)
Copy the string without the double quotes " around the string
Open a browser, such as Chrome, open the inspecting tool, go on the console and write:
The object is now copy on your keyboard !
If you are debugging Python:
In the DEBUG CONSOLE type, for example:
import json
from pprint import pprint as pp
{"": {"stn_ix": 43, "stn_name": "Historic Folsom Station (WB)", "name": "", },
The fastest way I found to do that on Visual Studio Code was
Adding a breakpoint where is located the object to copy
Right click on object and choose "Add to Watch"
From Watch sidebar, choose option "Copy Value" and it's all! 🎉
Note: this solution seems to work for longer values but not very long values. This answer suggests a 10,000 char limit and uses JSON.stringify(myvar) instead of just str(). On char limit, see also this comment below.
Tested in python debugger
Add the variable to Watch, but converted to string
Right-click on the value of the watch, and select Copy Value
Now you should get the full value (but not for very long values. See note above).
(var name blurred out):
If you're in debug mode, you can copy any variable by writing copy() in the debug terminal.
This works with nested objects and also removes truncation and copies the complete value.
Tip: you can right click a variable, and click Copy as Expression and then paste that in the copy-function.
While the question presumably deals with JavaScript (JSON) based technologies, many people have posted Python-related posts in this thread. So I'll post a more specific answer for Python, although the reasoning can be extended with some tweaks to JavaScript-based technologies. 😊
Helper strategies for debugging with VSCode
Copying variable FULL VALUE (not truncated) to clipboard while debugging even for very long values and other additional strategies.
1 APPROACH: Access the "Run and Debug" screen and look for the "WATCH" area and double click inside it. Add something like str(<MY_VAR>) which should be the variable you want to find the value of during the debug process;
2 APPROACH: Access the "DEBUG CONSOLE" tab and in the footer (symbol ">") copy and paste the code below or another one of your choice...
def print_py_obj(py_obj, print_id="print_py_obj"):
"""Prints a Python object with its string, type, dir, dict, etc...
py_obj (Any): Any Python object;
print_id (Optional[str]): Some identifier.
print(" " + str(print_id) + \
" DEBUG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print(" 0 STR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print(" 0 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
print(" 1 TYPE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print(" 1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
print(" 2 DIR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
print(" 2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
print(" 3 DICT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>")
except Exception:
print(" 3 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
print(" " + str(print_id) + \
" DEBUG <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<")
print_py_obj(profit, "<MY_VAR_OPTIONAL_IDENTIFIER>")
NOTE: We may have a 10,000 character limitation for both approaches.
Thanks! 🤗🐧🐍
Yup ! That's very much possible
Select breakpoint near your json variable.Debug.
screnshot . Right click on json body and copy value.That's it.
On the selected breakpoint, go to the Debug Console and print(variable)

How do I modify the EL opening template in Eclipse?

Whenever I am working in a JSP file and I type ${ to start an el (Expression Language) tag, Eclipse will automatically add } (with a space before the closing brace) after the cursor so that I get ${ } instead of ${}.
Is there a code template in Preferences that I can modify to change this behavior, or is it beyond user preference control?
I have checked in Preferences: Web: JSP Files: Editor: Templates, but none of those templates match. I've also looked in several other sections in Preferences but haven't found anything promising.
What #Mero provided (see comments on answer above) might not be an exact answer, but creating a JSP Template probably the closest thing that I've found.
A few notes for anyone that wants to go that route:
Create a new template through menu Window->Preferences, then in the drill down menu navigate to Web->JSP Files->Editor->Templates. Click New.
Name is a shortcut you can type (the same way typing sysout ctrl+space in Java is a shortcut for System.out.println()). I suggest something simple like el. This allows you to type e l ctrl-space instead of $ { ctrl-space to pull it up.
Context tells it when it should appear in intellisense. I suggest creating two of this template where one has a context of JSP Attribute value and the other has a context of All JSP.
Description is just informative. Put whatever you want. I put 'EL Script' myself.
Pattern is where you put what will be inserted. Put $${${cursor}} or $${${script}}, depending on preference. See below for explanation on the differences.
In Eclipse Templates ${} is how you put variables in the template, so to make it actually print ${} you have to escape the $ with a $$ leading to $${}.
The predefined variable ${cursor} defines where the cursor is after intellisense replaces the el, so to have the cursor appear in between the curly braces you want to do this: $${${cursor}}.
Using any variable that is not predefined (in this case, ${script}) will simply put in that variable with a box around it and allow you to type over it and press enter when you're done, allowing you to move to the end of the closing curly brace.
Note: I understand that this is not an actual answer, but rather is a workaround. I'm putting it here simply so that those who are fine with a workaround can know how to go about doing it.
For those that don't like having to type ctrl-space, a workaround could be to have the template name start with< since on JSP pages, the < opens the intellisense, so for instance, you could have the name be <el or <$.
A workaround but not an answer:
Disable auto-close of EL tags. You type ${expression} and get ${expression}|, rather than typing ${expression and getting ${expression| }. (| denotes the cursor location)
See this answer, from when this same question was asked of Eclipse Kepler:

Shortcut for "code block" macro in Confluence editor

We use confluence for documentaion but i find very time consuming to select the code macro; it's a 5 step process. Even typing the macro by hand is not efficient.
In the Stack Overflow editor all we have to do is select the text and press a button or hit ctrlK, and the text is formatted as code.
Is there a way to do this in Confluence?
even typing by hand is also not efficient
I use the code macro extensively and always use the autocomplete feature by typing { and choosing 'Code Macro' from the list (It's enough to type co for the code macro).
This is a very efficient.
Of course a keyboard shortcut would be faster, but there is no shortcut for the code macro. (AFAIK there is no keyboard shortcut for a specific macro at all)
I use Ctrl-Shift-D then wrap the text in {code}.
This also fixes the problem with formatting being stripped from pasted text.
In Confluence 5.x if you edit a page, you can type {cod<enter} and it puts a Code Block box on the page, but when code is pasted into this box it can strip out end of line characters.
Open the Insert Markup window using Ctrl-Shift-D
Paste in your code as plain text This way the formatting is not stripped out.
Add {code} tags.
You can also type three back ticks ``` to create a code block as you would in vanilla Markdown. This creates an empty code block very quickly. I never have with problems with formatting when pasting code in this way.
The one irritating feature of this method is that you can't specify the language as you do in Markdown, you have to select the language from a list.

Eclipse Plugin or else for coding footnote

I love the Manning In Action Series. One of appealing area is that the code listing inside the book always has a footnote where there is a detailed explanation by a reference number. See below the example:
So I'm wondering if there is an Eclipse plugin or online blogging service that allows footnote taking in the source code?
I think the closest you'll get is the the eclipse "NotePad" plugin. It doesn't create footnotes directly, but rather just takes plaintext notes and puts them in the metadata. You'll find it at:
Better, though, is to use eclipse's built-in indexing, and leave yourself
/* #TODO 1) take note of this notey note */
comments near important lines.
"But sleepynate", you may say, "that's madness! I don't have anything TODO there!"
While this is true, eclipse automatically indexes certain comment tags, like #TODO and #FIXME, and puts them in your "Tasks" window. (Window > Show View > Tasks if yours is currently hidden. You can then double-click any one of them to jump to that line. You can also arbitrarily add tasks from the Edit menu with whatever label you want, in any resource and location within your project.