Error when I start my BizTalk Application, Unable to read Server Queue performance data - server

I think this error about the server counter that happened when I started my BizTalk Application
Error : Unable to read Server Queue performance data from the Server service. The first four bytes (DWORD) of the Data section contains the status code, the second four bytes contains the IOSB.Status and the next four bytes contains the IOSB.Information


getting cloud sql errors and db got restarted automatically

These are the info logs
"2022-08-18T07:47:14.333850Z 32263817 [Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Aborted connection 32263817 to db: 'unconnected' user: 'xyz' host: '10.x.x.x' (Got an error reading communication packets)."
[Note] [MY-010914] [Server] Got packets out of order"
[Server] Got an error reading communication packets
I don't understand why I am getting this continuously on cloud sql logs also is this the reason why my db got crashed.
There are a lot of reasons that could perhaps lead to the MySQL connection packet issues.According to this thread MySQL Error Reading Communication Packets
MySQL network communication code was written under the assumption that queries are always reasonably short,and therefore can be sent to and processed by the server in one chunk, which is called a packet in MySQL terminology. The server allocates the memory for a temporary buffer to store the packet, and it requests enough to fit it entirely. This architecture requires a precaution to avoid having the server run out of memory---a cap on the size of the packet, which this option accomplishes.
The code of interest in relation to this option is found in sql/ Take a look at my_net_read(), then follow the call to my_real_read() and pay particular attention to net_realloc().
This variable also limits the length of a result of many string functions. See sql/ and sql/ for details.
According to the MySQL Documentation
You can also get these errors if you send a query to the server that is incorrect or too can increase the query limit by setting the server's max_allowed_packet variable, which has a default value of 1MB. You may also need to increase the maximum packet size on the client end. More information on setting the packet size is given in Section C.5.2.10, “Packet too large”.
An INSERT or REPLACE statement that inserts a great many rows can also cause these sorts of errors. Either one of these statements sends a single request to the server irrespective of the number of rows to be inserted; thus, you can often avoid the error by reducing the number of rows sent per INSERT or REPLACE.
Additionally you may have a look at this link1 & link2

jute.maxbuffer affects only incoming traffic

Does this value only affect incoming traffic? If i set this value to say 4MB on zookeeper server as well as zookeeper client and I start my client, will I still get data > 4MB when I do a request for a path /abc/asyncMultiMap/subs. If /subs has data greater than 4MB is the server going to break it up in chunks <= 4MB and send it in pieces to the client?
I am using zookeeper 3.4.6 on both client (via vertx-zookeeper) and server. I see errors on clients where it complains that packet length is greater than 4MB. Packet len4194374 is out of range!
at org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocket.readLength( ~[zookeeper-3.4.6.jar:3.4.6-1569965]
"This is a server-side setting"
This statement is incorrect, jute.maxbuffer is evaluated on client as well by Record implementing classes that receive InputArchive. Each time a field is read and stored into an InputArchive the value is checked against jute.maxbuffer. Eg ClientCnxnSocket.readConnectResult
I investigated it in ZK 3.4
There is no chunking in the response.
This is a server-side setting. You will get this error if the entirety of the response is greater than the jute.maxbuffer setting. This response limit includes the list of children of znodes as well so even if subs does not have a lot of data but has enough children such that their length of their paths exceeds the max buffer size you will get the error.

SSE Server Sent Events - Client keep sending requests (like polling)

How come every site explains that in SSE a single connection stays opened between client and server "With SSE, a client sends a standard HTTP request asking for an event stream, and the server responds initially with a standard HTTP response and holds the connection open"
And then, when server decides it can send data to the client while what I am trying to implement SSE I see on fiddler requests being sent every couple of seconds
For me it feels like long polling and not a one single connection kept opened.
Moreover, It is not that the server decides to send data to the client and it sends it but it sends data only when the client sends next request
If i respond with "retry: 10000" even tough something has happened that the server wants to notify right now, will get to the client only on the next request (in 10 seconds from now) which for me does not really looks like connection that is kept opened and server sends data as soon as he wants to
Your server is closing the connection immediately. SSE has a built-in retry function for when the connection is lost, so what you are seeing is:
Client connects to server
Server myteriously dies
Client waits two seconds then auto-reconnects
Server myteriously dies
Client waits two seconds then auto-reconnects
To fix the server-side script, you want to go against everything your parents taught you about right and wrong, and deliberately create an infinite loop. So, it will end up looking something like this:
validate user, set up database connection, etc.
get next bit of data
send it to client
sleep 2 seconds
Where get next bit of data might be polling a DB table for new records since the last poll, or scan a file system directory for new files, etc.
Alternatively, if the server-side process is a long-running data analysis, your script might instead look like this:
validate user, set-up, etc.
calculate next 1000 digits of pi
send them to client
This assumes that the calculate line takes at least half a second to run; any more frequently and you will start to clog up the socket with lots of small packets of data for no benefit (the user won't notice that they are getting 10 updates/second instead of 2 updates/second).

Can mirthconnect choke on a large file without having heap error?

Can mirthconnect choke on a large file without having heap error?
We are using Mirthconnect on a linux machine (Redhat, I think). The Linux machine has 16 gb, and java heap (in mirth) is set to 12gb. We have a javascript reader channel attempting to read a delimited text file, and convert it to xml (after checking some things). Other settings are Durable message delivery, remove content and attachments on completion, Polling type =(interval),Polling frequency = 2 minutes,
Source queue off – respond after processing, Destination/channel type = channel writer, Queue retry = always, retry interval every 10,000 ms.
The delimnited text file is close to 80KB. At first, when we had much less memory in machine and set in heap, it would fail to read the file and show heap error in mirth log. now, with more memory, it is not throwing heap error but mirth stops reading the input file somewhere in the middle of it, and then starts reading it again. The result is that two incomplete xml files are produced, with some overlapping data, and no apparent errors in the log.

Receiving FD_CLOSE when there should be FD_READ

I have a strange problem on one of my clients workstation. I have a simple application that exchanges some data over network between two endpoints.
Basically the transaction goes like this:
Client A listens for incomming connection
Client B connects to A and sends some data
Client A read this data for further processing
Now the strange part is that client A does not receive whole data (sometimes it a part of buffer sometimes it is empty).
The A client uses WSAEventSelect function and waits for FD_READ to read data sent by B and for FD_CLOSE to detect disconnection.
Usually ( everytime except this one particular client) the FD_READ is signaled, data is processed and after that FD_CLOSE is signaled and all is fine, but here instead FD_READ i receive FD_CLOSE.
Can someone tell me how this is possible? Another thing is that program was working fine for about a year and suddenly it crashed.
Now the strange part is that client A does not receive whole data (sometimes it a part of buffer sometimes it is empty).
There's nothing strange about that, that's how TCP works, except that you will never receive zero bytes in blocking mode.
Usually ( everytime except this one particular client) the FD_READ is signaled, data is processed and after that FD_CLOSE is signaled and all is fine, but here instead FD_READ i receive FD_CLOSE.
Note that FD_READ can be signalled any number of times, not just once. You're not guaranteed to receive an entire message in a single read.
Can someone tell me how this is possible?
The client has closed the connection.
"An application should check for remaining data upon receipt of FD_CLOSE to avoid any possibility of losing data."
So if the error code associated with the FD_CLOSE notification is 0, you should check to see if you still have data to read, that might be where your missing data is.
If the error code is NOT 0, then there was an error and the missing data is probably lost.