SSE Server Sent Events - Client keep sending requests (like polling) - server

How come every site explains that in SSE a single connection stays opened between client and server "With SSE, a client sends a standard HTTP request asking for an event stream, and the server responds initially with a standard HTTP response and holds the connection open"
And then, when server decides it can send data to the client while what I am trying to implement SSE I see on fiddler requests being sent every couple of seconds
For me it feels like long polling and not a one single connection kept opened.
Moreover, It is not that the server decides to send data to the client and it sends it but it sends data only when the client sends next request
If i respond with "retry: 10000" even tough something has happened that the server wants to notify right now, will get to the client only on the next request (in 10 seconds from now) which for me does not really looks like connection that is kept opened and server sends data as soon as he wants to

Your server is closing the connection immediately. SSE has a built-in retry function for when the connection is lost, so what you are seeing is:
Client connects to server
Server myteriously dies
Client waits two seconds then auto-reconnects
Server myteriously dies
Client waits two seconds then auto-reconnects
To fix the server-side script, you want to go against everything your parents taught you about right and wrong, and deliberately create an infinite loop. So, it will end up looking something like this:
validate user, set up database connection, etc.
get next bit of data
send it to client
sleep 2 seconds
Where get next bit of data might be polling a DB table for new records since the last poll, or scan a file system directory for new files, etc.
Alternatively, if the server-side process is a long-running data analysis, your script might instead look like this:
validate user, set-up, etc.
calculate next 1000 digits of pi
send them to client
This assumes that the calculate line takes at least half a second to run; any more frequently and you will start to clog up the socket with lots of small packets of data for no benefit (the user won't notice that they are getting 10 updates/second instead of 2 updates/second).


Socket data read wait time

I have application where I am listening on multiple sockets using select. If I start processing request that came in from Socket A and in the meanwhile if another request on socket B arrives then I want to know how long does socket B request had to wait before I could get it. Since this is a single threaded application I cannot spawn a new thread and go back to select to monitor again and instantly start processing request from socket B.
Is there a 'C' api available to get me this metric or is this just not possible to get?
There is no a straightforward way how to measure the interval between the 'data ready' time and 'data read' time because there is not any timestamp written together with the data. Moreover the situation is even more complex because a stream oriented socket may receive several data segments till select is closed and the it is not what interval should be measured.
If the application data processing is longer than packet processing in the kernel the you can do a reasonable measurement in following way:
print current time and some unique data id based on application protocol when select wakes up due to socket B data availability.
log any packet received for the socket B. You can use either a network traffic capture tool like wireshark or tcpdump. Or you can configure an iptables firewall rule (if it is running on linux) with target -j LOG.
Write a simple script/program that correlates the captured packets and the application log and subtract received and start processing time.
Of course the idea above does ignore the kernel processing time. If you really need exact time I have to introduce a new thread to your application.

Client sending data very fast and server receiving it slowly without any data loss

I am working upon an application based on client and server making use of sockets,in this i am sending data from client to receiver and have made sleep call for 10 sec in server side.Now,when i am sending data from client 1000000 times the server receives it very slowly and the client is printing the values but it is also taking some time in doing so.So, i need to clear following points:
-In both client and server when the values are being displayed there is no loss of data on either side.Does this means that the recv call which is on server side is blocking?
-Secondly,is there any good documentation which could help me to understand better the blocking and non blocking concept of the send and recv calls which are used in sockets programming.

What's the expected behavior when TCP connection is lost?

I looked through FIX v4.2 spec, it is not clear to me what the expected behavior it should be when the TCP connection is lost in the middle of a session.
More specifically, suppose the current sequence number is 100 and at this point the TCP connection is lost, when either side tries to resume the session, it re-sends message number 100, or starts a new session with logon?
In describing FIX session, the spec says one session has one logon and one logout, but could go across multiple physical connections. This leads me to think that when the TCP connection is lost, the resuming process should not be starting with a logon message, but I am not positive on that.
Thanks in advance!
FIX protocol does not define anything related to the transport protocol. There were some documents on the official web site that only suggest how it can be implemented on top of this or that protocol, but only suggests.
Therefore, the expected behavior in case of TCP/IP disconnect depends on implementation. For instance, it is possible to have a system that does not care about TCP/IP disconnects at all, which would make those details irrelevant. In that case, the expected behavior would have been to continue sending receiving messages after connection is re-established, and of course proceed to a “recovery” of lost messages, if any. In reality, though, I have never seen a system like that.
In practice, all systems treat TCP/IP disconnects as implicit lose of session and expect clients to send a logon upon re-connect.
When logging in, there are two options — a re-connecting session may send the next outgoing sequence number or it may ask server to reset the sequence (to 1). In first case, the server side may send a logon acknowledgement if sequence is greater or equal to what it expected, or close (or even reject) the session if the received sequence number is less than expected. Additionally, if the sequence was greater than expected, server will issue a re-transmission. Client session monitors the sequence of the server as well, and needs to request a re-transmission if it detects a gap (received sequence is greater than expected). In the second case, if the server supports sequence reset, both in and out sequences are reset to 1 and no messages are recovered.
In your case, if connection is lost after sending a message with sequence number 100, client would have to re-connect and send a logon with sequence 101, and proceed from there. Alternatively, connect and reset the sequence, in which case some messages might get lost.
Also, don’t forget to check specifics of the venue you connect to. There could be very weird details that are not specified by the FIX protocol at all, or even those going against the FIX protocol. For instance, ICE (indeed one of the most brain-dead exchanges in general) is one of the silliest exchanges in this regard — it doesn’t allow re-connecting within first 15 seconds, and then if clients cannot connect for 30 seconds, they should switch to a failover server. If failover happens, they fail to keep the sequence number in tact, and clients are left no choice but reset the sequence number.
Hope it makes things a bit clearer for you. Good Luck!
If the transport layer is TCP/IP, I would expect the session initator to:
Re-establish a socket connection
Send a new logon message
The sequence number to use on the logon message depends on the type of session and what has been agreed with the FIX session acceptor (see the spec for details). For sessions where there is no value in replaying any lot messages e.g. market data feeds where the prices would be stale, it makes sense to send a logon message with sequence number 1 and set tag 141=Y (to reset the sequence numbers). For an orders session, where message replay might be required, the session initiator should generally logon with a sequence number of one greater than the last message sent (and expect a logon response from the FIX session acceptor with sequence number of 1 greater than the last message received).
Unless you really need the message replay, it is cleaner and easier to reset the sequence numbers each time upon logon. This obviously depends on the FIX session acceptor (FIX server) support for this. For things like STP feeds, I've found this to be far more reliable and it is generally better for the application protocol to provide application level replay facilities rather than relying on the brittleness of FIX session replay.

Receiving FD_CLOSE when there should be FD_READ

I have a strange problem on one of my clients workstation. I have a simple application that exchanges some data over network between two endpoints.
Basically the transaction goes like this:
Client A listens for incomming connection
Client B connects to A and sends some data
Client A read this data for further processing
Now the strange part is that client A does not receive whole data (sometimes it a part of buffer sometimes it is empty).
The A client uses WSAEventSelect function and waits for FD_READ to read data sent by B and for FD_CLOSE to detect disconnection.
Usually ( everytime except this one particular client) the FD_READ is signaled, data is processed and after that FD_CLOSE is signaled and all is fine, but here instead FD_READ i receive FD_CLOSE.
Can someone tell me how this is possible? Another thing is that program was working fine for about a year and suddenly it crashed.
Now the strange part is that client A does not receive whole data (sometimes it a part of buffer sometimes it is empty).
There's nothing strange about that, that's how TCP works, except that you will never receive zero bytes in blocking mode.
Usually ( everytime except this one particular client) the FD_READ is signaled, data is processed and after that FD_CLOSE is signaled and all is fine, but here instead FD_READ i receive FD_CLOSE.
Note that FD_READ can be signalled any number of times, not just once. You're not guaranteed to receive an entire message in a single read.
Can someone tell me how this is possible?
The client has closed the connection.
"An application should check for remaining data upon receipt of FD_CLOSE to avoid any possibility of losing data."
So if the error code associated with the FD_CLOSE notification is 0, you should check to see if you still have data to read, that might be where your missing data is.
If the error code is NOT 0, then there was an error and the missing data is probably lost.

Writing a server that queues tasks

I'm writing a server in python that needs to take requests from clients, queue the requests, execute them one at a time, then tell the clients that their particular request has been processed.
Currently the way I've approached it is using a TCP socket server -- however, I'm not sure how to make it so that only one request is being executed at a time from a queue?
The way I would like for it to look:
Client1 -> (a) -> Server
Client2 -> (b) -> Server
Client3 -> (c) -> Server
Server makes queue |a, b, c|
Execute a first. Done? Tell Client 1
Execute b second. Done? Tell Client 2
Execute c third. Done? Tell Client 3
From what I understand, if I have the server recv the client's request, execute it, and respond, that may happen at the same time in different threads. I only want one thread executing all the tasks (because I anticipate many tasks coming in and it'd be slow if everyone was running one at the same time). How do I accomplish that?
There are tons of ways to skin it, but a solution is going to look something like the below:
Client -> Client-Mediator (TCP Port) <--> Server Mediator -> (ServerQ) <- Task Process
The flow would be like this:
Client Process:
Client creates a client mediator on a tcp socket.
Sends whatever info it needs over the port.
Server Mediator receives the request
Creates a response Q for the Task Process
Places the request on the Server Q (command + responseQ)
Wait for response on responseQ
No response after X time timeout ?
Once response comes, read and send response over tcp port.
Server Process:
Reads from Server Q.
Processes command
Write the response to the response Q
Components involved
Client - Simple process that sends requests for tasks to be completed.
Client-Mediator - Creates a connection to the server process.
Server-Mediator - Accepts a client request for task processing, enqueues tasks and waits for response.
Task Process - Reads from ServerQ and waits for a task to come in.
Okay so what Nix said was right but I wasn't sure how to make that exactly happen (my question was how to go about actually making this)
As it turns out I had to start 2 threads: one that executes from the queue, and the other being the main server handler. The server handler spawns threads for each new connection, and the client blocks after sending a request / if the request is successfully queued. This means that the queue needs to be thread-safe / protected with a semaphore or mutex. In the case of python, there is a multiprocessing.Queue class that handles that for you. Whenever a task is executed, the execution thread does a notifyAll() which causes all sleeping threads to wake up and check if their requested task is done. I use a condition variable for that.