sed issue replacing a negative value - sed

I have a file where some entries look like:
EMIG_BAD_ID = syscall.Errno( -0x12f)
I want to use sed to replace that negative number to make it positive,
EMIG_BAD_ID = syscall.Errno( 0x12f)
I've tried some ideas from web searches but not succeded.
E.g. this one exits with an error:
egrep EMIG_* _error.grep | \
sed -e 's/syscall.Errno(\1)/syscall.Errno(-\1)/g' _error.grep
sed: -e expression #1, char 40: Invalid back reference
What is wrong here?

If the format is exactly like you posted, you can use this fairly easy replacement:
sed 's/syscall.Errno( -/syscall.Errno( /g' _error.grep
To make the space between ( and - optional:
sed 's/syscall.Errno( \?-/syscall.Errno( /g' _error.grep
To answer your question / if you insist on using back references (and optional space), here's how to use back references:
sed 's/syscall.Errno( \?-\(.*\))/syscall.Errno(\1)/g' _error.grep
Some additional notes:
You don't need grep - if EMIG_BAD_ID is on the same line it's very easy to include that in the sed matching pattern.
You pipe from egrep to sed and let sed read from a file. That doesn't make sense. You should prefer reading files directly with sed; but if you need grep, just read from stdin (without the file argument). Specify -i with sed to perform an in-place edit.

Using sed
$ sed -E '/^EMIG/s/-([0-9]+)/\1/' input_file
EMIG_BAD_ID = syscall.Errno( 0x12f)

Thank you for your answers. Unfortunately I don't have a working answer yet.
Code below: (part of a bigger file)
cat _error.out
E2BIG = 0x40000007
cat _error.out | sed 's/=\(.*\)/= syscall.Errno(\1)/'
E2BIG = syscall.Errno( 0x40000007)
EMIG_ARRAY_TOO_LARGE = syscall.Errno( -0x133)
The problem is to use bash/grep/sed to make the negative number positive.


sed remove line if neither pattern provided don't match

I am trying to create a filter command to reduce the lines from a log file, assume each line contains partition made of date,
then from thousands of lines I only want to keep the ones with two string in the path
and remove any other lines
I have tried following command
sed -i -e '\(/202105\|/202106\)!d' ~/log.txt
above command threw
sed: -e expression #1, char 24: unterminated address regex
You can use
sed -i '/\/20210[56]/!d' ~/log.txt
Or, if you need to use more specific alternatives and further enhance the pattern:
sed -i -E '/\/(202105|202106)/!d' ~/log.txt
-i - GNU sed option for inline file replacement
-E - option enabling POSIX ERE regex syntax
/\/20210[56]/ - regex that matches /20210 and then either 5 or 6
\/(202105|202106) - the POSIX ERE pattern that matches / and then either 202105 or 202106
!d - removes the lines not matching the pattern.
See the online demo:
sed '/\/20210[56]/!d' <<< "$s"
sed is the wrong tool for this. If you want a script that's as fragile as the sed one then use grep as it's the tool that exists solely to do a simple g/re/p (hence the name) like you're doing:
$ grep '/20210[56]' file
or if you want a more robust solution that focuses just on the part of the line you want to match and so will avoid false matches, then use awk:
$ awk -F '/' '$3 ~ /^20210[56]/' file
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -ni '\#/20210[56]#p' file
This uses seds -n grep-like option to turn off implicit printing and -i option to edit the file in place.
Normally sed uses the /.../ to match but other delimiters may be used if the first is escaped e.g. \#...#.
So the above solution will filter the existing file down to lines that contain either /202105 or /202106.
N.B. grep will almost certainly be faster in finding the above lines however the use of the -i option may be the ultimate reason for choosing sed (although the same outcome can be achieved by tacking on the > tmpFile && mv tmpFile file to a grep solution).

Simple method for finding and replacing string linux

I'm currently trying to find a line in a file
#define IMAX 8000
and replacing 8000 with another number.
Currently, stuck trying to pipe arguments from awk into sed.
grep '#define IMAX' 1d_Euler_mpi_test.c | awk '{print $3}' | sed
Not too sure how to proceed from here.
I would do something like:
sed -i '' '/^#define IMAX 8000$/s/8000/NEW_NUMBER/' 1d_Euler_mpi_test.c
Could you please try following. Place new number's value in place of new_number too.(tested this with GNU sed)
echo "#define IMAX 8000" | sed -E '/#define IMAX /s/[0-9]+$/new_number/'
In case you are reading input from an Input_file and want to save its output into Input_file itself use following then.
sed -E '/#define IMAX /s/[0-9]+$/new_number/' Input_file
Add -i flag in above code in case you want to save output into Input_file itself. Also my codes will catch any digits which are coming at the end of the line which has string #define IMAX so in case you only want to look for 8000 or any fixed number change [0-9]+$ to 8000 etc in above codes then.
You may use GNU sed.
sed -i -e 's/IMAX 8000/IMAX 9000/g' /tmp/file.txt
Which will invoke sed to do an in-place edit due to the -i option. This can be called from bash.
If you really really want to use just bash, then the following can work:
while read a ; do echo ${a//IMAX 8000/IMAX 9000} ; done < /tmp/file.txt > /tmp/file.txt.t ; mv /tmp/file.txt{.t,}
This loops over each line, doing a substitution, and writing to a temporary file (don't want to clobber the input). The move at the end just moves temporary to the original name.

Parsing a line with sed using regular expression

Using sed I want to parse Heroku's log-runtime-metrics like this one:
2016-01-29T00:38:43.662697+00:00 heroku[worker.2]: source=worker.2 dyno=heroku.17664470.d3f28df1-e15f-3452-1234-5fd0e244d46f sample#memory_total=54.01MB sample#memory_rss=54.01MB sample#memory_cache=0.00MB sample#memory_swap=0.00MB sample#memory_pgpgin=17492pages sample#memory_pgpgout=3666pages
the desired output is:
worker.2: 54.01MB (54.01MB is being memory_total)
I could not manage although I tried several alternatives including:
sed -E 's/.+source=(.+) .+memory_total=(.+) .+/\1: \2/g'
What is wrong with my command? How can it be corrected?
The .+ after source= and memory_total= are both greedy, so they accept as much of the line as possible. Use [^ ] to mean "anything except a space" so that it knows where to stop.
sed -E 's/.+source=([^ ]+) .+memory_total=([^ ]+) .+/\1: \2/g'
Putting your content into makes it really obvious what's going on.
I'd go for the old-fashioned, reliable, non-extended sed expressions and make sure that the patterns are not too greedy:
sed -e 's/.*source=\([^ ]*\) .*memory_total=\([^ ]*\) .*/\1: \2/'
The -e is not the opposite of -E, which is primarily a Mac OS X (BSD) sed option; the normal option for GNU sed is -r instead. The -e simply means that the next argument is an expression in the script.
This produces your desired output from the given line of data:
worker.2: 54.01MB
Bonus question: There are some odd lines within the stream, I can usually filter them out using a grep pipe like | grep memory_total. However if I try to use it along with the sed command, it does not work. No output is produced with this:
heroku logs -t -s heroku | grep memory_total | sed.......
Sometimes grep | sed is necessary, but it is often redundant (unless you are using a grep feature that isn't readily supported by sed, such as Perl regular expressions).
You should be able to use:
sed -n -e '/memory_total=/ s/.*source=\([^ ]*\) .*memory_total=\([^ ]*\) .*/\1: \2/p'
The -n means "don't print by default". The /memory_total=/ matches the lines you're after; the s/// content is the same as before. I removed the g suffix that was there previously; the regex would never match multiple times anyway. I added the p to print the line when the substitution occurs.

How to change part of the string using sed?

I have a file data.txt with the following strings:
I want to change all of the text-something-digits-something.jar to text-something-5.0.jar.
Here is my script with sed (GNU sed version 4.2.1
), but it doesn't work, I don't know why:
for t in ./data.txt
sed -i "s/\(text-[a-z]*-(\d|\.)*\).*\(.jar\)/\15.0\2/" ${t}
What is wrong with my sed usage?
How about this awk
awk '/^text/ {sub(/[0-9].*\./,"5.0.")}1'
text-something-digits-something.jar to text-something-5.0.jar
equal change digits-someting to 5.0
It also takes care of changing line only starting with text
I think a simpler approach might be enough: sed -r -e 's/(text-(.*-)?common-)([0-9\.]+)(-.*\.jar)/\15.0\4/' < your_data.
Another way of saying the same thing with perl: perl -pe 's/(text-(?:(.*-))*common-)([\d\.]+)(-.*\.jar)/${1}1.5${4}/' < your_data.
for t in ./data.txt
sed -i '/^text-/ s/[.0-9]\{1,\}-something\(\.jar\)$/5.0\2/' ${t}
# for "any" something
#sed -i '/^text-/ s/[.0-9]\{1,\}-[^?]\{1,\}\(\.jar\)$/5.0\2/' ${t}
select string starting with text and change digit value is present
Using sed:
sed '/^text-/ s/-[0-9.]*-/-5.0-/' file

sed script to delete all characters up to & including the 2nd comma on a line

Can anyone explain how to use sed to delete all characters up to & including the 2nd comma on a line in a CSV file?
The beginning of a typical line might look like
1234567890,ABC/DEF, and the number of digits in the first column varies i.e. there might be 9 or 10 or 11 separate digits in random order, and the letters in the second column could also be random. This randomness and varying length makes it impossible to use any explicit pattern searching.
You could do it with sed like this
sed -e 's/^\([^,]*,\)\{2\}//'
not 100% sure on the syntax, I tried it, and it seems to work though. It'll delete zero-or-more of anything-but-a-comma followed by a comma, and all that is matched twice in succession.
But even easier would be to use cut, like this
cut -d, -f3-
which will use comma as a delimiter, and print fields 3 and up.
Just for the record, both sed and cut can work with a file as a parameter, just append it at the end like so
cut -d, -f3- myfile.txt
or you can pipe the output of your program through them
./myprogram | cut -d, -f3-
sed is not the "right" choice of tool (although it can be done). since you have structured data, you can use fields/delimiter method instead of creating complicated regex.
you can use cut
$ cut -f3- -d"," file
or gawk
$ gawk -F"," '{$1=$2=""}1' file
$ gawk -F"," '{for(i=3;i<NF;i++) printf "%s,",$i; print $NF}' file
Thanks for all replies - with the help provided I have written the simple executable script below which does what I want.
cut -d, -f3- ~/Documents/forex_convert/input.csv |
sed -e '1d' \
-e 's/-/,/g' \
-e 's/ /,/g' \
-e 's/:/,/g' \
-e 's/,D//g' > ~/Documents/forex_convert/converted_input