Can I set codepilot to suggest a block of code on visual studio code? - visual-studio-code

I've just started using codepilot today and am going around in circles a bit.
I have written the following in a file called test.html:
//write a simple webpage to ask a user to select between two pictures
//and then display the selected picture
I was hoping to get a boilerplate webpage based on the comment but instead I get single lines which I must accept in turn, as follows:
//create a variable to hold the selected picture
var selectedPicture;
//create a variable to hold the selected picture's name
var selectedPictureName;
//create a variable to hold the selected picture's path
var selectedPicturePath;
//create a variable to hold the selected picture's width
var selectedPictureWidth;
//create a variable to hold the selected picture's height
var selectedPictureHeight;
//create a variable to hold the selected picture's alt text
var selectedPictureAltText;
//create a variable to hold the selected picture's title
var selectedPictureTitle;
//create a variable to hold the selected picture's caption
var selectedPictureCaption;
I'm getting a very very long sequence of variables to hold the picture properties.
Is it possible to just get codepilot to produce a best effort boilerplate of a few hundred lines of code without having to step through every line?

If I ask ChatGPT your question it returns the answer you desire.
So maybe you try ChatGPT for this general questions. I guess Autopilot is more for helping during writing code.


Changing DOM content of konva container causes crash?

I try to save the content of my last konva stage object in a Map in window object. My original aim is to minimize the loading time when I want to open the same page that has been drawn. Things are going well within my own frame. However, when I load my frame which has Konva content in another window (which becomes the parent of my Konva frame), the konva frame crashes and the console does not show any errors.
My code snipplet looks like this:
var xjGraph = cachedGraphObject; //Konva graph that already drawn, loaded from a js Map in parent window
var containerDOM = document.getElementById(oldId);
var konvaJsContent = xjGraph.getStage().content; //get the div of "konvajs-content" class
var oldChild = containerDOM.firstChild;
containerDOM.appendChild(konvaJsContent); //remove the old div of "konvajs-content" and replace it with the one that I want to show; I could use replaceChild() here, but I get the same result
PS: If there is another way to save a stage in browser and load it when I need it for later use, please kindly help. Very much appreciated!

How to create shapetext using Java

I am trying to create shape texts directly using codes as the number of shapetext i need may vary.
I tried using the code below, and I created the shapes in a collection (with type shapetext). When I use "traceln(text.getX());" it prints 2500 but I do not see the text anywhere on the screen. May I understand what I have done wrongly and how can I make the shapetext be shown? Do I have to add shapetexts into my network/level and initialize it?
Thank you for your help!
ShapeText text = new ShapeText(SHAPE_DRAW_2D3D, true, (double) 2500, (double) 3000, (double) 0, 0, black, "testing", new Font("SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 100), ALIGNMENT_CENTER );
You have successfully created the text, but you need to add it to the presentation to be shown
Simply add
An alternative option if you have an undetermined amount of texts is to rather create a single text object and then replicate it as many times as you want to show it. Once you add a replication to a presentation object a local variable called index is now available for you to use in many of the fields.
Use this in the dynamic text field to get the values you want to display (like in the example below I stored the texts in a collection)
And you also use this index to change the position of the text (See what I have done in the Y coordinates)

How do i randomize between labels when button is pressed?

I'm pretty new to swift. The purpose of my app is to show different text on my labels when a button is pressed. I will have hundreds of labels so should i use some kind of a database. If so how can I randomize between these labels. Would be great if any of you could write that piece of code. I also need my app to remember the previous label, so that a user can go back when another button is pressed.
Here is how to generate a random number in Swift:
let rand = Int(arc4random_uniform(x))
This generates a random number between 0 and x-1.
Unfortunately, without a more detailed description and without your code, I can't answer anything more than that.
Create an array of all the possible labels, i.e.
let labels = ["Label1", "Label2", "Label3", "Label4"]
//add data to the labels
Use randomElement() on the labels array to get a randomLabel, i.e.
let randomLabel = labels.randomElement()
You can do create an Array with labels. For example:
let labels = ["Some Text","Some Text","Some Text"]
Then use randomElement() from labels array:
randomTextLabel.text = labels.randomElement()
You can also use json to store data. I dont know how, but you can always google!

Do I have to create a reference for each text I have in a panel, if I want to access them to modify?

I have a panel with 8 text field, 4 are used as descriptive field (what a label would do, basically), while the other 4 are modified with values.
I am creating a GameObject variable for every element that I have in the panel, using find to find the specific text element. I can leverage on the fact that each text object has only one text object attached to it, so I can address to it directly with GetComponent
panel_info = GameObject.Find("infopanel");
textfield1 = GameObject.Find("text_name");
textfield2 = GameObject.Find("text_age");
textfield3 = GameObject.Find("text_role");
textfield4 = GameObject.Find("text_field");
textfield1.GetComponent<Text>().text = "joe";
textfield2.GetComponent<Text>().text = "22";
textfield3.GetComponent<Text>().text = "striker";
textfield4.GetComponent<Text>().text = "attack";
While this works, I can't foresee myself creating 20-30 objects if a panel has more info to display.
Since I have the reference to the object Panel, is there a way to address directly the text field which is a child of the panel, using the text field name for example?
So if a panel has 4 text field, I can modify each of it addressing directly by name, and then using GetComponent<Text>().textto change the value.
You MUST NOT call GetComponent<Text>() each time you want to access/modify text.
This is an extremely basic fact about Unity.
It is immediately mentioned in the relevant manual entries.
Since you have 8 textbox and I don't know how long you update each one. It would be good if you cache all of them in the beginning of the game then use them later on without GetComponent<Text>(). This will improve performance a lot and make your frame-rate happy.
Array looks good for something like this. And you need to comment each one too.
public Text[] textBoxArray;
On the editor, Expand the "Text Box Array" and change the array Size to 8.
Now drag each GameObject with the text to the arrays in order. If you do it in order, you can easily remember their names and be able to access them in order.
For example, if the first text gameobecjt you dragged to the array is called text_name, the access it, you use textBoxArray[0]. The second text which is text_age can be accessed with textBoxArray[1]. .....
To make it easier for you later on, you should have multiple line comment that describes which array points to what.You do this so that when you return to modify your code months after, you won't have to look around in the Editor to find what points to what. For example:
textBoxArray[0] = text_name
textBoxArray[1] = text_age
textBoxArray[2] = text_role
textBoxArray[3] = text_field
No performance lost and that decreases the amount of code in your game.
Initializing the arrays by code instead of the Editor
Assuming you want to initialize the arrays by code instead of the Editor. You can do it in the start function like below.
public Text[] textBoxArray;
void Start()
//Create arrays of 8
textBoxArray = new Text[8]; //8 texts
//Cache all the Text GameObjects
textBoxArray[0] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_name").GetComponent<Text>();
textBoxArray[1] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_age").GetComponent<Text>();
textBoxArray[2] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_role").GetComponent<Text>();
textBoxArray[3] = GameObject.Find("/infopanel/text_field").GetComponent<Text>();
You should notice that GameObject.Find() starts with "/" and that increases performance too as it will only search for Texts under "infopanel" instead of searching in the whole scene.
Assuming that your hierarchy is setup that all your TextMeshes are children of the panel, you could use the Transform.Find method to get each child, then it's TextMesh, and assign a value.
So, for example, if you wanted to assign the value "Joe" to the TextMesh attached to "text_name", which in turn is a child of "infopanel", you could do the following
panel_info = GameObject.Find("infopanel");
panel_info.transform.Find("text_name").GetComponent<TextMesh>().text = "Joe";

create multiple sprites(nodes) with same texture swift

So i'm trying to make a game and i have to generate a row of nodes that accelerates upward. But every time if I add the node I get an error (because the node already has a parent) obviously I added Sprite.removeFromParent()
in the image you can kind of see what I'm trying to implement.
Anyway the blocks also have to register how many times they're touched.
To answer the question that is in the title:
Pretty simple, create an SKTexture and for each SKSpriteNode set the texture to that SKTexture. The code for that would look something like this:
// Create the texture
var boxTexture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "boxImage")
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
// Create box with defined texture
var box = SKSpriteNode(texture: boxTexture);
// Set position of box dynamically
box.position = CGPointMake(CGFloat(i * 20), CGFloat(512));
// Name for easier use (may need to change if you have multiple rows generated) = "box"+String(i);
// Add box to scene
The problem that you are having in your description appears to be that you are only creating one SKSpriteNode when you need multiple to go across the bottom. Simply use a for loop to create multiple, and add them all to the scene (basically, the same code from above). You may wish to give them all name properties in order to figure out which box is which later on (if you don't store them as global variables). Make sure to change around the naming if you have multiple rows of boxes moving at the same time.