Microservices: Ensure all the required kafka events are in place before beginning of enrichment - apache-kafka

I have a product and its complete information is obtained from various JSON messages. In a Microservices architecture, how can I ensure all the required events are in place before I begin the enrichment of the product Json?
Event for Product:
"eventType": {
"eventName": "product",
"createdBy": "systemUser"
"event": {
"id": "PRAD-DHR72",
"productName": "iPhone13",
"offerStartDate": "01152023",
"offerEndDate": "01152024",
"productPrice": [
"name": "STG-67925"
For Product Pricing:
"eventType": {
"eventName": "productPrice",
"createdBy": "systemUser"
"event": {
"name": "STG-67925",
"offerStartDate": "01152023",
"offerEndDate": "01152024",
"price": 23.54,
"discounts": {
"id": "EADg-HEFR87",
"name": "GHRD-TUFR7"
For Product Availability;
"eventType": {
"eventName": "availability",
"createdBy": "systemUser"
"event": {
"id": "AVD-DEA78",
"products": [
Enriched Product information:
productPrice is populated from the above event and isAvailable is set to true as the product is available in the availability event.
"id": "PRAD-DHR72",
"productName": "iPhone13",
"offerStartDate": "01152023",
"offerEndDate": "01152024",
"productPrice": [
"name": "STG-67925",
"offerStartDate": "01152023",
"offerEndDate": "01152024",
"price": 23.54,
"discounts": {
"id": "EADg-HEFR87",
"name": "GHRD-TUFR7"
"isAvailable": "true"
As one can observe, the enrichment can happen only when all the events are available. So how to I design a system where in I know all the events have been received and the enrichment can begin!!


Query nested object in mongodb without key

I have multiple documents saved which look like the one shown below, how would I query against a nested object without the ID to receive the right document?
Here is what I current, but this doesnt work, as I dont have the ID at the start.
"details.hardware.id": 5,
This is what ive tested and know works but I dont know the ID -
"100201.details.hardware.id": 5,
Document example -
"_id": {
"$oid": "6338b69062433c04642d26ca"
"100201": {
"broken": true,
"details": {
"build": {
"id": 1018458,
"hardware": {
"id": 5,
"model": {
"id": 131,
"id": 2811302,
"view": {
"id": 781,
"id": "100201",
"links": [
"details": {
"id": 7832,
"id": 15012,
"description": null,
"details": {
"id": 6528,
"model": {
"id": 530
"id": 15076,
"ref": false,
any help would be appreciated

Sending WhatsApp interactive message of list type fails when sent with image header

I am able to send interactive message with "button" type and 3 buttons with image header.
But sending interactive message with "list" type and same image header fails with error:
"meta": {
"api_status": "stable",
"version": "2.39.4"
"errors": [
"code": 1008,
"title": "Required parameter is missing",
"details": "Failed building interactive message. Invalid Header."
Is it possible that "list" interactive messages doesn't support "image" header without stating it in documentation?
Successful "button" interactive payload (image URL changed):
"to": "972000000000",
"type": "interactive",
"interactive": {
"body": {
"text": "Select a branch for the takeaway by writing the name/number"
"action": {
"buttons": [
"reply": {
"id": "MQ==",
"title": "1"
"type": "reply"
"reply": {
"id": "Mg==",
"title": "2"
"type": "reply"
"type": "button",
"header": {
"image": {
"link": "https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_light_color_272x92dp.png"
"type": "image"
Successful "button" interactive message result:
Failed "list" interactive payload (image URL changed):
"to": "972000000000",
"type": "interactive",
"interactive": {
"body": {
"text": "Select a branch for the takeaway by writing the name/number"
"action": {
"button": "Options",
"sections": [
"rows": [
"id": "MQ==",
"title": "1"
"id": "Mg==",
"title": "2"
"id": "Mw==",
"title": "3"
"id": "NA==",
"title": "4"
"id": "NQ==",
"title": "5"
"id": "Ng==",
"title": "6"
"id": "Nw==",
"title": "7"
"id": "OA==",
"title": "8"
"id": "OQ==",
"title": "9"
"id": "MTA=",
"title": "10"
"type": "list",
"header": {
"image": {
"link": "https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_light_color_272x92dp.png"
"type": "image"
Well, it does state it in the docs. I'm just blind:
Kinda weird though "image" header not supported for "list".

What is the reason fo this difference in Facebook messages webhook JSON scheme?

I'm reading the Facebook Send API and events docs, and I'm surprised to see some examples define the message at the top level of the JSON object hierarchy (here for "text message")
"text":"hello, world!",
"quick_reply": {
While others examples have a different object structure:
"id": "682498302938465",
"time": 1518479195594,
"messaging": [
"sender": {
"id": "<PSID>"
"recipient": {
"id": "<PAGE_ID>"
"timestamp": 1518479195308,
"message": {
"mid": "mid.$cAAJdkrCd2ORnva8ErFhjGm0X_Q_c",
"attachments": [
"type": "<image|video|audio|file>",
"payload": {
Here is seems like the object is the first example is instead contained in a messaging array. I can't find either what id corresponds to in this second example : there is no table detailing the fields on why the hierarchy is different here.
Finally, there is another example with a different structure:
"object": "page",
"entry": [
"id": "<PAGE_ID>",
"time": 1583173667623,
"messaging": [
"sender": {
"id": "<PSID>"
"recipient": {
"id": "<PAGE_ID>"
"timestamp": 1583173666767,
"message": {
"mid": "m_toDnmD...",
"text": "This is where I want to go: https:\/\/youtu.be\/bbo_fZAjIhg",
"attachments": [
"type": "fallback",
"payload": {
"url": "<ATTACHMENT_URL >",
"title": "TAHITI - Heaven on Earth"
Are these differences documented elsewhere? Why do they exist in the first place? Why is messaging an array? Can it contain multiple messages at once?

Loopback 3 get relation from embedded model

I'm using loopback 3 to build a backend with mongoDB.
So i have 3 models: Object, Attachment and AwsS3.
Object has a relation Embeds2Many to Attachment.
Attachment has a relation Many2One to AwsS3.
Objects look like that in mongoDB
"fieldA": "valueA1",
"attachments": [
"id": 1,
"awsS3Id": "1234"
"id": 2,
"awsS3Id": "1235"
"fieldA": "valueA2",
"attachments": [
"id": 4,
"awsS3Id": "1236"
"id": 5,
"awsS3Id": "1237"
AwsS3 looks like that in mongoDB
"id": "1",
"url": "abc.com/1"
"id": "2",
"url": "abc.com/2"
The question is: how can i get Objects included Attachment and AwsS3.url over the RestAPI?
I have try with the include and scope filter. But it didn't work. It look like, that this function is not implemented in loopback3, right? Here is what i tried over the GET request:
"filter": {
"include": {
"relation": "Attachment",
"scope": {
"include": {
"relation": "awsS3",
With this request i only got the Objects with Attachments without anything from AwsS3.
UPDATE for the relation definitons
The relation from Object to Attachment:
"Attachment": {
"type": "embedsMany",
"model": "Attachment",
"property": "attachments",
"options": {
"validate": true,
"forceId": false
The relation from Attachment to AwsS3
in attachment.json
"relations": {
"awsS3": {
"type": "belongsTo",
"model": "AwsS3",
"foreignKey": ""
in AwsS3.json
"relations": {
"attachments": {
"type": "hasMany",
"model": "Attachment",
"foreignKey": ""
Try this filter:
{ "filter": { "include": ["awsS3", "attachments"]}}}}

Domino 9.x calendar service create meeting

I have been following this guide to work on Domino 9.0.1
Domino Calendar services
I am using JSON and the POST command works but creates an appointment, what I want to do is create a meeting. I have tried setting other fields like event['x-lotus-appttype'].data or event.AppointmentType = 3 but I still get an appointment.
JSON I am sending
"events": [
"summary":"Meeting 1",
"location":"Location 1",
"start": {
"end": {
What is the correct JSON format to create a meeting ?
Take a look at the following documentation: Event with attendees represented in JSON format
EXAMPLE 4. Event with attendees and time zone array:
"x-lotus-charset": {
"data": "UTF-8"
"timezones": [
"tzid": "Eastern",
"standard": {
"start": {
"date": "1950-11-05",
"time": "02:00:00"
"offsetFrom": "-0400",
"offsetTo": "-0500",
"daylight": {
"start": {
"date": "1950-03-12",
"time": "02:00:00"
"offsetFrom": "-0500",
"offsetTo": "-0400",
"events": [
"href": "/mail/dlawson.nsf/api/calendar/events/DB7E0BAC21EC322A85257BD200756E26-Lotus_Notes_Generated",
"id": "DB7E0BAC21EC322A85257BD200756E26-Lotus_Notes_Generated",
"summary": "Staff meeting",
"location": "Ray's office",
"description": "Please email your status update 24 hours before the meeting.",
"start": {
"date": "2013-09-12",
"time": "09:00:00",
"tzid": "Eastern"
"end": {
"date": "2013-09-12",
"time": "10:00:00",
"tzid": "Eastern"
"class": "public",
"transparency": "opaque",
"sequence": 0,
"last-modified": "20130825T212457Z",
"attendees": [
"role": "chair",
"status": "accepted",
"rsvp": false,
"displayName": "Duke Lawson/Peaks",
"email": "DukeLawson#swg.usma.ibm.com"
"role": "req-participant",
"status": "needs-action",
"rsvp": true,
"displayName": "Dean Melnyk/Peaks",
"email": "DeanMelnyk#swg.usma.ibm.com"
"role": "req-participant",
"status": "needs-action",
"rsvp": true,
"displayName": "Raymond Chan/Peaks",
"email": "RaymondChan#swg.usma.ibm.com"
"organizer": {
"displayName": "Duke Lawson/Peaks",
"email": "DukeLawson#swg.usma.ibm.com"
"x-lotus-broadcast": {
"data": "FALSE"
"x-lotus-notesversion": {
"data": "2"
"x-lotus-appttype": {
"data": "3"
I hope this can help :)